When will these days of Ian sitting around like a damsel in distress be over?

Stand up for himself, leave, speak up, tell the truth about how he's feeling. At least one of those options, I can see the story moving forward even if Ian does any one of those things.
There's also working on himself, spending time with friends, talking to someone about how he's feeling, self care. Though that's more real life and isn't likely to happen in manwha. There's a bunch of things he could do.

Bubble 1: But we drank together why is Ms. Ban Jieum perfectly fine?
Bubble 2: It's strange right? Whatever body I have I never seem to easily get drunk.

Better translation of chapter 31 and even more chapters : https://mangadex.org/title/50113/please-take-care-of-me-in-this-life-as-well
My heart hurts for Dan's pain.
And I can't wait for season 2!!!