Someone plz pick it up! I wanna read this more so bad! Update plz!
Heres the link!걷지-않는-다리
i respect the translator's decision but unfortunately at on ep a week, with lezhin only up to 11 rn. it'll be another 6 weeks before it even catches up to 17 let alone 18 lol. surprised she didnt stop translating sooner then. ah well, there's always the raws to gander at. not like there's that much deep story ur missing out on without the translation lol.
btw if u guys get a lezhin account even if u dont want to spend money u can get some free coins to spend on, legs that cant walk, this week. if anyone wants to.
Chapter 57 was incomplete, no?
yes i think they forgot about it hahahahahh
No they updated it, u can go read it now~~
Thank you for informing.