I like it but I don't think it is finished yet. Please let there be more about them...
Lol there's more, thankfully. Volume 2 is in the works. Currently, chapters
6 and 7 are out in Japan, with chapter 8 coming out on May 29. You can find a preview of the raws here:
Where can I find the lists everybody has? Because I was looking for new lists that I want to follow
When you click on a manga and go to the page of itx you see these from top to the bottom
Manga's name
Latest chapters of it
Photos about that manga
Author's other works
"Recommended lists"
Top tags
People also like
(Second way is going someone's profile and looking at their lists.)
So if you want an action list, you need to click on a action manga and look at the recommended lists on its page.
That's the way i know
But of course this is easier
So many lies and many more lies...
But in the end the had a roller-coaster time.