Lmao the only thing i gained from all this shebang is that a lot of the biggest mouths here are just plain haters who's looking for a reason to be nasty ¯_(ツ)_/¯ admit it, i don't think you guys even read either titles (or you're dumb, hot-blooded and easily manipulated fanatics who don't even know to verify the facts before spreading it like gospel, choose), you're just shitty human specimens who jump on the first so-called "righteous cause" you could find and gleefully use that as an excuse to spread hate and bully others to feel superior. EW live like ppl guys, our ancestors did not go thru the pain of evolving brains just for you to speak like your mouth is connected to your a-hole like a goddamn bacteria. Absolutely ludicrous
Literally screaming to everyone passing by who's just minding their own business "you r definitely a despicable thieving bitch because you obviously stole my money seeing there's money in your purse; and because I say this, it means that this is the one and only indisputable truth" like the supreme court is mandating u or some shit. Like??? just only basing all your "proof" on one (1) friggin post (that's not even from the official author(s) mind u) floating around with badly mashed together low quality comparison images is already nonsensical in and of itself, i can't even @@ it would be a much different story if y'all jump on this bandwagon and inform ppl after there's been actual confirmed news from official sources (like that shoujou manhwa artist who traced and was actually replaced) but noooooo. what if i just go on twt tmr and say elon musk is a shoplifter cuz look i have a receipt huh? now what if i do that huh?