ReviewRaptor March 17, 2025 9:50 pm

Why is it that the faces look seemingly effort-packed and the hands, arms and SO many parts of the clothes are lazy, barely fitting into the style, props made with 3D?

I get taking shortcuts here and there, but the level of laziness in not putting in the effort to blend it into one another is getting on my nerves tbh.
The middle panels of this comic strip show exactly what I mean:

It's as if the artist thinks people will only pay attention to the faces and that's all that matters. XD

ReviewRaptor March 17, 2025 2:34 am

The writing irks me.
They said the dragons can only concieve with true love, yet then they say that society for dragons is utterly sexist and kids naturally don't need to give a shit about their fathers.
None of that adds up when it comes to world building. It's stupid, if anything.
Not sure if this is a translation mishap, but as it reads here it's really idiotic to throw these two things into the same world. Or at least the same dragon clan. If it was a different clan then it could be made to make sense, but not like this.

People gotta stop blaming the father when all of what is currently happening is entirely the mothers fault. And for absolutely ZERO good reason as well.
She's a hundred times worse than the father.

The father's behavior is at least understandable considering he has no emotions and acts accordingly AND views her as a threat because people have sent kids to make use of him or hurt him before. The mother's actions have no excuse. No good, sensical ones anyway. Dooming her child to be raised by racist bitches who treat her worse than a stray dog, ensuring her supposed loved one gets incredibly hurt AND the father and daughter cannot be with each other after the curse does it's thing. Everything was NOT needed to happen.
The father's behavior has an excuse/reason, her's doesn't. And I doubt the author can magically pull one out of their ass that would justify it all. But I guess we'll see about that. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

ReviewRaptor March 16, 2025 12:51 am

Sadly not a great way of writing this.

He got traumatized and showed symptoms of it, so i had hopes this author knew what they were doing. But making him act like a sassy brat who can tattle on him for stealing a cookie when it's about killing a person is NOT a sensical way to go about this. Author-nim should have done a better job working these psychological issues into the story instead of just using them as a gimmick for a short moment, then discard them for funny-haha moments when they feel like it. :/

I suppose people who don't care about happenstances being used correctly and naturally will not care, but anyone like me who actually wants a story to make sense and feel immersive will likely be bothered by this lackluster use of trauma.

Kinda sad, but I hope the writing will get better.

ReviewRaptor March 15, 2025 7:53 pm

Okay, not sure about the original sentence but I hope we are all aware that "Wanna sleep with me?" could just be him being his naive self literally asking if they could sleep next to each other instead of bonking. XD

Given his personality so far, I am actually expecting that rather than him just randomly saying: Let's fuck.

Would also give way to an awkwardness arc and Guwon figuring out Teach's romantic interest.

    haha11 March 15, 2025 8:38 pm

    100% i Hope he also teaches him consent and stuff

    Randomfujoshi March 15, 2025 9:32 pm

    I was thinking the same thing as well! But then teach reached out and looks like about to kiss him, but then knowing his level of knowledge, sleeping with teach might also mean s*x with him, like U know how kids can be gullible and believe something mean different..? Guwon is giving that vibe, ya know what I mean?

    Peek March 15, 2025 9:54 pm
    100% i Hope he also teaches him consent and stuff haha11

    OMGG bro he's grooming him

    haha11 March 16, 2025 12:55 am
    OMGG bro he's grooming him Peek

    Oh gosh please no. It's one of the rare BL without non con...until now there isn't even dubcon

    Peek March 16, 2025 7:57 pm
    Oh gosh please no. It's one of the rare BL without non con...until now there isn't even dubcon haha11

    Sorry bro, we shoulda known it was to good to be true if u haven't u should read guildmate. Fair warning it ain't for the weak, the second hand embaessment is powerful

    Randomfujoshi March 16, 2025 11:55 pm
    Sorry bro, we shoulda known it was to good to be true if u haven't u should read guildmate. Fair warning it ain't for the weak, the second hand embaessment is powerful Peek

    Is the name just guildmate?? I searched it up and it's just showing my guildmate next door..?

    ReviewRaptor March 17, 2025 2:36 am
    OMGG bro he's grooming him Peek

    Grooming is something entirely different. XD

    Peek March 17, 2025 1:45 pm
    Grooming is something entirely different. XD ReviewRaptor

    It's were someones actions or behavior make an emotion connection w a vulnerable person, how's it different bro

    Peek March 17, 2025 1:47 pm
    Is the name just guildmate?? I searched it up and it's just showing my guildmate next door..? Randomfujoshi

    Oh yeah sorry, its guildmate next door. I kinda forgot the full name, I juss call it guildmate ToT. I'm warning u tho bro, the second hand embarrassment goes hard

    ReviewRaptor March 17, 2025 7:34 pm
    It's were someones actions or behavior make an emotion connection w a vulnerable person, how's it different bro Peek

    That is NOT the definition of grooming.

    "Grooming: the practice of preparing or training someone for a particular purpose or activity."

    That and brushing, cleaning or such are the ONLY meanings of this word.
    Not sure where you got yours from, but it's inaccurate and should not be used that way as it waters down this serious term in this context.

    Peek March 18, 2025 12:36 am
    That is NOT the definition of grooming."Grooming: the practice of preparing or training someone for a particular purpose or activity."That and brushing, cleaning or such are the ONLY meanings of this word.Not s... ReviewRaptor

    Now search up the definition of "sexual grooming " instead of yappin when u don't know what ur talking about bud

    ReviewRaptor March 18, 2025 1:48 am
    Now search up the definition of "sexual grooming " instead of yappin when u don't know what ur talking about bud Peek

    If people talk about grooming, it IS generally sexual in nature and you even implied that. So I'm not sure why you feel the need to repeat that. Which my snippet of text was about as well. Tho the words 'purpose or actiivity' is vague and fits both the job-type grooming AND the sexual grooming.
    People generally rarely use grooming for the purpose of leadership, but none of that applied to the conversations context you started nor would it make sense for the story situation anyway. The context you used the word in only means one type of grooming. But your definition is not quite applicable to the characters' situation. We are talking about a grown man that is simply a little stupid, not a naive child mentally speaking and he is by no means vulnerable (the comic made that very clear by portraying him as he is). Nor does the teacher have the goals of grooming him to have sex with him. Hence why we shouldn't use that severe word.

ReviewRaptor March 13, 2025 5:10 pm

Just saw this will be getting an anime in season Spring 2025.
It says Special, but still. XD

Time to read this~

    Waka waka March 13, 2025 5:14 pm

    Seriously ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    ReviewRaptor March 13, 2025 5:20 pm
    Seriously ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Waka waka

    Just scrolled through the seasonal stuff on MyAnimeList for the upcoming season, they had it listed under Special.
    If We're lucky it might even get a full anime? Would definitely be nice. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Waka waka March 13, 2025 5:35 pm
    Just scrolled through the seasonal stuff on MyAnimeList for the upcoming season, they had it listed under Special.If We're lucky it might even get a full anime? Would definitely be nice. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ ReviewRaptor

    Yes yes (≧∀≦)
    Thanks for the good news

    JustBeingMyself March 13, 2025 7:27 pm

    I just saw that the release date is: Apr 6, 2025. Only 1 episode.

    ReviewRaptor March 13, 2025 7:36 pm
    I just saw that the release date is: Apr 6, 2025. Only 1 episode. JustBeingMyself

    Yeah, specials are usually a 1 or 2 episode thing.

    Since it's not an OVA/ONA tho, it could mean we might get an anime.

    JustBeingMyself March 14, 2025 7:08 am
    Yeah, specials are usually a 1 or 2 episode thing.Since it's not an OVA/ONA tho, it could mean we might get an anime. ReviewRaptor

    Hope so

ReviewRaptor March 12, 2025 11:26 pm

"I've got everything under control."

His character might not be getting any developement, but his delusions sure make steady progress.

    Roselei March 12, 2025 11:27 pm

    right? the delusions are strong in this one. cannot wait until his reality comes crashing down

    ReviewRaptor March 12, 2025 11:33 pm
    right? the delusions are strong in this one. cannot wait until his reality comes crashing down Roselei

    If we make some delusion olympics, he might win the gold medal.

ReviewRaptor March 10, 2025 11:11 pm

Okay, as hot as that was, I cannot stop laughing at the thought of Shin wearing sneakers with slick, profile-less soles:

Like, bitch. ONE single drop of rain on the stairs and your ass would go flying. My mind cannot stop being bothered by this. I don't know why tho. XD

ReviewRaptor March 10, 2025 11:22 am

Just was reminded I had to catch up on chapters here so lemme just say this:

It's getting a bit on my nerves to see JJs character jump from those hint-type denial moments in which it SEEMS like he realized his feelings for Dan back to him beign a total fuckwit that's not aware of basic human emotions like NOT finding it pleasant to get screwed by someone that has treated you like dogshit.
I wish the author would finally PICK something to go with.

I was also hoping we FINALLY get the start of JJs character developement in chapter 64, because Dan's words as he left and JJs expressions seemed to indicate that Dan's words had quite the heavy hit to them. But then chapter 65 starts and POOF, nothing at all settled into his dumbfuckerish head and he's back to being the usual jackass.

I'm tired of these things. So tired.
At this point I'm honestly contemplating writing up a fanfiction that does a better job than this. Just to get some sorta satisfactory developements. ╥﹏╥

The only thing that makes me truly happy is seeing Dan actually be done with JJs shit. That's a really great developement and I hope it's not magically undone by Granny leaving the cast and JJs patting his head for a minute. (I swear I will punch a european wall if this happens.)

    infermiterol March 10, 2025 6:20 pm

    i would read tf outta that fanfic honestly ANYTHING is better than mingwa's plot

    ReviewRaptor March 10, 2025 6:45 pm
    i would read tf outta that fanfic honestly ANYTHING is better than mingwa's plot infermiterol

    I might actually do it in the future then. Given so many great examples out there, I at least know what NOT to do when I write it.

    Sassyindeed March 12, 2025 9:07 am
    i would read tf outta that fanfic honestly ANYTHING is better than mingwa's plot infermiterol

    This is honesty so disrespectful to the author. Oh my god this is so basic, might as well get into it.

    Why do you people keep reading this if you don't like it? Just stop. It's that simple.
    Reading this and complaining is pretty bipolar and shows that you have TOO much time on your hands.
    If you don't fw the author then save some of your braincells. I think you have a very limited amount of braincells, so save them. Yapping about how "ANYTHINH is better than mingwa's plot" is rich coming from a person who can't achieve 0.5% of the things mingwa's achieved. Art of this quality doesn't grow on trees.

    ReviewRaptor March 12, 2025 10:45 pm
    This is honesty so disrespectful to the author. Oh my god this is so basic, might as well get into it. Why do you people keep reading this if you don't like it? Just stop. It's that simple. Reading this and com... Sassyindeed

    There is nothing disrespectful about having a better idea for a plot that has alot of issues. And even less so making a fanfic about it. Even official authors do this (of other official authors or even their OWN works). So I have no idea how you come up with that nonsense.
    Calling people stupid simply because they don't praise something you like to the heavens IS however disrespectful. Very much so actually. :)

    Please stop using words that you don't know how to use correctly. Bi-polar has a set meaning, which does not apply to any of this.

    Also: "Yapping about how "ANYTHINH is better than mingwa's plot" is rich coming from a person who can't achieve 0.5% of the things mingwa's achieved. Art of this quality doesn't grow on trees."
    Is probably the dumbest thing you could possibly say. Especially when the writing of the story and the art have nothing to do with one another in the end of judging a story as a whole.
    Saying a comic is good and cannot be written better just because the art is top tier is a really stupid take and shows you do not understand what skills are required for success or for voicing critique or critique-driven opinions.
    There are dozens of people out there with better stories than Mingwa, yet because their art sucks nobody cares about their works. Art and writing are two completely different subjects.

    If you think a comic is perfect just because of good art, you probably shouldn't judge people who actually consider the WRITING of the story. The entire community is well aware of how many good artists make comics with absolutely ass plotlines. Especially webtoon smut comics.

    And no, just because people do not like a story doesn't mean they automatically need to stop reading. Not everybody needs to be that immature. There are people capable of reading/watching something they do not 100%ly agree with and NOT get their panties in a twist like a toddler not getting a cookie.
    And I think I made it quite clear that I do not hate the story entirely, I doubt half the readers who dislike it hate the story fully, it's just making alot of obnoxious mistakes all the time instead of making progress. And that is something NOBODY is free of. Not the writer of Bleach, not Mingwa, not the writers of Lord of the Rings. MANY people with success make mistakes and many people without success can have good or better ideas for some scenarios. Even if you do not like that fact. Being an official figure means nothing, because some people simply do not persue the same career.

    Sassyindeed March 13, 2025 6:35 am
    There is nothing disrespectful about having a better idea for a plot that has alot of issues. And even less so making a fanfic about it. Even official authors do this (of other official authors or even their OW... ReviewRaptor

    You writing a whole ass essay shows that you do have your panties in a twist, but whatever floats your boat man. It's not like I don't read fanfics, cause I do. I've read countless Jinx fanfics as well. But those authors always mentioned a sentence 'No disrespect to the original author'. You can dislike or not agree on a story without being disrespectful to the original author.

    Sassyindeed March 13, 2025 6:36 am
    There is nothing disrespectful about having a better idea for a plot that has alot of issues. And even less so making a fanfic about it. Even official authors do this (of other official authors or even their OW... ReviewRaptor

    Plus, I wasn't replying to you, I was replying to the other person who I thought was disrespectful to mingwa

    ReviewRaptor March 13, 2025 9:03 am
    You writing a whole ass essay shows that you do have your panties in a twist, but whatever floats your boat man. It's not like I don't read fanfics, cause I do. I've read countless Jinx fanfics as well. But tho... Sassyindeed

    Ah, so you're one of those who thinks a detailed explaination is someone being upset. How very mature, adult and civilized of you.

    You talking about being respectful is honestly ironic when you cannot abide by your own rules after reading a sentence that boils down to "I would read a fanfic with a better plot than this story actually has.".
    The writing is mediocre at best, it's only the art that saves this story from being disliked.

    I replied because my comment is essentially indicating the same opinion, just with more words and details. Mentioning positive and negative things alike.

    If you don't want lengthy replies, then maybe you shouldn't start arguements. Especially not ones in which you post strange, rude or unapplicable things. They WILL be adressed by people who can actually focus on a discussion more than 10 seconds.

    Sassyindeed March 13, 2025 5:05 pm
    Ah, so you're one of those who thinks a detailed explaination is someone being upset. How very mature, adult and civilized of you. You talking about being respectful is honestly ironic when you cannot abide by ... ReviewRaptor

    You have TOO much time in your hands. Others might not.

    ReviewRaptor March 13, 2025 5:22 pm
    You have TOO much time in your hands. Others might not. Sassyindeed

    Reading one single chapter of any comic on this website takes MUCH longer than reading multiple of my posts.
    If you have the attention span of a goldfish, that's not other people's problem. It's a you-problem. Especially if this is your response to anything after YOU started this arguement.

    Just stop commenting and complaining if you don't want a conversation. Simple as that.

ReviewRaptor March 10, 2025 5:56 am

The writing is about what i expect from a smut comic, barely strings a scenario together to get to the fucking.

Art isn't appealing either since it's often wonky and inconsistent. And the goddamn trend of using any-resolution-3D 'stocks' for the backgrounds is not helping this whole thing either.

Has no appeal to me whatsoever, but maybe it floats your boat. Especially if you're just looking for fap material I suppose. ╮( ̄へ ̄)╭

ReviewRaptor March 10, 2025 2:27 am

That's what i get for not reading the tags, looking at the cover and counting 2 and 2 together. :D

Cya. I gotta go have a drink and watch puppy videos to cleanse my shit-infested eyes after this.

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