I think we all know that Jowoon and Haesoo deserve to be together. They grew up together and consoled each other whether it was healthy or not. Even if they would go different paths their hearts would still ache for each other. Haesoo would never be happy with Taku but Taku is happy with Haesoo. But that is not a reason why Haesoo should be staying with Taku. He would just hurt him more and more. I'm quit satiesfied that Haesoo made up with his heart but I'm really nervous about Takus reaction. But he is a realistic man and will understand why Haesoo choose Jowoon. So this story will just feel fullfilling if Taku also finds his own happiness. Whether it is a boy or a girl. But Taku deserves someone bcs he helped all of them to understand their happiness besides himself

am I the only one that the comment are rude which say that Jihwah just needs a dick? I'm not saying that he is in the right but i can understand why he has lost his mind. We can see that Seungho shows signs of mental disorders bcs of the therapies the went through. But we have to remember that Jihnwah went through the same and most importantly, he went through hell with Seungho. Therefore, i can understand him feeling entitled. Feeling that he should deserve Seugnho bcs they were there for each other. So I think Seugnho should speak. Speak to him that he doesn't love him. He should show him that it would break him, if Jinhwah would kill Nakyum.

omg totally! I thought often that it would be prefect for Nakyum just to run away and get a cute farmer boy bcs if we think rationally a relationship between Seugnho und Nakyum wouldnt work on the long tun. But this is a manga. The author can change reality what she will likely do. I just hope that Seugnho, Nakyum AND Jihnwah will be happy without demageing each other
We need more switches in stories bcs fuck this is way more interesting
thats what ive been sayingggg