As far as I'm concerned don't read it if you don't like it. It's just manga. I don't know why people are trying to look in to it that far when it's made only for enjoyment. I don't get people nowadays. They're always trying to look for the bad in everything. Seriously, calm the fuck down. How about enjoying it instead of looking for flaws.
Author's negligence is author's negligence. I mean, you can just sit there and open your mouth to whatever they're feeding. Yes it's a good romance/couple (but that's it, theyre just a typical Yaoi plot and wouldn't matter if settings change. That's how unnecessary and interchangeable tribal theme is made to be by the author. Just cos it satisfy you doesn't mean you can justify it and pretend, close your eyes happily to the bad part you are not putting effort to address.
I don't get the point of questioning every choice the author makes. A story is a story. I came to read it not nitpick at the details because it wasn't up to my standards. I truly can not understand people who are making this out to be a big deal. When I choose to read it's to do something I enjoy, not to get upset about what and author does and doesn't do. Honestly, do you know how many romance stories don't have good back stories? A lot. And yet here people are getting upset just because this time it so happens to be a tribe theme. -_-
You say it as if tribe theme is smthg to be made trivial of. Not only its world building skills 101 it's also tribal understanding 101. It's talked about already below. Go and dispute that. Any addition is just your pride speaking because someone frankly talked about the standard of tastes involved. A lot of mangas don't have back stories? Well then the future of manga is bleak according to the excuse that you're going to give. And also that is not true, there are both yaoi and non-yaoi work that has wonderful stories that doesn't borderline ignorance and offensive imagery. Plus you can't even argue on the conceptual level only trying to shut up actual thought and theory on a superficial basis that only ppl who like one work will just shut themselves in a dream world behind rose tinted glasses and not hear any constructive criticism. That is... Very immature of you. Trust me, this is not the only manga that had criticism. Arabian yaoi ones, romance ones have loud voices against actions and imageries that are out of line. So you're arguement the ppl are targeting this only is false as well. This discussion had gone astray where ppl can't even argue the concept and are closing themselves in denial with superficial reasonings. Manga section in caste Heaven have won its right to be there as they explained and argued the need for rape fantasy (go read it caveman) and its difference from condoning rape and sexual assault. Maybe if you and others like yourself had the skill to question and analyse whatever idea is proliferated through various types of media, maybe your country wouldn't be fucked in the 2016 election
The last page said it was axed.....I'm so sad......I really liked this......