So far, their changes went in the good direction. I don't know what would become of them now that onii-san has confessed and Sachi has shown her inner Yandere. There is one constant thing that has been true during these last chapters though. They were happy. A fragile and twisted happines, but happiness nonetheless.
I don't know how to feel about the detective finding them though. I think I want more development between them before someone barges in. I mean, they had just came out of a lie and had just started being genuine, at least in onii-san's case. I dunno, I feel complicated when it comes to this manga(and I love it!).

What I remember from this manga is only one line. It's when Hanabi said, "Chikai Uno. If I am together with you, I have a feeling that I will get hurt." She was sharp enough to notice it but she still got close to him anyway. Even chasing after him. =_=
But... ehhh? Why is it that I liked the dogs better than the humans here.
( ̄∇ ̄")
Maybe it’s the other prince Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)