I’ve just read all chapters including raws and tell me why tiktok n twitter fans almost got me convinced that Jo is evil incarnate it’s not like he’s an innocent angel but cmon

just my opinion but i believe because he probably is going to be revealed to be. a lot of people are just simply paying attention to the potential foreshadowing. his concerning attitude towards yw and controlling behaviour. the art choices in specific panels from doyak-nim. the focus on the gun does not appear to be a coincidence to me. i believe he plays a bigger role than just being a love interest and his true character will be revealed not as a plot twist but as something readers will have seen coming. we already know tj and ian are both red flags and it is never downplayed. but there is just something tells me jo could head into black flag territory.

So the new chapter came out where we got to see Skylar’s panic attack, anxious thoughts and his conversation with dongsik in more detail. And I really hope that when it gets translated it will give new perspective to those who were blaming Skylar for ignoring Cirrus’s calls. Tbh I get some readers’ frustration with Skylar and Cirrus but in this situation there’s really nothing to blame other than bad timing: Cirrus needed Skylar’s support while Skylar himself was in his lowest moment. And I really love Skylar for being able to prioritise his final exams despite his current mental state. That moment where he broke down was so heartbreaking I just cant get over it . In chapter 112 he was able to keep his cool when dongsik asked him if he’s dating Cirrus but here we really saw how much it actually affected him.
And on the other hand we have Cirrus who skipped the exams just to be there for Candy after her surgery. He never got to properly grieve his mom’s death and the thought of losing Candy scared him terribly. So seeing him sitting all alone looking at sleeping Candy makes me so glad that Riin was there for him.
Oh and Cirrus ATE dongsik UP in that flashback where he caught that fatty stealing money. He basically called him off for using Skylar and told him to return all of the things he borrowed from him and to NOT touch Skylar or his stuff anymore.
My head is so messy rn and I’m just gonna say that I didn’t expect mob character like dongsik to have such importance in the story. Paskim cooked with this

Sorry but it’s so funny seeing taku fans still being so mad

Its pretty suspicious that this was supposed to end at chapter 96 but extra chapters were added.
Plus why did the author add the authors note explaining the ending as if she needed to justify it. Ive read tons of stories and none of the authors do that
It was strange.
The question is did she really want this ending or was it forced on her because of the fandom.
if she wanted this ending then fine, but if it was forced upon then thats pretty shitty and unfortunately we wont find out because if she says she forced, then fans will come for her neck and I was on twitter so its highly believable that she could have been threatened.
Fans were already giving shit for the merch at one point.
If she truly wanted this ending, she wouldnt need to explain why it happened that way.
Personally I wanted Haesoo to end up alone. Im Joowon biggest hater. probably my most hated BL character other than TJ from wet sand and Dooshik from pearl boy. I found Taku character unique and interesting, I havent come across a character like that. Im happy he got his happy ending.

pfft so no reason except for the fact that YOUR ship dunked. It would've sounded more believable had you not said you find an equally manipulative character 'unique and interesting' lol. It's beyond me how joowon gets hated just cuz he is the main ML when the MC was equally toxic. ''he wanted to step up once another ML came'' so we gonna conveniently forget how MC plays an equal role in them not being together. Ughh people are just biased and here i was thinking what did i miss to not understand this joowon hate.

I actually didnt want Haesoo to end up with anyone of them. So its not that my ship dunked. Yeah I dont deny Taku was manipulative but he was still more unique character. Joowon was a typical BL seme. Nothing unique or interesting about him. I dont blame the MC for them not being together, Joowon was the one who said "dont fall for me"and something along the lines of lets not take this seriously. I dont remember exactly cause I read this a while ago.
Joowon hate is valid, people just look past his actions because oh he loves the uke and oh "they went through so much together"

I'm not the one who hates him tho lol??!! All of your reasons are subjective, personal preferences, and not because he has genuinely done something bad. So in no way, Joowon hate is ''valid'' when all your reasoning contains '' *I* dont like characters like him''. (not to mention taekyung has done worse ) Anyways you clearly haven't read the manga, so just keep on making your 878168th to post your conspiracy theories about 'how the author was threatened' lololol.

You don't have anything to go back and forth lmaoo.
If you consider things like ''break up with him'' as ''telling MC what to do'' then do i have to remind you about taku saying same things, like ''don't go with him'' ?!!!
Again it only concludes joowon hate is not ''valid'', it's just fans being salty that he was the one to be the endgame.

The hate towards him still vaild though. Taekyung did worse. Lol. Now youre being delusional. But okay you do you boo. If I didnt read the Manhwa I wouldnt be here. Conspiracy Theory??? nah Fam, its so easy to say that, but you werent involved in the drama of this manhwa on twitter and mangago when it came out. Unfortunately all old comments were deleted. because comments were turned off for a while.
Taku didnt owe Haesoo anything, they werent in a relationship, but Joowon was in love with MC and still did messed up shit.
Like telling him he wishes he eas dead. Im sorry thats pretty fucked up to say even during sex

Bruh you cant be serious???? Huh. Im genuinely youre comparing those 2 lines.
Break up with him - Do what I say vs Dont go with "begging because he likes him"
Yeah he was a shit end game. thats true but the hate is still vaild. Also Taku got way more hate. So what the fuck are you on about..Just say you wanna suck Joowon dick and move on.
Anyways I block annoying Joowon stans and if you waman cry about it and post a separate comment go ahead its what little triggered bitches like you do when they get blocked.

So you think Taku did not love Haesoo, that his feelings were not deep enough for him to owe Haesoo anything BUT then you also think Taku was supposed to be the end game??!! IJBOL, so unserious TT
Nothing delusional in thinking about how it's bad to manipulate a person at their worst, despite that person saying no multiple, to be in a TRIAL relationship with him. And then guilt-tripping when the trial (lol) failed, wishing him to be sad all his life for choosing ML. ALL THIS WHEN HE DIDN'T EVEN LOVE HAESOO lol (as admitted by you too). Ntm the constant comparison of Haesoo with 'possessions', objectifying him as something to be won in front of Joowon.
Whatever happened between MC and ML was mutual toxicity, not one-sided from Joowon. BOTH of them did fcuked up shit to each other and made toxic decisions. So hatred for just Joowon based on this, is not valid. It's a simple reasoning with common sense.
Again, the other two characters have done the same kinda fucked up shit, if not worse. So the more you talk, the more evident it becomes Joowon hate is just personal hatred for whatever reasons, nothing sort of ''valid criticism''.
Call me biased but in my opinion it’s hypocritical of skylar to get that mad at cirrus for lying when he lied about liking chanil and wanting to date him instead of cirrus and then never clarifying it.
So y’all saying cirrus deserved to hear those words as a wake up call or whatever is so weird to me.
like it’s just a fiction so ofc it’s needed for the plot but realistically people would become more afraid of opening up and being honest after hearing something like that ( ̄∇ ̄")
Fr man after hearing yr partner say they are using you as a replacement and then said partner also says you don't know love because your parents never loved you? I would have flinged myself infront of a bus the first time, this man taking punches after punches
(I get that cirrus has done a lot of dubious shit too but mannn)