for some reason i feel like the original ripley and the prince had something going on but i can be mistaken since we didn’t really know about her or the prince from my knowledge. but it’s just a weird feeling i have, like he was introduced outta no where and things happen that didn’t happen in the main book. plus it seems like he didn’t even want her or zeronis to get married. the war can be a reason to get them to split up

honestly i don’t even know how the author is gonna flip this around and make a romance out of this if there even is one. they’re relationships is already fucked up beyond repair.
also i forgot if it was told or not what those pills that skylar had was for, does anyone know??

All of the hints throughout the story indicate that Skylar has a mental health issue. Might be PTSD-related, or it could be in the vein of anxiety or bipolar. The way his sister was freaking out about him acting like that "again" suggests that he was in a bad way before. I don't think Skylar is entirely stable, hence the way he was losing his mind and sobbing hysterically later on, having not taken his meds for a while. There's a chance he's had a suicide attempt or hospital stay in the past, based on what's coming out here and there.
When his mom discovers that he hasn't been taking his medicine, she panics, like at the beginning. I highly doubt the pills have to do with his sexuality (and if they did, they're magical pills that don't exist in this world, and they're also not working, since he likes Chan-il), but they're probably to keep his mania or other trauma-behavior in check. I'm guessing the fact that he's starting to have all of these issues is because he hasn't been taking his medication. Maybe it makes him feel a little cloudy or something. Psych meds can have frustrating side effects, but it's often worse to stop treatment altogether.
the fact that i didn’t even think abel is the love interest until i read the comments..