There's really no drama in this story there might be in the future but the story is more like fluff story about a person who is accepting her 2nd life and I think that's just generally the plot and then drama in the future I think it's just here for the adorable stuff or for comfort stuff idk how to describe the feeling but it's like that for me

idk is it just me but Dion got less hotter now probs because he didn't take off his hood that much but still Ilike black/white hair guys with long hair but when I saw his long hair he look like a idk rAtRoAch idk mannnnnnnnn and still everyone's still hot Jeremy is not a cutie anymore he sticks his tongue out like yuhhh boi (lmao) but he's def hotter now not like before also CASSIS he's big man big pp energy(lmao sorry) I miss him and their interaction so much ˚‧º·(˚ ˃⌓˂ )‧º·˚ also WHY IS SHE SO GODDAMN GORGEOUS I just love how the artist put so much effort in the style cuz all of them looks amazing BUT HER YES HER THE MAIN LEAD SHE'S JUST DIFFERENT she fits so much into her characteristics the venom butterfly shit like that is meant to be herrrrrr ▄█▀█● I will lick your dirty ass shoes if you ever let me I shall worship le queen

I cri cuz I know who's she's gonna end up with months ago and I couldn't bring myself on reading in it cuz I forgot what chapter I'm in and also the shookness of the fact that she ended up with someone who's idk let's say we don't really expect I'm gonna cry ˚‧º·(˚ ˃⌓˂ )‧º·˚ thats why harem doesn't work for me especially if I got attack to a ship and then in the end I discovered they ain't ending up to each other and there whole chemistry was just nothing (ಥ ʖಥ)

PLES she's so pretty, how can she slay any hairstyle and looks so pretty and adorable, jaeha is a lucky man! Well to be fair both of them are pretty lucky to have each other, also minjiii I miss youuu~ I miss you being clingy and being happi with them also the sunbae I HAVE FUCKIN WEAKNESS WITH MANS THAT WEARS GLASSES PLES HE LOOKS SO GODDAMN HAWT *INSERT CREDIT CARD*
I love how ml is like giving me red flags cuz hes trying to make fl life bad (for some revenge) but end up not doing anything major that could hurt her (except when he recruited her ex bf n the gorl) but yea it seems like hes just a tsundere but is it too early to conclude T_T