Namjunette want to do ( All 1 )

get a tattoo

Namjunette's experience ( All 0 )

Namjunette's answer ( All 5 )

Hi! I just wanted to say two things that could seem very cliché but sound right to me: first, I felt the same way about sex in real life and sex in literature and cinema, because I tended (and still quite do) to be afraid of what men really thought and as I was very insecure about my own body, I couldn't imagine that someone would really want it ......   1 reply
31 01,2021
gemini!   2 reply
29 12,2020
I just wanna spit some things out ; like I dunno where am I, I kinda love me & my life but sometimes I'm just so scared like what if something horrible happens tomorrow, what if I fail everything, what if I die before achieving any of my purposes ; and like am I not worth to be loved by the people I love, and will I be able to find someone who care......   1 reply
09 08,2020
that's quite funny bc I see that a majority came to manga after watching anime, while that's no my case at all. I began to read manga bc my older brother had the whole Dragon Ball Z series in his room ; I think I was around ten years old, it may have been around 2013 if I remember well   reply
05 08,2020

Namjunette's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did drawing

started my 8th sketchbook and finally drew something I’m proud of for the first time in three months. I fucking hate my old sketchbook

3 hours
did done with existing

I'm taking a break. I'll miss u guys!

7 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

Yeah I knew it I been through it Oh god Can you make my heart stop Hit me with your kill shot baby I mean it so serious

10 hours