Seriously even a new born baby has a strong spine, self-respect, self-confidence than this dumb so-called prince. He doesn't care what happened to his parents and his country. All he wants is that wolf and his penis. As the crown prince he should be able to protect himself or at least he should have some kinda knowledge on how to retrieve his country back. But nope, this spineless prince is only good for being a wifey for the wolf. Don't let him rule the country yoo. He will ruin it as he has no idea about a being King

Don't know why but this story made me so mad that I wanted to throw my phone and break it.
Why stupid bottom chose the rapist? Yeah, like every other BL this one os also dumb. But but but
04 eyes guy, only his mind & author know why he didn't help the bottom. Don't tell me that he he blamed himself for their parents faults. Come on, why he has to pay for their faults?
Lil F head bro, jeez I want him to die! Just like you, your 4 eyes bro is a victim here.
Die you both bottom & top!
4 eyes, find a guy who has a spine and live your life. Forget your F head bro.
LOL yeah! This is what I felt after reading this
I love how things ended with two brothers, their mother & sis. Their father deserves a special spot in hell.
However I felt sorry for Sehwan. I want a different ending for his character. I'm not expecting a happy ending but I wanted him to stay behind bars (for lifetime or 20 years) and reflect what he did. His character ending was the worst part of this story.