ReviewRaptor February 1, 2025 9:39 am

I have a medium kink for this setup of a scenario, but this story honestly does a shit job with it. It's just unappealing tbh.

I know what the author wanted to go for but it doesn't work for me. This is just the dumbest, most basic porn plot taken and acting as if it's deep, detailed and good. Which it isn't. XD

It's not just the base scenario that is unappealing and causing an issue, it's either the translation or the writing itself. The unofficial was a shitfest that had ZERO to do with the actual dialogue but even the official translation doesn't make sense in the earliest chapters, going back and forth, contradiction what was previously said, etc..

The beginning of the story is lacklusterly written and completely half-assed which immediately makes me uninterested in giving this more of a chance. It's like a movie posting a shitty trailer online; ain't gonna go to the cinema to watch it.

I know what the idea was, but the execution didn't work for me at all.
This might be a good read for people who do not care about a good setup and intro to a story, just looking for jerk off material, but this doesn't do anything for me other than create annoyance. So I'm out.

Sad to see that we finally get a military-type setting and the writing just ruins it. I'm starved for military setups, so this is quite the disappointment. :(

    Mimiru February 2, 2025 8:26 pm

    did you want a fluffy story instead?

    ReviewRaptor February 2, 2025 8:33 pm
    did you want a fluffy story instead? Mimiru

    Not sure what that has to do with my post, but I think the first sentence answers your question if you bother re-reading it.

    Not liking nonsensical, half-assed porn rape plot introductions doesn't mean people only want fluff.
    I keep being impressed by how some people make that weird connection after some mental gymnastics (especially when I mention having a non-con type kink in my post).

    Mimiru February 2, 2025 9:11 pm

    cool was just a normal question. I was hinestly interested and how you would have liked the story to be....but thanks for insulting my brain cells, made my day.

    Mimiru February 2, 2025 9:22 pm

    no offense btw...make love, not war. hope you find peace in your mind. <3 (no matter triggered your rage in my question, wasn't my intention)

    ReviewRaptor February 2, 2025 9:48 pm
    cool was just a normal question. I was hinestly interested and how you would have liked the story to be....but thanks for insulting my brain cells, made my day. Mimiru

    my apologies. I thought you were just one of the regular ones that immediately throw this question around when they see critique they do not agree with (this is incredibly common on here, it's worrisome).
    It's all good if that wasn't the case. Sorry about that again. I wasn't angry, just writing a little passive aggressively there since that question is often posted in a very weird, nonsensical way usually, sorta like an invalidation to whatever the original post said. Not sure why this has become a thing tbh.
    I'm glad this wasn't the case with you. (Which I'm very happy about. Thanks alot for actually asking.)

    But to answer it as you intended to ask it, if you still care to hear the answer:
    I didn't expect fluff, I just expected the setup to be less unpleasant or be less nonsensical in terms of behavior, actions and how quick the plot is thrown into the direction it went into. It would have greatly helped if the author went for a more careful approach into this non-con setup. There is certain steps you need to take to make it pleasant to read instead of just throwing an arrogant douche and a submissive MC into a room and have them go at it. The usual setup I see that works for me is having the dominant character carefully probe into the direction the situation will eventually go to, making a stern but sensual approach, you could say? So the reader sees the submissive party struggle but give in because a part of them isn't scared after a while or even enjoys it. And that give in moment is what counts for me personally to be able to enjoy the scenario: The MC not wanting it but allowing it and the dominant partner wanting it and pushing for it.
    The personalities and how much you show matter alot too from what I have observed. Showing no personality or barely any at all doesn't feel appealing, especially in the dominant party it matters quite a lot. It breaks the barrier of seeing the dominant character simply as a villain, enemy or assailant. (I hope that makes sense, I have a hard time explaining these nuances and details in english. Sorry if anything is unclear.)

    All in all it's about showing there is no ill intent (as a typical rapist would have) but something more that could actually turn out pleasant for the submissive party eventually. That's really the make or break in non-con setups for me personally. Tho this setup had none of that. Which made it entirely unpleasant to read and made me loose interest IF there is any romance between them at a later point.

    Mimiru February 2, 2025 10:13 pm
    my apologies. I thought you were just one of the regular ones that immediately throw this question around when they see critique they do not agree with (this is incredibly common on here, it's worrisome).It's ... ReviewRaptor

    oh, I see. so, what you wanted was more the direction of...the side pair of bj alex? ...where they are testing out bdsm things? what was the ml md? but with a military setting basically...interesting! ...when..."Passion" isn't probably to your liking as well? you know with taeui and ilay and the whole unhrdo thing... it's the only other military story I know. Is there a military story you found interesting and fullfilled your criteria basically?

    Mimiru February 2, 2025 10:15 pm
    my apologies. I thought you were just one of the regular ones that immediately throw this question around when they see critique they do not agree with (this is incredibly common on here, it's worrisome).It's ... ReviewRaptor

    and btw... I haven't come across any people who liked to offend others on here so...I actually find the community quite charming and humourously entertaining^^But ....I'm sorry you had to experience those setbacks! I hope you find nicer people on here soon! <3

    ReviewRaptor February 3, 2025 12:12 am
    oh, I see. so, what you wanted was more the direction of...the side pair of bj alex? ...where they are testing out bdsm things? what was the ml md? but with a military setting basically..... Mimiru

    Not familiar with that one, I still have yet to read that comic. XD
    Less 'trying out' and more of a 'stumbling into it' I would say describes it best: Unwillingly on the submissive's part (yet not disliked to the level of fear and such or at least loosing that fear BEFORE the first time of getting hot n heavy with each other) but fully willing yet not rapist-type forceful on the dominant's part, if that makes sense?
    The military aspect would be THE cherry on top. It works well for me too in mafia settings especially and sometimes boss X employee settings, but the military setting has just the right mood for it usually, what with military forcing you to be in a submissive and dominant relationship already in terms of rank difference.

    I had Passion on my re-reading list actually, I checked out the promo ages ago and the only tags for it then were: NOT INTERESTED BAD SCAN QUALITY Confusing AF Promo Chapter
    Which I know might change after actual uploads, so I was thinking of revisiting that one. XD

    Sadly I hardly ever found military stories and none really used the setup in this way (which is why i was hopeful for this comic here). That's why I'm so starved for a good military BL. The setting gives SO much opportunity, yet nobody uses it. ╥﹏╥
    I would honestly make my own comic if only I could draw humans. But I know I'd doom my own creation with my shitty art skills.
    So best leave that to the professionals. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    I posted a question the other day, specifically asking for military set BLs but I only got one reply, namely the comic Over Run. Haven't read that one yet but maybe you can find some time and read it before me:

    It's all in all not easy to find comics that do the non-con setup well and in a way I like it as described. Tho I keep hoping to see one oneday, there IS lots of potential after all. Many scenarios could work with a military setup, many moods for a story can be targeted, any type of MC personality could be a fun experience in a military setting, etc..
    It's kinda odd there is barely any around if I think about it.

    ReviewRaptor February 3, 2025 12:22 am
    and btw... I haven't come across any people who liked to offend others on here so...I actually find the community quite charming and humourously entertaining^^But ....I'm sorry you had to experience those setba... Mimiru

    [Reply #2]
    Oh, if you roam around enough and look at the comments section, you WILL find them. It's become awfully common to see it, especially when someone leaves a critique or such.
    Maybe your corner of comics just doesn't overlap much with them? I would love for that to stay that way for you. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

    Mimiru February 3, 2025 7:30 am
    Not familiar with that one, I still have yet to read that comic. XDLess 'trying out' and more of a 'stumbling into it' I would say describes it best: Unwillingly on the submissive's part (yet not disliked to th... ReviewRaptor

    I think there are more "military" set up in the esperverse (esper x guide) ...there are actually some quite good ones - though the military aspect isn't very strong in them...I could give you some links if you don't know those stories...

    Mimiru February 3, 2025 7:32 am
    [Reply #2]Oh, if you roam around enough and look at the comments section, you WILL find them. It's become awfully common to see it, especially when someone leaves a critique or such.Maybe your corner of comics ... ReviewRaptor

    well, I'm kinda all over the place, but I'm also not deep-diving on the comments, I mainly read those that appear on the first page and then got to the next story :D there was a fun competition once...But I think it was meant in a funny way, that's how I understood it, where person left a negative comment and asked for thumbs down...and at the end the comment got over 500+ thumbs down xD

    ReviewRaptor February 3, 2025 5:40 pm
    I think there are more "military" set up in the esperverse (esper x guide) ...there are actually some quite good ones - though the military aspect isn't very strong in them...I could give you some links if you ... Mimiru

    I noticed that too, that's why I keep looking into those as well so often. :)
    Tho they do indeed have a more mild connect to the military setup so far. I wish they would crank it up a little there. Or maybe i jut haven't see those that DO utilize the theme heavily. (I have too much on my plate, got 6 tabs open with stuff I'm ctaching up on currently. XD)

    I would be SUPER happy about recommendations~.
    I know I have looked into at least 2 military setup-type esperverse comics, but the names are a total blurr to me. Open The Door is the only one currently on my update list. Even that name I wouldn't know if I couldn't check for it right now tho. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    (adding the 2nd reply here too)
    That's what i usually do as well: Just take a peek at the newest comments, maybe leave my own or reply somewhere and off to the next comic. Or watch more shows on Amazon Prime for a little change.
    That thumbs down joke competition sounds really interesting. I hven't seen that anywhere tbh. But it sounds good. Don't think I've ever seen THAT many dislikes on any post. XD

    Mimiru February 3, 2025 6:53 pm
    I noticed that too, that's why I keep looking into those as well so often. :)Tho they do indeed have a more mild connect to the military setup so far. I wish they would crank it up a little there. Or maybe i ju... ReviewRaptor

    okay! you asked for it! :D Here are my recommendations:

    they all have military set ups, and don't have any "disturbing" features, like non-consual smex and stuff ... :D ( at least I don't remember...)
    the military setting is just that's not fully utilized...besides in forest's quite strong in there...but the ending might be rushed, the comments are saying the story will end in 2 or 3 more chapters...which really won't be enough for a round end...but yeah...still appreciate the author tried!^^ until morning light is also one of my major favs, the military set up is quite strong, and also used as a device to drive the plot forward. but overall, it's more fluffy and soft story...not too much tension...

    Mimiru February 3, 2025 6:55 pm
    I noticed that too, that's why I keep looking into those as well so often. :)Tho they do indeed have a more mild connect to the military setup so far. I wish they would crank it up a little there. Or maybe i ju... ReviewRaptor

    oh! I forgot one I think:
    def one of my top favs! Can't tell you why...just love the whole set up! :D

    Mimiru February 3, 2025 6:56 pm

    if you have some recommendation feel free to message me! :) I think the replies are getting quite long :D

ReviewRaptor January 31, 2025 10:49 am

Oh mighty JuJu, please tell me that 'later' means sometime today. I NEED MY COMIC CRACK! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    meH January 31, 2025 10:50 am

    sorry, but no, it'll be in.. 10 days AHAHHHHHHH

    the upcoming raws for ch. 90 should be there on the 2nd of February though!!

    ReviewRaptor January 31, 2025 12:52 pm
    sorry, but no, it'll be in.. 10 days AHAHHHHHHHthe upcoming raws for ch. 90 should be there on the 2nd of February though!! meH

    Darn it. i hate waiting for updates so much. 10 days is so incredibly long! ╥﹏╥

    meH January 31, 2025 2:13 pm
    Darn it. i hate waiting for updates so much. 10 days is so incredibly long! ╥﹏╥ ReviewRaptor

    Yes, 10 days is indeed long. I feel bad for Kyou too because they've had to frequently go through hiatuses because of real life issues

    ReviewRaptor January 31, 2025 2:43 pm
    Yes, 10 days is indeed long. I feel bad for Kyou too because they've had to frequently go through hiatuses because of real life issues meH

    That absolutely sucks, I hope they are okay?
    I don't look at social media of authors so I'm unaware of what#s going on. Hope they are alright.

    meH January 31, 2025 4:08 pm
    That absolutely sucks, I hope they are okay?I don't look at social media of authors so I'm unaware of what#s going on. Hope they are alright. ReviewRaptor

    Well, if you'd like to know : Kyou has had several physical issues (concerning their back I'm pretty sure), and they've also had to deal with grief.
    I'm just glad to know that they're allowing themselves time to heal w hiatuses :)

    ReviewRaptor January 31, 2025 5:14 pm
    Well, if you'd like to know : Kyou has had several physical issues (concerning their back I'm pretty sure), and they've also had to deal with grief.I'm just glad to know that they're allowing themselves time to... meH

    That definitely sounds hiatus worthy. Hope they take their time to fully heal. I'd rather wait ages than know they are overworking themselves.
    Every hiatus is a chance to re-read this piece of gold I suppose. (=・ω・=)

    meH January 31, 2025 7:26 pm
    That definitely sounds hiatus worthy. Hope they take their time to fully heal. I'd rather wait ages than know they are overworking themselves.Every hiatus is a chance to re-read this piece of gold I suppose. ... ReviewRaptor

    Gosh you're so sweet. I mean, your reaction is 100% the normal one, but the way you put it in words feels super caring, love it. <3
    And I also totally agree w/ everything you've said~ rereading this 3 times/year MINIMUM LOL. If you'd like, I can share with you the raws. ^^

    ReviewRaptor January 31, 2025 9:02 pm
    Gosh you're so sweet. I mean, your reaction is 100% the normal one, but the way you put it in words feels super caring, love it. <3And I also totally agree w/ everything you've said~ rereading this 3 times/y... meH

    Aww~, thank you. <3 I very much do care. Kyou is one of my favourite authors after all and I generally don't like hearing people having a hard time with health and whatnot (got enough of that myself, so I know how unpleasant it is).
    3 times per year sounds accurate now that i think about it. I think that's actually my number of re-reads for last year! X'D
    I am torn between not wanting my mind to spoiler me and REALLY needing to see their reunion. ARGH.
    Okay, fine, just this once I'd love a peek at the raws. 50-50 chance I'll regret it, but oh well. That's future-me's problem. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    meH January 31, 2025 11:50 pm
    Aww~, thank you. <3 I very much do care. Kyou is one of my favourite authors after all and I generally don't like hearing people having a hard time with health and whatnot (got enough of that myself, so I kn... ReviewRaptor

    Eyy, Kyou is also one of my fav' !! (Isn't my pfp a dead giveaway? LOL)
    Wishing you the best of luck with all your inner troubles Raptor, sending you strength & support!! ☆

    Concerning the raws, I'd heavily recommend for you to only read the latest chapter (ch. 89) to avoid any major spoilers (it's their reunion~). OH AND, as I've said, ch. 90 should be up on the [2nd of February KR time] ;)

    Here they are :

    meH January 31, 2025 11:51 pm
    Eyy, Kyou is also one of my fav' !! (Isn't my pfp a dead giveaway? LOL)Wishing you the best of luck with all your inner troubles Raptor, sending you strength & support!! ☆Concerning the raws, I'd heavily ... meH

    don't ask me how I managed to add a tiktok link;; IDK EITHER. (raws are the 2nd link LMAO)

    ReviewRaptor February 1, 2025 9:49 am
    Eyy, Kyou is also one of my fav' !! (Isn't my pfp a dead giveaway? LOL)Wishing you the best of luck with all your inner troubles Raptor, sending you strength & support!! ☆Concerning the raws, I'd heavily ... meH

    True! It definitely is. XD Shame we can't have a profile banner, that would DEFINITELY be plastered with Jay fanart in my case. (Of course I'd need to learn how to draw him first....)
    Thank you very much, I can definitely need it as of late again. Life is throwing curveballs early on it seems. I hope your life is more peaceful and pleasant. :')

    Thank you very much (even for the random TikTok link XD). I'll make sure to oggle at the reunion chapter until the new upload comes around. Thank you very much. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    meH February 1, 2025 10:14 am
    True! It definitely is. XD Shame we can't have a profile banner, that would DEFINITELY be plastered with Jay fanart in my case. (Of course I'd need to learn how to draw him first....)Thank you very much, I can ... ReviewRaptor


    No way, this truly does suck TT you seem sweet & thus deserve the best in my books, but life isn't on my side clearly. You'll be in my thoughts, truly hope you'll soon feel better. <3

    Have fun darling, it's really good and DID make me smile ♡

    ReviewRaptor February 1, 2025 10:37 am
    YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT FOR THIS LOL, me too!!No way, this truly does suck TT you seem sweet & thus deserve the best in my books, but life isn't on my side clearly. You'll be in my thoughts, truly hope you'll soo... meH


    Thank you SO very much. These kind words from you definitely brighten up my day alot. ;v;

    Definitely am having fun as we speak~ (These two really are something else when they get back together after some time alone. (▰˘◡˘▰))

    meH February 1, 2025 1:08 pm
    XDThank you SO very much. These kind words from you definitely brighten up my day alot. ;v;Definitely am having fun as we speak~ (These two really are something else when they get back together after some time ... ReviewRaptor

    My pleasure dear, I mean it all & you so deserve it!! ☆

    & the feeling is shared<3 (it's VERY hot, they hungry)

ReviewRaptor January 30, 2025 1:39 pm

i really adore these two so much.
Their dynamic, their personalities and the entire setting is just so precious, simple but interesting.

I need more stories like this. They are incredibly pleasant to read~

ReviewRaptor January 29, 2025 8:39 am

I like animals and monsters and whatnot, but we gotta agree some species should at some point just be gotten rid of. For the greater good.
These ones are part of that group for sure because of how nonsensical and actually creepy they behave. (WTF is up with them seeing a caretaker as their parent and trying to fuck them any chance there is??)

I like me some tentacle porn as much as the next person, but if it calls you mommy/daddy I'll immediately loose my imaginary boner. So I'm noping outta this one. It's not funny enough nor is it hot n steamy with that fucking-your-mom bullshit the creature has going on.

Gotta go cleanse my eyes and memory with acceptable filthy content now. This can go fuck itself. (●'◡'●)凸

    Modern January 29, 2025 4:33 pm

    Honestly yeah the main couple is super cute but the whole tentacle monster seeing him as a parent thing really threw me off and the fact that they just accepted that the tentacle monster could just violate him whenever??? Super duper gross.

    Taeju January 30, 2025 1:58 am
    Honestly yeah the main couple is super cute but the whole tentacle monster seeing him as a parent thing really threw me off and the fact that they just accepted that the tentacle monster could just violate him ... Modern

    Same thoughts

    ReviewRaptor January 30, 2025 12:06 pm
    Honestly yeah the main couple is super cute but the whole tentacle monster seeing him as a parent thing really threw me off and the fact that they just accepted that the tentacle monster could just violate him ... Modern

    Yeah, if it wasn't for that aspect and nobody giving a shit in a realistic way, I'd have read further but this isn't something I can stand. (Besides, the monster literally fucking it's mother/father figure wasn't explained, made sense of and does not make sense no matter how I try to twist it.) It's just gross and ruins any potential positive reading aspects.

    It would have been a different matter if they had just gone with the idea of: Monsters bond to people rarely/only one person, so you are the one for this critter now.
    Then they could have explained away the monster wanting to fuck him as a monster thing that tries to mate with a bonded person. Taking away the nonsensical incestuous aspect entirely.

    There WERE ways to make it the same story without the incest-type dynamic, but the author wanted this. Plainly so, given there was zero reason given why the monster would wanna screw him.

    Just weird in every way.
    Might be a REALLY nice read for people who are into incest, but I'm sure as shit not one of them. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

ReviewRaptor January 24, 2025 7:04 am

The plot of this is grand and promising, but the execution of the comic is lackluster at best. (I asume this is based on a novel, so keep that in mind.)

There are very obviously things left out that are important to explain (like some names or creatures that randomly pop up and we are supposed to just say 'ah, ok' to that, all while barely needed flashbacks of character pasts are made a huge, detailed deal).
Many times it feels like the comic gets side tracked and pays attention to the wrong things. Or just skips scenes that seem to be important to have in here. I assume the original work has them included, like the strange childrens gift from Winter, the reaction of the MC after reuniting was MUCH too special for the gift to be just left out/not revealed.
Don't get me wrong, the base plot is incredibly interesting and has incredible potential, doing away with many cliches and mistakes, but it bothers me extremely that every other chapter the immersion is broken because another random skip, leaving something out or just a surprise random info snippet gets slapped into my face and nobody really cares to integrate it/introduce it into the story as if it was always a part of it. The way it's done here feels more like the author had a random moment and slapped something in there. Which I do NOT think the original script reads like.

There are TOO many instances, even in just the 27 chapters I have read so far, that give the feeling of half the info you SHOULD have when reading the original script, are simply left out because of likely the classic reason: The comic adaptors didn't deem it important enough. Which is THE biggest issue with comic adaptations no doubt.
It's not up to you as the adaptation team to deem what's necessary, especially if you definitely have no passion to convey the original plot as detailed as it likely is. If the writer included it, the comic should as well. Don't like the extra work for something you think is unimportant? DON'T MAKE A COMIC ABOUT THE STORY THEN. That's equally as unpleasant as anime/manga translators/localizers turning their job into fanfiction writing by making up what characters are saying.

It's disappointing seeing this type of thing happen so often when it comes to novel-to-comic adaptations and making a potentially amazing story so annoying, boring or shitty to read.
I really wish people would stop doing this.

ReviewRaptor January 23, 2025 12:39 am

I really REALLY hope Granny will talk with JJ some more and the wEiRd FeElInGs he mentioned will finally be blatantly put into words by her.
This is the only thing that would make sense to me at this point to make him wake the fuck up, apologize, etc..

Still waiting for JJ to push it too much and Dan decking him.
That paired with a talk with Granny would be perfect to clean up this shitty mess and finally start going somewhere. XD

ReviewRaptor January 19, 2025 8:37 pm


I am SO happy that after little bean got kicked out and beaten, Tae-seo didn't pull a JJ (Jinx) on us but instead got protective and took him home, didn't screw him when he carried him to bed, didn't expect anything like sex in return AND got iffed when bean used his piggy bank money to buy food for both of them.

THIS is how you write this character dynamic/situation. THIS! <3

ReviewRaptor January 17, 2025 4:04 am

Wtf happened?

The sideways text chapters were already problem enough (because they DID titlt the pages for the phone panel, yet regular dialogue they didn't care for doing so, wtaf) but there's multiple chapters inbetween and especially the last one making huge jumps in the story that it's very clear none of this is in order/tagged correctly in terms of chapter titles.

I'd rather not see updates at all instead of having every other chapter uploaded only.

Hopefully someone will pick it up and clean up the mess left behind at this moment.

ReviewRaptor January 16, 2025 3:32 am

What punchable faces you have~
Come closer so I can introduce you to Mr Dropkick, Lady Bitchslap and Uncle Baseball Bat. They would LOVE to make your aquaintance. (=・ω・=)

    Lulu January 16, 2025 5:51 pm

    Lulu January 16, 2025 5:53 pm

    Lulu January 16, 2025 5:55 pm

    ReviewRaptor January 16, 2025 6:07 pm

    First time I'm seeing empty comment replies.

    SpicyRamyun January 17, 2025 3:53 am

    Wow a family full of members that can straighten any delinquent

    ReviewRaptor January 17, 2025 4:06 am
    Wow a family full of members that can straighten any delinquent SpicyRamyun

    A family every neighborhood needs~

    Lulu January 17, 2025 7:45 pm
    First time I'm seeing empty comment replies. ReviewRaptor

    Sorry about that, I wrote a comment but it didn't show so I tried to send it again and again but it didn't appear
    Sorry about the confusion ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    ReviewRaptor January 18, 2025 12:02 am
    Sorry about that, I wrote a comment but it didn't show so I tried to send it again and again but it didn't appear Sorry about the confusion ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Lulu

    No worries! All good. :)
    I hope this isn't a bug we all encounter alot, seems VERY annoying for this to happen. Especially when it kicks in during a conversation. Getting empty replies would really not be ideal then. XD

ReviewRaptor January 14, 2025 4:15 pm

Be me (or not):

> happily read and follow the story
> read chapter 14 with glee
> open chapter 15 and feel your eyes crunch into a tiny ball

What in the unholy fuck happened for the quality to turn ass so suddenly!? MY EYES! BEGONE, SHITTY-QUALITY-SATAN! TAKE YOUR ARTEFACTED ASS OUTTA HERE! ✝(⊙△⊙ )

    somnia January 14, 2025 9:11 pm

    its giving crustique

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