Why are she and the newbie the only ones ever doing overtime ヽ(`Д´)ノ
so annoying? What happened to the promise of hiring more workers huh??? Putting an obligation of doing so many tasks on her only for the guild not to hold up their end of the deal is crazy. I feel like the main plot point and purpose of the story is getting muddy
( ̄へ ̄)
It rubs me the wrong way when the main characters of NSFW/harem manga are minors, and in this case, he used magic to keep his development at age 12. This manga was hard for me to read, even as a fan of the genre. The plot is dry even though there's potential, random characters are introduced without any prior development, and I REALLY wish they didn't suddenly do the 3 year time skip (within the first few chapters, no less). Not only did that barely give me any time to digest the beginning, but it also caused plot holes and gave zero background or development for the main character's power. Light does barely anything for his actual goal, equality of all the races, and only goes for his personal revenge. He just kills off people he has grudges with so none of the systemic problems are solved, especially when they don't have very high status. Will suffer through and read the rest of the available chapters, but I will probably drop this.