I remember years ago watching on youtube uploads and screenshots of a story of this girl who was reincarnated as a baby girl, with 3 older brothers (who she find very annoying), and her mom & dad. Her brothers are all princes, and she's a princess. I remember that she teaches the youngest one (whos very annoying) to fetch like a dog. She writes early, and is very intelligent. She has gorgeous black/dark purplish hair & her best friend is this really pretty girl with blonde hair. Anyways, we watch as the main character grows & gets sent to school and how she gains the love of her father. Plus, at school this one guy was being weird with her & was trying to get with her for the wrong reasons. But her friend tells her about it or something? And they figure it out.
Some other random facts I remember:
There's like magic involved?? I think
Her older brother often has to leave home for political prince duties
There was a museum scene
At the beginning, she would curse & hit her father as a baby
The older brother is kind & sweet (dark blue hair), the middle brother is very serious (black hair) and the youngest is energetic & mischievous (brownish redish hair)
And! I remember this one scene when she was little - where a group of other princesses tried to intimidate her but she knew all their names, and avoided being ridiculed & getting tea spilled on her.
And there's soo many chapters like 150+