i read it and i get it,but i hate reading the comments where they said if it happened in real life. love is love and you can't help it. but you can chose weather you want or not. if he hadn't met his father and went back in time would you still think it was gross. and to call something gross is when you can't accept yourself and the things around you. it ugly.

I'm confused you say "don't like it, don't read it" so i don't read and now it's "you didn't read? ugh so childish" The bottom line is i don't agree with incest. therefor i'm not reading it because it makes me want to vomit. The only reason i'm here is because i heard someone talking about it and i didn't know it was a father x son relationship. I'm just glad this is for the most part considered gross.

what i mean is its kinda childish when u send hate comment from the thing that u even not reads, and its just like im not agree with killing people and anything like that, then i can't read book about serial killer because killing people is wrong? not right? because its just fiction.. or i must send hate comment in book or film that about killer? because i dont like it, not right because its so childish.. and yeah i said thing like if dont like then dont read, because there still so many people like you, who dont like the genre and still read it and send hate comment because u hate that genre..

If a book romanticises killing i still have a problem with it yes. If a book romanticises rape i still have a problem with it yes. If a book romanticises pedos i still have a problem with it yes. If a book romanticises incest i still have a problem with it yes. I'm fine with dark topics but when people see this and it is shown as okay and normal that's gross. Would you have sex with your father? If the answer is yes there are places and therapy to help you.

lolll its just a fiction yea i dont mind to people who dont like that kind of things because all people must have a thing they like and dont like, but i dont like to people who write a bad comments even without read it, and tbh i have no father in the first place lol, and even i do have why i must do that lol, just because i read incest? im not like you who cant distinguish real life and fiction lolll, my question is.. and then u must be okay with film that about killing people, genoside or torture right because u dont said that in your list?? then would you kill the people?? because you seems okay with that genre.. and then you think everyone who watch saw, chucky, or texas chainsaw is need therapy? millions people need therapy then

She’s trying to say that it’s important to differentiate between fiction and reality. So if one likes things in fiction it doesn’t mean they also like it in real life. It sucks to always have to read comments like "ugh incest is soo gross, imagine this was real life" bc obviously this is not real life and tbh if you don’t like incest, it’s ok. Please just don’t spread hate bc there are people who do like it in fiction.
But it seems like some people think that whoever likes these things in fiction, would also like them in real life. And this just doesn’t make sense. Because if you like the Joker or Deadpool in the movie, it doesn’t automatically mean that you’d also date a killer in real life. That kind of common sense should also be applied to to mangas.
(btw this manga doesn’t romanticize incest - it’s annoying to have someone accuse a book/manga of something that’s not even true)

Sorry for the rant but you know what truly disgusts me? People who think they own the truth and try to force their flawed morals onto other people but in fact are prejudiced hypocrites. I mean, what even is the point of commenting on someone’s ability to speak a second language? Because I’m sure if you tried to talk to her in her own language it would go so much better, right??? It really pisses me off when english-speaking people get so entitled that they just throw comments like that without a second thought. Maybe make an effort to understand? Like we made an effort to learn a whole new language? Or just shut up already.

That’s obviously not what you said lol just don’t comment on people’s communication skills. Bc if you can’t see the problem and how entitled you seem it’s not worth explaining... casual comments like that can discourage people from wanting to learn, are completely unnecessary and don’t add anything to a discussion ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

It's clear your first language isn't English and i think something has been lost in translation (literally saying their English isn't the best and they have miss communicated something) because i have no clue what you are trying to say at this point... (literally saying i have no clue what the arguments about anymore ) That's obviously what i said. Whether you like it or not their English was broken so we couldn't understand each other lmao (︶︿︶)=凸 i'm going to leave this here and hope you can at least understand that message.

Look I get that you don't like incest, okay that's your opinion it's okay but the way you say it was what made me uncomfortable
I know you have a sense of justice, but maybe just maybe you should try to look in another point of view, rather than seeing the theme as a "moral problem in real life" try looking at this as an art with a story to tell. These stuffs can have a certain value and beauty when you try to view them in another light.
And well, since you haven't read the story yet it seemed that you were trying to politicize the topic which honestly is a bit disturbing even in a forum..

Lol you missed the whole point. English might be your first language but you clearly suck at text interpretation. If you don’t wanna make an effort to try and understand bc ‘their English was broken’ or whatever than is better to shut up because dismissing what someone says bc of the way they write makes you look like an entitled asshole. It wasn’t even that hard to understand. Your morals suck bc you judge other people based on their tastes in fiction but you are incapable of being a decent human being in first place. Is better for you to just leave it alright.