hey guys hwo know the name of the manga in the first page ch 1 pls help me s'il vous plait ~_~ *_*
i think this couple in this manga it's different from the couple in the first photo in the Ch.1
i want to see thier child aaaaaa i want to see their chiiiiild pleaaaase aaaa why i m crying whyyyyy ;((((
Hhhhh me too asahbti ana hadi 3 ans o 7ta lhad l’instant mazala kan9ra lyaoi 24/24 o ana tawa7d l7adi sa3 ma3rfch lblan dyali soit mes amis awla la famille awla rr chi 7ed ghrib man9adch n9olhalo wahd l'habitude li liya bohdi o ma3ndich dik la conférence bach n9ol ana kanhbel 3la lyaoi o les couple gays ldarajat matswrich wlit kan7lem rasi dri o kan9ol makrahtch kon knt dri ooof ranu 3amra madich 3liya pcq ma3mrni mahdrt m3a bnt mn lmghrib 3ndha wahd l'interessé b lyaoi
woww its just like im talking to my soulmate me too rah imposta7il nhdar m3a chi7ad 3la yaoi na ca fait 2.5 ans but my first anime yaoi was 6 years ago mais ces 2 dernieres annees homa lingolik t3ama9t fihom mzyen as u said wlit kan9ra lyaoi 24/24 ta parfois matandholch linstag wndkhal n9rahom hhh smt i regret it some times idc mais tib9a wa7d l7aja rakfhamti hhhhh
Me too wlah ta fre7t mn the bottom of my heart o rta7it et en+ ana knt kan9ol rah hadchi 7ram rah ana wahd lpersonal freak but sf t9belt rasi o b9it kan9ol rah kolwahd o 3ando chihaja ghriba f7yato but the problem here that im soo tired so so tired mn tkhbya mn la famille mn bzaf d nas layl9aw achno kan9ra khasni nm7i l historique dyali nkhbu les manga li f drive youtube nm7i les videos ooof 3yut vraiment mlit and thanks for the listening ah ch7al f3mrek !!
lala ana daira lpass word lkolchi mais 7na fdar kolawa7d m7tarm privicy dial lakhor tawa7d matit7akam wla ybghi yt7akam ftelf diali maytjar2och hhh problemm tib9a les bff diawli ana tanchof lihom tel dialhom mais homa tjrs dayralihom chi7aja wla tanlahihom afin bach ynssaw wmaydakhloch lih mais ana 3arfa anahom 3arfini mkhbya chi 7aja mais matidaghdoch 3liya bach ngolihom hhhh im just like a too normal17 girl from the outside but deeep in me lah li3almbiya et tt?
Im 21 ans a normal girl too kan9ra la license f reseaux f la FaQ larache o lprob ano baba myet o lwalida dyali o khoya lkbir kaykhafo bzaf kay9olo had lwa9t khyabt o drari kayl3bo f39ol lbnat o ntswr 3ryana o ziid ...etc o kay9lbo tel machi tjr ms b3d lmrat par ex ghankon galsa ghadoz mama bnti 3tini tel nchof chihaja f google o bzaaf dyal les causes ya3ni 3la ghfla kankhaaf ma3arfach lreaction li ghatkon 3ndhom o lprob wlah makandir chihaja a coté lyaoi madertch relation hadi 3am lhtimam bdrari wla 0%. 3ndi o l ex dyali tfar9t m3ah 1 ans ya3ni ljins dakari ma3ndi m3ah ta3ala9a rr les amis dl9raya o machi chi haadra rr f domaine dl9raya.o l ex dyali tfar9t m3ah a cause mab9itch la9yalih lwa9t ana khsnu nched l9ont o n9ra lyaoi makanchb3ch o rr kandy3o donc sf salut m3ah et c ça ma vie hhhhh 3alm bina rr rbi
d7aktini wlh khossossan flahar b7ala tathadri 3liya matib9ch lgana tabach tjawbiwla tchadi lkhatr lchiwa7d wlh ta ana b7alk we live in weird society so it normal tobeanormal hhhh db parfois kaininchi bnat qui sont vraiment ouvert a meme le dire a ces parents wlmochkin anaho ca ce sent que cest qqlqe est normal pour eux ana lidee tjini tgolhalihom matjinich coz they wont understand even if explain it chi7aja wlat ktar min 3adiya 3andi btw if you want lets talk in insta if you dont want to expose your identity its ok coz me too i have an average acount represnt my good me
M7yda tout les comptes mkhlya rr WhatsApp a cause malin dar o merci beaucoup lmangago likhlana n3awdo hamna hhhhjablah tsejelt fih had l3am knt kandkholih bla compte lhmdulah kon rani ga3ma hdrt m3ak wkha kanhder m3a nas anglaises ms makatjuch fhal bnt bladk li3aycha nfs la position dyalk et merci bzaaf bzaaf
khlitini n7ass bha les beaumots liglti to feel unique and special tnx a lot coz tanti rak unique wtwa7d mab7alk unfortenetlly ma3dakch lchi contes kon zdna hdarna wfajina 3la hmna its ok ah bghit nssawlak cetais qoi ton 1er yaoi 7it u knoww dayman tib9a 3ziz wkha t3awdih bzaff lmarat and you will remain always as best souvenr i ever get and know
ma 1er yaoi c sabita yoru demo l9ito bsodfa knt kan9lb 3la chi anime o ana nti7 fih jani lfdol glt ara n9ra had type achno khasra o bach 9rito bghut nhbeel 3jbni o m3a hya awel manga ndkhol buha lhad le monde dyal lyaoi dri m3a dri jatni lromantic dyalhom zayda b bzaaf 3la straight b9it ghada o kandhak rr bohdi 7tach dak emotion bach knt kan9ra ma3mrni f7yatii mahsit bih f chkel wkha jarbt bzaf dl7wayj ms bach knt kan9ra lyaoi tert fsma hhhhh wlah bzaaf
me tooo ghahiya ana first tfarajt ofc ghanfkar ana hadchi fchkall mais 3jboni just like i can feel that theres some true love right there feeling that they really in love not like those straight one yeaah atfirst i used to like it ofc what a teen woule like hhhhhh qnd then i found this other side of the world kant tantfraj fihom fyoutube hadakchi kanmagata3 so makantch tan7mal yb9a hakchi m9ata3 alors grace a insta and just by chance i came across a yaoi fan acount then i found abt manga go cetait un plaisir et comme je lai nomme la 1er fois heaven in eart yeh i know its not but it was for me rah bzff hadknhar ch7a fra7t hhhhhh
mrc atoi aussi de me donner lhonneur davoir cette conversation .j t oublierais jamais ylh thalay frassk wla bghiti ay recomendatinon hani hna rani 9arya ktar min 500 manga/manhwa mhm hhh see in another chance wlh ta na hmd 9rina min sghor l eng ±les films hh ima rah ga3ma nkono hna btw my name is fatine.hb and nice to meet u again
What's the difference between an omega and dominant omega ??!
different pheromones maybe ?
eeh okay "-""-""-"
Dominant Omega pheromones are so strong that they even affect Beta's. Their "heats" are much harder to control with medication, and are much harder on the Omega's themselves. I don't know if there are any other differences.
ohhhh(⊙…⊙ )
Thanks for the explication
Apart from stronger pheromone they are also more manly as a result are most times thought to be alpha
yes it's like you explained thank uuu *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*<3
My pleasure
Where are you from??
your language now it's Finnish plus your English language now it's good so keep learning and good luck baby