IAppreciateThatBro's experience ( All 0 )

IAppreciateThatBro's answer ( All 1 )

Did you know? Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a pregnancy condition affecting identical twins. Basically, the twins share one placenta (womb/sac where the fetus develops). Here, one of the twins grows much, much bigger than the other because they get more nutrients and oxygen while in the womb, resulting in their twin becoming less dev......   1 reply
04 01,2021

IAppreciateThatBro's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did question

I question everything... Its not u mean? Like i care...
Just.. I QUESTION EVERYTHING MOM- im gonna survive haha
(just bored)

3 hours
did confess to your crush

:) she's so pretty guys

4 hours
did confess to your crush

worst thing possible because i set him up with another girl since i was too insecure thinking he wouldn’t like me, they’re together now

7 hours