The sons of the minister doesn’t like him LOL
No, but the baby is also trying to push Mark away, that’s why you can see that every time Mark is holding the baby, Mark has to use one hand to hold the baby and use the other hand to hold the baby’s hand that the baby wants to use to push Mark away. It’s so freaking hilarious. Especially when you look at the panel with the whole family; it’s Mark trying to push his dad away and the baby trying to push Mark away. I can’t stop cackling
As a woman, i’ve seen so soo many of Lady Barca. Please for the womanhood, we should never EVER think of even doing whatever she is doing to herself. It triggers me soo much that she just bow down to a man that is NOT even worth any human’s time. It’s scary how much power acwoman hold to enable men who is like Oscar the audacity
What even the fuck is going on LOL