I don't understand the author. The story could have ended at chapter 124 but they chose to stretch it for like 30+ chapters. I read the spoilers. There's still 36 chapters to go, with only in it: the main characters having sex multiple times. (-_-")
Someone is probably going to comment I should just stop reading the manhwa if I don't like it anymore.
Well, I just prefer completing stories than leave them unfinished even if I don't like it anymore. I've read this far, I might as well finish the story. If I were to drop this story, I'll most-likely come back in the future to finish it because of my curiosity. :/

Wow, the author did not go easy on the tragic background of Eunsung. I thought only his parents died, not his siblings too. However, I Didn't think he would have siblings in the first place. I assumed he was an only child ( ̄∇ ̄")
Also, about the candy bar, choosing snickers of all candy bars. I can't take that scene seriously anymore after reading the comments
( ̄∇ ̄")

At first, I didn't really believe Hirano could be aroace. After reading chapter 25, I now believe he is lol. I'm aroace myself but I'm different from Hirano. I'm repulsed by the ideas of someone liking me and me liking someone. I also won't let someone touch me and I'm usually good at noticing signs of interest in me ( ̄∇ ̄")

From the beginning until before the +18 dream, I never got the vibes that there would be actual explicit stuff in this webtoon even though it is put in the yaoi genre. It does happen that some webtoons are put in the wrong genre. Since I wasn't expecting any explicit stuff, especially knowing there's no such stuff in the novel. It just feels so weird now for it to appear in the webtoon adaptation. I've scrolled through the latest chapter and I couldn't bring myself to look at the first half of that chapter. That's how weird I find the explicit scenes for this specific story. Don't get me wrong, it's a good story so I'll continue reading it but I'll be skipping the explicit stuff

I read the whole thing and it's not really good. It could have been better. Some things felt off tho:
- Francis was very annoyed at Leehyun at the beginning. I don't understand how Francis went from annoyed at Leehyun to liking him.
- Leehyun liking Francis even though Francis kicked him, didn't respect his boundaries and threatened and took him against his will to his base in the beginning. Francis also forced Leehyun to become his guide.
- I'm surprised no one in the story is protesting against putting someone in a tube. Where have the human rights gone? Only a few people probably knew about the project but still, the fact no one (openly) disagreed with the idea of sacrificing someone o-O

If I wasn't so curious for the ending, I wouldn't keep coming back to read this webtoon (even though I don't like it anymore).
Jin deserves more and better than Bliss. So what, Bliss wasn't sure if he would still have feelings for Jin after 10 years(?) Just because he can wait for 10 years doesn't mean Jin will too. There was no guarantee that would happen. He's very lucky that Jin still has feelings for him. Jin is right, Bliss confessed far too late. Was that agreement between Bliss and his father even necessary? Bliss could have just confessed and be together with Jin 10 years earlier in secret if he just had the courage. He should have fought for them to stay together. If it didn't work out between them, that can happen, that's life.
I wish Jin would end up together with someone else. Norman seems good compared to Bliss and Sergio. Unfortunately no, I read the spoilers and Bliss is on the cover so obviously, the male lead always appears on the cover with the MC(-_-)

I don't understand why a brother is always an option as a target in dating sim comics. I don't care if the brother is blood related or not, he literally grew up and lives with the mc in the same house.
I'm glad that Jerry thinks it's disgusting. He has it worse. In his case, it's not one brother, but all three of them. Fortunately, his brothers' routes got deleted :/

I once played a tabletop RPG superhero game and the DM, who had a crush on one of the other players, decided that her character's brother was in love with her. He tried to play it off as the brother knowing she was adopted, but still, it was frustrating. The player was married, but since he had this crush, he kept giving her all the love interests, including her brother. Like her character was the FL in a dating sim.
When he did that with her brother, that was when I bounced. It had gone way to overboard.
All this time until now, I thought that purple haired royal consort was the husband of Jesse's sister. I don't know why I thought that, but I was wrong. It makes more sense now that the royal consort hates Jesse because Jesse is a child from his spouse's affair. ( ̄∇ ̄")