Woow, Its been so long since I watched the anime? will someone spoil me what was happening rn? huhu thankss

Oh god there’s so much to explain. To sum it up: Eren go to Marley, meets Zeke and Reiner, he destroys the city and then come back, Zeke pretends to be to Eldia’s side but in reality he wants to meet Ymir trough paths to erase the possibility of eldians having children, Eren pretends to agree with Zeke but when they enter the paths he betrays him and starts the rumbling to destroy Marley. Meanwhile due to Zeke’s all Marleyans and Eldians who we’re fighting in the wall becomes titans (only the one who drank a certain liquid), I forgot that Sasha died and so did Pixis, Floch is an asshole but Annie is awake now, and Annie Reiner Armin Mikasa Jean and other Marleyans are now allies to stop Eren from doing genocide. The end

I wouldnt be surprise even if one of the brothers fell in love with her, firstly they never considered her as a sister at first and second her personality is totally different from the dead sister so its kinda different how the brothers see her. They only accepted her as a sister because that was the right thing to do. They accepted her as Harri herself not a replacement for their dead sister. The white hair is the only one that resembles them anyway and in her previous life I bet Eugene already loves her as a woman that’s why he refused to walk her down the aisle in her wedding.

I agree. Also I know this question wasn’t for me. But I kinda prefer her with eugene. Mostly bc I feel like they would never be happy with other ppl. The love is completely there. Idk how to explain it. Even tho I like johan, I just can’t see them together. P.S. love how they’re all protective of her now and don’t like that’s she’s so close with the Val (forgot what it was exactly) family.

I like that you answered, I want different people's opinions as I am so conflicted myself. I am also leaning towards Eugene as he is the one that seems to need her to most and also cared for her first. I am torn when it comes to Johan, he seems like the natural love intrest, but I don't feel like they are best suited.

Yes they really need each other in their lives. Also I’ve realized this over the years. Someone who might be your type and is perfect in every way, also likes you. Does not mean that they’re right for you. Your ideal type can actually change to the person your in love with bc that’s how much you love them. So in this case I see Johan as an ideal and Eugene as the one who is meant for her.
3rd year highschool Kageyama, Hinata, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima made Karasuno High a 3rd placer in the Nationals deyumm I wonder how strong their juniors were.