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QueanKatt October 17, 2020 4:53 am

I think you guys are missing the point....
Senianna, before, was a disgrace to the family. As a noble there were certain things she had to be capable of. At one point she says here grandfather taught he not to let people disrespect her, and to put them in their place if they did. This is clearly a world where nobles have to be able to stand on the own as very capable individuals, with Senianna’s house hold holding everyone to an even higher standard than most. A pitiful, depressed girl who never stood up for herself and would even bring great shame upon the family by committing suicide would be a lost cause. It’s not that they don’t love her, it’s that they had given hope on her ever bettering herself. Why put effort into someone who has clearly give up hope and wants to die? At least, that’s how they see it.

    Me_N_Life69 October 17, 2020 5:00 am

    and this ruined the story for me

    fujishima afira October 17, 2020 7:34 am

    How funny when a child wanting an affection,, they gave them a burden and stress instead .. No wonder she want to die

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