okay so the personality switch in the seme was crazy. when from telling him to suck his dick, and making him bleed from anal,.. to calling him honey and being a crybaby?? the uke is dumb as hell, who offers to let someone thrust in you, he wanted that cookie so bad .. furthermore there was like zero romantic development and both of the characters were all over the place. this was so ass they tried to fit a long term story in 16 chapters and it just came off super inconsistent and toxic. i was just clickin thru towards the end

The ending/reveal left me unsatisfied and confused… like we don’t know anything about class reps character other than he’s class rep and works as wolf. we saw them interact as a couple once at the end and class rep not knowing if he liked him but them already having sex outside of the plot was a little anticlimactic. i understand them going for the time skip thing but the whole “do i like him?” was a bad way to introduce it because it seems like that’s a conversation that would come before they got as far as sex. it was all build up, which i enjoyed! until i realized it was building up to nothing
AJ is so smart omg… that was so nerve wracking i hope he bought it. i don’t mean to be a downer and even though i hope he will get rescued and they can live safely… idk if it’ll be that easy.