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patchy March 10, 2020 9:15 pm

Okay the only thing I can remember from this is that I’m pretty sure it’s shoujo the main couple I think were fighting or were broken up and the lead Girl ended up working in the same fast food restaurant as the lead guy and all I can remember about him is that he really wanted to save up for a motorcycle so he impress her . Sorry that’s not a lot to work with but i suddenly remembered it and now I really wanna read it , thanks in advance if you know what I’m talking about

patchy March 8, 2017 9:44 pm

i read this yaoi awhile back that i can't remember the name of i can only remember certain bits like it was this guy who lives in this temple with his father and his other father who's a demon and the guy falls in love with this cat demon (i think ) and they end up having a kid out of nowhere and he then finds out where he came from (product of his father and the demon) would really appreciate the help thankkk yooouuuu

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