Nao Nao July 24, 2021 8:16 am

I don’t mind that this manga is still going, theres so much to explore and to be explained and developed, but my GOD WHY ARE THE CHAPTERS SO SHORT LATELY?

Nao Nao February 19, 2021 12:43 pm

Just wanted to let the readers know that the translation for Ch.43 where Yeonwop is injured in the helicopter and confessing everything to Keith, he doesn’t say that he loved Keith. What was actually said is “You’ve done nothing wrong. It was just me misunderstanding...that you loved me.” (I read the Korean raws, yes I can read Korean.) Yeonwop wasn’t telling Keith he loved him, he was telling Keith that he had himself (yeonwoo) to blame for misunderstanding Keith’s feelings. (Even though we all know that he’s totally in love with Yeonwoo at this point.)

Nao Nao February 17, 2021 12:16 am

Anyone know how to contact the translator? The translations are a bit off and I’d like to help. I used to do translations (but only for Japanese -I can do Korean too) but I refrained from doing any because typesetting and cleaning were a hassle. Either way, if the translator sees this feel free to reply! I’d love to help get the translations to be more accurate.

Nao Nao January 20, 2021 3:44 am

Okay, I really dislike how Hakamada does NOT respect Yuki’s boundaries, especially how up until a little while ago he would constantly approach her in a romantic way despite Yuki’s clear disinterest. That being said, I feel like Hakamada notices things better than Naruse does and that’s kind of sad. I don’t think Hakamada is the right guy for her, but I also think if some other guy is taking notice of your emotional fluctuations better than your own boyfriend then there’s a problem. Yuki definitely has problems with her insecurity, and at this point it feels more like she needs to see a therapist about it after the 100th misunderstanding, but Naruse also knows what she’s like and knows that you kind of have to pry it out of her. ALSO WHO THE HELL ACTUALLY GOES TO CHECK ON THEIR EX LIKE THAT?? The boy isn’t as awkward with social interactions as Yuki is, he should know that by checking on a girl (especially one you used to date) when she has NO ONE ELSE just makes it THAT MUCH EASIER for the girl to end up liking him. Yuki’s insecurities really need to be addressed, but Naruse is just plain stupid

    Roy January 20, 2021 5:22 am

    Just a heads up. Naruse didn't actually seek out Sunohara; it was a coincidence that they passed by each other. Remember that Sunohara lives quite close to Naruse.

    becca January 20, 2021 6:20 am

    I love it when I come across a smart human being.

[email protected] October 31, 2020 8:14 am

Seungho’s confession regarding how he initially and later felt about Nakyum’s mistaken confession while drunk is really enlightening.

Clearly Seungho himself hasn’t realized it, but he probably fell for the Nakyum who was “in love.” He’s enamored by how unadulterated and sincere Nakyum felt for Inhun. I think we all share the same theory that Seungho was abused/ostracized/neglected for being gay. Growing up with all that stigmatism can definitely lead to a certain level of self hate. Seungho who had to grow up with and endure all that, came out headstrong and aggressive, but also insecure and self doubtful as a result. He goes into all his sexual relationships as just that, nothing more than sex. So meeting Nakyum, who clearly was going to give up and offer everything he had just so that the person he liked could succeed, that sincerity and selflessness probably struck a cord in Seungho that he most likely didn’t even realize he still had.

This is getting soooo good

    Oikawa Hajime October 31, 2020 8:28 am

    just dropping by to say I love how eloquently you wrote that thought

    Nao Nao October 31, 2020 6:38 pm
    just dropping by to say I love how eloquently you wrote that thought Oikawa Hajime

    Aww thanks! This story is written so well I love breaking it down and seeing how deeply rooted these characters are in reality, their personality, reasoning, and history really line up to make for an amazing reading experience Also, I’m curious to see how Seungho will be conducting himself AFTER this. He is technically still sick and possibly not thinking straight (which is better imo) but he’ll have to face the fact that he all but confessed to Nakyum

    Nao Nao October 31, 2020 6:39 pm
    just dropping by to say I love how eloquently you wrote that thought Oikawa Hajime

    Also, yes I’m OP (hadn’t even realized that mangago changed my username to my gmail

Miraitsuki August 21, 2020 7:14 am


So I read the new chapter, and I’m pumped to see that the METAPHORICAL BALL MADE OF PLOT IS NOW ROLLING AT FULL SPEED. We get a small but significant scene of what’s going on in the U.S with the people Ren used to know! Tina even asks/states how to this day no one knows Kuon whereabouts. I think we’re finally coming to a point in the story where his background and past are going to start tying more heavily into the story and possibly, finally, take a step towards merging the two halves of his life.

Miraitsuki June 22, 2020 2:13 am

I really want to continue reading it, because the ML and FL are just so great...but the novel really ruins Paulina and I’m not sure I’m up for that \\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////

    KIRA June 22, 2020 3:12 am

    Care to spoil a little?

    Lee June 22, 2020 3:18 am

    Where did you read the novel from?

    Miraitsuki June 22, 2020 4:39 am
    Care to spoil a little? KIRA

    It’s been a while, but if I remember this correctly ML basically marries a princess from somewhere else first? ML and FL get drunk one night, sleep together, she gets pregnant and kind of “runs off” not wishing to tarnish his image/status etc. He lets her run away thinking he’s letting her be “free.” Eventually they officially get together but he still has other wives and Pauliana kind of looses her badass kick butt doesn’t take crap from anyone character.

    KIRA June 22, 2020 5:30 am
    //Spoiler//It’s been a while, but if I remember this correctly ML basically marries a princess from somewhere else first? ML and FL get drunk one night, sleep together, she gets pregnant and kind of “runs o... Miraitsuki


    prithee June 23, 2020 12:50 am
    //Spoiler//It’s been a while, but if I remember this correctly ML basically marries a princess from somewhere else first? ML and FL get drunk one night, sleep together, she gets pregnant and kind of “runs o... Miraitsuki

    aw man if it was gonna be like that at least give her another love interest... or maybe not end up with anyone? better than being hung up on a guy that you share with other people. it’s just, idk it makes me feel uncomfortable bc it’s an inherently misogynistic structure (a monarch and his many wives and concubines) and i feel pauliana is represented to defy these rigid expectations as a female knight. or perhaps im thinking too into it. i guess there is a certain realism to it, but it feels.... :( kinda depressing

    Miraitsuki June 23, 2020 6:01 am
    aw man if it was gonna be like that at least give her another love interest... or maybe not end up with anyone? better than being hung up on a guy that you share with other people. it’s just, idk it makes me ... prithee

    This is precisely what my feelings are regarding the storyline. It felt rather progressive, with Pauliana being styled differently from what society deems as effeminate and beautiful. She’s very muscular, she’s not all round eyes and soft cheeks but is still viewed as attractive by the ML and Pauliana’s personality and independence speaks volumes for her character. I understand that this is a manhwa set in a time where I assume (because really it’s a fictional story and the author could have taken liberties. It’s a fictional story in a fictional world) males and females were not seen as equals, with very distinct roles to play, and a very clear imbalance in power, but when I started reading I thought that this was supposed to be a cheesier “They live happily ever after and FL isn’t going to be a concubine/second wife etc,” -even if she’s the most loved. The whole thing just contradicts what Pauliana’s character and storyline builds up. Felt like a waste of something that had so much potential.

    prithee June 23, 2020 1:10 pm
    This is precisely what my feelings are regarding the storyline. It felt rather progressive, with Pauliana being styled differently from what society deems as effeminate and beautiful. She’s very muscular, she... Miraitsuki

    god, you’ve summed it up perfectly, it’s why i got so into the webtoon because i love how she is not a traditional portrayal of femininity, instead she is characterised by her independence and personality as you said. i was pleasantly surprised when i expected a cinderella moment but instead just got pauliana in a dress. she is unapologetically herself, through and through. though i did wonder what the endgame was gonna be because despite their chemistry i didn’t think it would be politically viable for them to be together. maybe it’d be a case of courtly love? but a role reversal? or maybe they have a bittersweet break up? leave it open? i honestly didn’t think i’d see her as one of the many women that belong to the emperor... it really does feel like wasted potential. i’ll continue reading though because i love the characters so much but i’d be lying if i said i’m not disappointed ...

    Miraitsuki June 24, 2020 3:57 am
    god, you’ve summed it up perfectly, it’s why i got so into the webtoon because i love how she is not a traditional portrayal of femininity, instead she is characterised by her independence and personality a... prithee

    Oh boy, I absolutely LOVED her “cinderella” moment. It was refreshing, like a breath of fresh air amongst all the storylines where the female lead becomes “desirable” once everyone learns of her hidden beauty. (Forget about how Pauliana looked in the dress, the way she WALKED was AMAZING (°▽°) ) Honestly stories where females have a “cinderella” moment are an affront to female worth. I can enjoy it in moderation, but a great majority of manhwas use that trope. I was really hoping for this story to remain as progressive and empowering as it began.

    BeeLame June 25, 2020 1:10 am

    Time to drop ugh I had high hopes. I HATE how there's always multiple wives and concubines and crap in every single story it's so goddamn gross

Miraitsuki May 6, 2020 10:39 am

Translations a bit funny (I ready the raws) when Hari is crying her thoughts actually went something like this (I don’t have the raws in front of me so this is just from memory) “The reason I didn’t cry for help, was because I was scared that even if I was heard, they would just watch as I got dragged out.” Her biggest fear was that if she cried for help, and no one helped her, then it would really prove to her that she was unwanted. She was too scared to find out.

    MaddEngel May 6, 2020 11:00 am

    Yes I thought so too!! I read the translations too and this is exactly what she said and this makes the dialogue even more touching. The translation here makes it sound meaningless with no emotions.

    Gowther May 20, 2020 9:29 am
    Yes I thought so too!! I read the translations too and this is exactly what she said and this makes the dialogue even more touching. The translation here makes it sound meaningless with no emotions. MaddEngel

    Well, the translator said that he/she only knew "squat Korean", so I don't know about you . you could have at least appreciate it.

Miraitsuki December 18, 2019 10:03 am

Before any of you start to think that his “Learned Sir” is any better than Seungho (who I do agree has some major problems and should stop freaking pushing his sexual desires onto the innocent boy), in a few chapters ahead Nakyum basically runs to him saying they should flee, and after Inhun calms him down he basically tells him to put up with whatever is going on because Nakyum has to do well for him to do well.

    afroluv December 18, 2019 5:57 pm

    Please edit this comment with spoiler warnings

    Miraitsuki December 19, 2019 8:46 am
    Please edit this comment with spoiler warnings afroluv

    I did say “in a few chapters ahead” before I actually spoiled anything. So anyone who continues to read should honestly expect to get spoilers?? I mean I made it clear that it happens in future chapters, so it’s obviously going to have new information.

    afroluv December 19, 2019 2:21 pm

    This is what a spoiler warning looks like....

    Spoiler ahead

    Blah blah blah.... spoiler info goes here

    Miraitsuki December 20, 2019 7:37 am
    This is what a spoiler warning looks like....Spoiler aheadBlah blah blah.... spoiler info goes here afroluv

    Yes I understand that, but I’m saying that there was a forewarning considering how I mention that it happens in FUTURE CHAPTERS. Therefore anyone who continued to read my comment after that, should have already been prepared to see spoilers. It’d be weird if they didn’t. So writing SPOILER despite all that just seems superfluous. Also there’s no one right way to warn people that there is new information in the comment.

    afroluv December 20, 2019 1:57 pm

    Bc your comment does not visually look like a spoiler warning (see my format above) it can not be easily avoided...fokjs are in the middle of reading what looks like an unspoiled comment when the forewarning is thrown in. It's uncool.

    Miraitsuki December 20, 2019 4:51 pm
    Bc your comment does not visually look like a spoiler warning (see my format above) it can not be easily avoided...fokjs are in the middle of reading what looks like an unspoiled comment when the forewarning is... afroluv

    Saying “in the middle of” sounds kind of wrong considering how no spoiler was actually made until I mention that it happens in future chapters, it’s not that i threw a spoiler in and then went “oh right btw that hasn’t been translated yet.” I genuinely do not see the problem with it.

    afroluv December 20, 2019 5:07 pm
    Saying “in the middle of” sounds kind of wrong considering how no spoiler was actually made until I mention that it happens in future chapters, it’s not that i threw a spoiler in and then went “oh right... Miraitsuki

    Yeah, I can tell

    afroluv December 20, 2019 5:20 pm

    If you just scan through the comments you'll notice the format used for spoiler warnings, they look like the sample I gave you. Then, if you want to be courteous while talking about a future chapter (relative to the current one on mangago) you'll use that format. If you want to ruin it for others keep doing what you're do i ng, it really is just that simple.

    Miraitsuki December 21, 2019 9:19 am
    If you just scan through the comments you'll notice the format used for spoiler warnings, they look like the sample I gave you. Then, if you want to be courteous while talking about a future chapter (relative t... afroluv

    I personally don’t have an issue writing that in the future. What I take umbrage to is that my comment very clearly does not mention any spoilers until AFTER I said that it happens in the future. The very fact that you’re going out of your way to say that it’s discourteous DESPITE how my comment basically is a warning in and of itself albeit different from the norm, something you yourself says that you “can see that” is ridiculous. And incredibly contradictory to the argument that you’re trying to make. Mentioning that it happens in FUTURE chapters is a warning in itself, to claim that it ruins it for others is honestly an exaggeration.

    Miraitsuki December 21, 2019 9:39 am
    If you just scan through the comments you'll notice the format used for spoiler warnings, they look like the sample I gave you. Then, if you want to be courteous while talking about a future chapter (relative t... afroluv

    I’m not here to ruin things for fellow readers, nor am i here to argue with you. I’m going to take a step back from being aggressive and kindly request that you do so as well (because you have been aggressive.) I apologize that my lack of a standard spoiler warning offends you that much, but honestly if someone continues to read my comment after already seeing the “in a few chapter ahead,” they would have continued reading even if it said “SPOILER WARNING.” I’ll utilize that format in future comments. I just want to make it clear that I am not the only one who does not format their spoilers that way, and I’ve honestly never had a single complaint (nor seen one made to similarly phrased comments) in my several years of activity on this website. I’d understand if there was no prior notice/mention/warning of it being about future content, but there was. Based off of that,I think it’s safe to say that people aren’t upset about it. Considering how your complaint is the first I’ve encountered, I don’t think my way of phrasing actually “ruins” it for anyone. But I’ll try to be more mindful of it in the future.

    And I sincerely apologize if I came off aggressive in my previous comments. I’ve been on edge due to some rl happenings with a hit and run incident and the wonderful US postal service loosing a 500 dollar package that contained Christmas gifts I purchased for my parents.

Miraitsuki November 21, 2019 8:45 am

So I read the RAWS (fluent Japanese here) and just want to say though there was no confession (and let’s be real, after all these years and that build up it’d be weird for him to confess to her dressed as a chicken -not knowing it was her) I’m feeling some progression. I think the mangaka is definitely starting to get the ball rolling

    CGPT November 22, 2019 10:38 am

    I gotta say most of the people who read this were under no illusion that this was gonna progress in the next 10 years or so. I don't know what the author is trying to pull with this manga anymore

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