You telling me you can't last a day without being bricked up and forcing my bro to get you off but you been not sleeping/doing anything sexual with our boo for a long ass time???
Yeah, dude is guaranteed getting it from somewhere else. He def cheating. Don't know if it's a side piece or bro paying to get laid but him complaining our boo sucked at blowjobs means his partner is good/compatible with him in sex.
Either way, our MC needs to leave his ass cuz if he wants to be loved, he not getting it from this ass.

I'm getting the vibe that this manga uses r@pe/attempted r@pe as a plot device....cliche and overused, also boring and insensitive. Every man so far is giving r@pe vibes in here so far.
But I'll keep reading it since I want to see some character development in her and if she is able to go back to the real world.

Lol why is this thread unnecessarily aggressive?
It's my fault that I spoiled them and forgot that there're people that don't like spoilers.
Didn't know that laptop mangago has it expanded so I'll add more ". . ." next time.
And again, reminder, don't reply to spoiler replies since Mangago will auto compact and delete the spacing of the reply. We all get the notif of a reply even when you don't directly reply to the thread comment.
If you see the ". . ." spacing right away then stop reading since it marks a spoiler if you don't wanna spoil yourself.

Wait so according to spoilers, the ML is a demon born from the mother's wish. This is just me trying to figure it out, my theory per se.
So the mother made her wish and I'm guessing the demon decided to grant her wish by becoming her child, in a way sealing himself in a human form but still being able to shift into his demon form when he wants (MC first husband's death). And when MC made her wish, she broke that seal which lead to him uncontrollably shifting at night to get the "price/reward" for granting her wish.
He only looks like her because it would be weird for the mother to birth a child that does not look like her and the father, so the demon simply mimicked the already "born" (since she was still in the womb) baby and just became twins with her. So, even if he was in the same womb, it's more in terms that the mother was more like a surrogate mother for him and MC's real mother. If anything, it's more like you had an adoptive brother (who looks exactly like you lmao) that you only learned much MUCH later that he was adopted.
It's still incest, but not blood-related incest. I'm not really into incest stuff that much, but well nonblood-related incest I'm more on the fence about if anything. Blood related incest irks me more
I've been digging for some chapters (even if I could not understand)
Found some in Vietnamese (I believe); seems okay since you can x the pop-up at the bottom and it stays that way until the next page
navyteamm dot com /truyen/nhim-va-tinh-cach-trai-nguoc-1/chap-3/
Just turn the dot com to dot com and enter in bar