Remember guys. The well guy called him “Pray”. So I am sensing we have predator on a hunt here more than a god.
Do you think that Old Mugo choose Ja-Heon because he knew he was the reincarnation of Mugo's lover from before he turn into a God, to purposely weakened the personalities boundaries and erase main Mugo to take over the body?
Do you think that Old Mugo choose Ja-Heon because he knew he was the reincarnation of Mugo's lover from before he turn into a God, to purposely weakened the personalities boundaries and erase main Mugo to take over the body?
We all know Inès remembers her past life.
We now know (it was bound to happen) that Carcel is remembering too. And that the crown prince from early childhood is crazy obsessed with Ines.
So I think that Oscar actually remembers all their past lives.
In her first life, Inès married Carcel and Oscar was jealous of them as he wanted her to himself. In that life, Carcel inherited all his grand father guns and gave the small one to Inès. I bet it is the moment that got them close. Oscar saw how happy she was about it as she really enjoyed hunting. And when they went to live in their seashore house, it became obvious to anyone how happy they were. So he sent Carcel to war or did something so he would die. But Inès followed him soon after. My guess is after giving birth as a widow, she fell sick and died, or she miscarriages from the shock causing her a fatal infection that killed her or she simply let herself died.
But no matter which of those three death scenarios she encountered, I am sure the sadness of losing Carcel played a hand in her letting herself wither away, instead of crawling to life. When in the fourth life, she and Carcel are at the fountain she mentioned how ridiculous it would be to die out of love, it was obviously a foreshadow but not of Carcel dying for her in the future, but of her killing her in the past.
Which brings us to my theory:
Oscar did something to reverse time and send them back in time so he could woo Inès, starting from their childhood and be her perfect man, or more exactly, a perfect copy of Carcel on the surface. While keeping his cousin in the shadow so he could shine in front Inès and made her choose him instead.
For example, he requested the gun from his grandfather, so in this life he would be the one to give it to Inès but was visibly upset when she wanted to try it immediately and went to wake Carcel for a night target practice. Probably because even if she was obviously infatuated with Oscar in this life, she still gravitated towards his cousin.
Initially I thought Carcel offered to Oscar to give the gun to Inès when he noticed that it was hurting her to use a regular rifle, but Oscar asked to be the one to offer it to her and Carcel let him do it. While he lied to Inès that he never saw this gun before, despite belonging to him. But know that I know Inès lived four life and sense that Oscar might remember them all, I believe either Oscar reclaimed that gun before Carcel inherit it and give it to inès at the right time (but I doubt that he is that smart) or took it simply so Carcel couldn’t give it to her.
But when he was told by Carcel that Inès was hurting due to her riffles recoil, Oscar finally realized why Carcel gave that gun to Inès in the first place and decided to shine in…
Or last option, Oscar never reclaimed that gun and Carcel still had it in his collection but when Oscar saw Carcel was about to give the gun to Inès, following that hunting day, he remembered how it moved Inès and chose to be the one to offer her the gun. Probably using the arguments of “you wouldn’t want the crown prince to look like a fool for not realizing his fiancée was hurting” and to not stir trouble, lied to Inès about its origins.
Either way, Oscar did everything he could to keep the two from interacting.
He had no reason to want Carcel to die when he accused Ines of cheating with her own cousin, unless he knew how she and Carcel used to be.
He turned insane at the thought of Inès loving someone else after their wedding and became cruel to her from that point. She was never showing interest in Carcel but he still jumped to the conclusion that she might also see him or at the very least, didn’t want to take the risk to have her fall for him.
At the same time, he is more angry at her than loving her, and still wanted to keep her trapped with him while punishing her for his inability to be Carcel. And that would make sense if he remembers and realizes that Inès doesn’t behave with him the way she behaved in her first life with Carcel.
He must be comparing to two and can’t help but feel jealous, envious and resentful yet still wants her and is not giving her away to anyone. Not even death. And I bet Alicia must have discovered that secret in the second life. Seeing how obsessed with Oscar she is, she probably followed him and heard him mentioned that. And her hatred for Inès grew when she realized she shouldn’t be crown princess in the first place. I bet Alicia was. But her wedding with Oscar was nothing compared to Inès’s wedding to Carcel. So that might have been the breaking point for the crown prince. As in: “Why can’t I have that as well. Why can I have that type of love? Maybe if I was with Inès, I would.”
Not to mentioned, that Oscar has systematically raped Ines to the point of miscarriage. As if he wanted the pregnancy to not go to term. Maybe because he fears it will kill her if indeed it was a pregnancy complications that killed her the first time.
So when she killed herself, by the fated gun, Oscar returned to the person who did the first time flip and returned her back just before the wedding. When everything was going fine. Except this time, Inès remembered it too and to avoid that fate, ran off with the first person that show her a decent affection. Which wasn’t in Oscar plans.
He hoped to undo how he treated her or thought he’d find at least a way this time to avoid her killing herself but only to discover she completely vanish to have some else’s child. And a poor artist at that. Someone so drastically different from him, which proved that the noble status of Crown princess, which is the only thing Oscar has to offer at this point, wasn’t never going entrap Inès to him. Which must have hurt him even more.
Resulting in Oscar requesting not only Inès’s brother but Carcel as well to hunt her down. Luciano was furious or maybe under pressure (we saw how he was, in the “Oscar marriage” life, ready to go to war for Inès’s freedom so I highly doubt that he suddenly had a 180 on her like that without a push from above). But Carcel was sad. Because she was crying over the death of Emilio. He loved her in the life too but not to the point of wanting her to suffer if she didn’t love him, the way Oscar behave.
Then yet again, Inès killed herself. After killing her child. Escaping yet again Oscar’s scheme. Which I bet would have been to make her a mistress in this life by becoming the only man that want to look at her after her disgrace and remarriage to a nobody noble. But no. Death one more time and another plan ruined. So he yet again returned to whom ever do his deed and turned back time a third time, this time back to her childhood to start from square one, but Inès beat him once again, by choosing (yet again) Carcel, at such a young age, that Oscar couldn’t do anything about it.
And after, he evidently failed to win her back. After putting Carcel down, insulting Inès and bullying Carcel, he is resorting to the only solution he can think of: turning Carcel into a womanizer. I don’t feel like he was like that in their second life (life married to Oscar) nor in their third life (married to Emilio) since she barely saw him then. Yet, she still believed he would follow a life of debauchery, just because he was pretty or at least could push him to adultery once they were married. As if it runs in the family. But I believe that Oscar at a hand at play here Carcel history. Of the two after all, he is the one who had for sure this reputation in the other timelines.
And he knew from his marriages to her how Inès hated adultery, seeing he put her through it. So he used that argument to make her reject Carcel, as if he knows she would hate it. But forgetting that they are children then, so it is an extremely weird thing to think of as a child. And unfortunately for him it backfired and reinforced Inès’s desire to marry Carcel, if indeed he was to become an adulterer. Made her life easy. And Oscar didn’t know that was her plan. He only saw her “returning to him”. So I bet that when Carcel grew wary of Inès’s indifference and Oscar being pleased by it as it being a sign he had still a chance, the Crown Prince slightly but surely pushed another woman on his cousin to have him fall of his righteousness chivalry . Since if he can’t change Inès, he certainly could ruin Carcel’s reputation and change him from a devoted man to a philanderer. Hoping that it would tattered Inès away,and made her call of the engagement, especially seeing how she havens so conservative, but it didn’t.
On the contrary.
So Oscar saw it as another opportunity: being sure now Carcel would not be interested in staying with only one woman (I mean he himself couldn’t despite all he did to get Inès), especially if Inès has become so cold, no man wants her, so when Carcel would eventually be bore, he could have free path to “console” Inès and have her for himself then. Yet again a scheme to hurt her so he could be her “savior”. But that as well didn’t work. So his last resort now is to kill Carcel and create a rumour that Inès is to his concubine.
Now onto who did that time turn. That priest seems to have a hand in the matter. But I think he is more the one to make Inès remember than the one responsible for the time reversal.
But I believe the Empress is the main responsible for it (also because it is a trope in those stories). Her reaction to Inès pointing to Carcel when they were children, seemed more amused than surprised. She reacted the way you play chess with someone and they do an unexpected bold move.
It is said she loves Carcel but hate Inès. Maybe she disliked her for marrying Carcel, which resulted to his death due to Oscar’s jealousy. So when Oscar came to her after Inès died, they plotted to have everything turn back in time (each having different agenda) and have Inès away from Carcel and forced into Oscar’s arms instead. But she saw what Oscar turned into and her treatment became worst. Like instead of making her son stop, she made Inès eat more to be at least physically strong enough to not loose her child during yet another assault.
On the third life, maybe she noticed Emilio had a crush on Inès before and played a hand in their encounter. Planning to disgrace Inès enough to not be the ideal partner everyone expected for Oscar, seeing her birth status reducing Inès’s house power in society in the process and allowing her family the power she seek. Reason why she showed “mercy” toward Inès by marrying her off to another man. As long as she isn’t Oscar wife. And in her state, Inès was low enough to not be claimed by Oscar as a wife but be accepted without second though as his mistress in the future. And be treated like a prostitute by all, without complaint, from the public or even Inès’s family.
But this time around, Inès played first the move and choose her king before anyone could say anything. A interesting move that the empress noticed and probably realized at that month that the child maybe more aware of what is going on. Thus began another game: The one to find a spouse spineless enough to accept Oscar adultery and madness while he pursue yet again Inès. I believe she accepted Inès’s departure to have her out of Oscar’s hair. And was disappointed when she returned. I think the empress is only suspecting Inès remembers her past life too and if true, by inviting her to that lunch, she was attempting to remind her to stay away from Oscar by showing her how she treats Alicia as if she was silently telling her: “This used to be you. Watch out!"
But at the same time, she is resenting Alicia for not being Inès.
The empress wants Inès title attached to her family but she probably hate what it does to Oscar. Which is why this time around she said nothing in stopping her from marrying Carcel (again): she has what she wants without having Inès crown princess.
As for the priest, he is the one trying to fix the timeline that got messed up after Inès's death. Either he is an angel or someone attached to Inès's devotion. My guess is that he is an angel. Keeping tabs on Inès.
And in all of that there is a final theory. What if the empress reverse time before all of it, to get her and Oscar on the thrown, instead of Inès and Carcel. What if those two were supposed to rule and the timeline got messed up from there. Reason why the priest was also there on Inès's death bed, to give a god's hand to return her fate to her rightful place instead of dying on this bed alone. Which means there is not four but five timeline.
Maybe seeing Oscar loose his mind over Inès's passing, the empress told him there was a way and let him on the ability. And while keeping her power and nephew alive, she threw Inès as a sacrifice to get what she wants: keep power, make Oscar happy and keep Carcel alive.
At this point, it is hard to guess what role the empress has in it, but I am fairly certain she remembers too and is no stranger to the situation. her behaviour is too odd to not know something is going own. And the recurrent hints that a secret war is going silently between her and Inès is so obvious.
But even without that, there is no doubt, that Oscars remembers his past life. He wouldn't behave like that if he didn't.
We all know Inès remembers her past life.
We now know (it was bound to happen) that Carcel is remembering too. And that the crown prince from early childhood is crazy obsessed with Ines.
So I think that Oscar actually remembers all their past lives.
In her first life, Inès married Carcel and Oscar was jealous of them as he wanted her to himself. In that life, Carcel inherited all his grand father guns and gave the small one to Inès. I bet it is the moment that got them close. Oscar saw how happy she was about it as she really enjoyed hunting. And when they went to live in their seashore house, it became obvious to anyone how happy they were. So he sent Carcel to war or did something so he would die. But Inès followed him soon after. My guess is after giving birth as a widow, she fell sick and died, or she miscarriages from the shock causing her a fatal infection that killed her or she simply let herself died.
But no matter which of those three death scenarios she encountered, I am sure the sadness of losing Carcel played a hand in her letting herself wither away, instead of crawling to life. When in the fourth life, she and Carcel are at the fountain she mentioned how ridiculous it would be to die out of love, it was obviously a foreshadow but not of Carcel dying for her in the future, but of her killing her in the past.
Which brings us to my theory:
Oscar did something to reverse time and send them back in time so he could woo Inès, starting from their childhood and be her perfect man, or more exactly, a perfect copy of Carcel on the surface. While keeping his cousin in the shadow so he could shine in front Inès and made her choose him instead.
For example, he requested the gun from his grandfather, so in this life he would be the one to give it to Inès but was visibly upset when she wanted to try it immediately and went to wake Carcel for a night target practice. Probably because even if she was obviously infatuated with Oscar in this life, she still gravitated towards his cousin.
Initially I thought Carcel offered to Oscar to give the gun to Inès when he noticed that it was hurting her to use a regular rifle, but Oscar asked to be the one to offer it to her and Carcel let him do it. While he lied to Inès that he never saw this gun before, despite belonging to him. But know that I know Inès lived four life and sense that Oscar might remember them all, I believe either Oscar reclaimed that gun before Carcel inherit it and give it to inès at the right time (but I doubt that he is that smart) or took it simply so Carcel couldn’t give it to her.
But when he was told by Carcel that Inès was hurting due to her riffles recoil, Oscar finally realized why Carcel gave that gun to Inès in the first place and decided to shine in…
Or last option, Oscar never reclaimed that gun and Carcel still had it in his collection but when Oscar saw Carcel was about to give the gun to Inès, following that hunting day, he remembered how it moved Inès and chose to be the one to offer her the gun. Probably using the arguments of “you wouldn’t want the crown prince to look like a fool for not realizing his fiancée was hurting” and to not stir trouble, lied to Inès about its origins.
Either way, Oscar did everything he could to keep the two from interacting.
He had no reason to want Carcel to die when he accused Ines of cheating with her own cousin, unless he knew how she and Carcel used to be.
He turned insane at the thought of Inès loving someone else after their wedding and became cruel to her from that point. She was never showing interest in Carcel but he still jumped to the conclusion that she might also see him or at the very least, didn’t want to take the risk to have her fall for him.
At the same time, he is more angry at her than loving her, and still wanted to keep her trapped with him while punishing her for his inability to be Carcel. And that would make sense if he remembers and realizes that Inès doesn’t behave with him the way she behaved in her first life with Carcel.
He must be comparing to two and can’t help but feel jealous, envious and resentful yet still wants her and is not giving her away to anyone. Not even death. And I bet Alicia must have discovered that secret in the second life. Seeing how obsessed with Oscar she is, she probably followed him and heard him mentioned that. And her hatred for Inès grew when she realized she shouldn’t be crown princess in the first place. I bet Alicia was. But her wedding with Oscar was nothing compared to Inès’s wedding to Carcel. So that might have been the breaking point for the crown prince. As in: “Why can’t I have that as well. Why can I have that type of love? Maybe if I was with Inès, I would.”
Not to mentioned, that Oscar has systematically raped Ines to the point of miscarriage. As if he wanted the pregnancy to not go to term. Maybe because he fears it will kill her if indeed it was a pregnancy complications that killed her the first time.
So when she killed herself, by the fated gun, Oscar returned to the person who did the first time flip and returned her back just before the wedding. When everything was going fine. Except this time, Inès remembered it too and to avoid that fate, ran off with the first person that show her a decent affection. Which wasn’t in Oscar plans.
He hoped to undo how he treated her or thought he’d find at least a way this time to avoid her killing herself but only to discover she completely vanish to have some else’s child. And a poor artist at that. Someone so drastically different from him, which proved that the noble status of Crown princess, which is the only thing Oscar has to offer at this point, wasn’t never going entrap Inès to him. Which must have hurt him even more.
Resulting in Oscar requesting not only Inès’s brother but Carcel as well to hunt her down. Luciano was furious or maybe under pressure (we saw how he was, in the “Oscar marriage” life, ready to go to war for Inès’s freedom so I highly doubt that he suddenly had a 180 on her like that without a push from above). But Carcel was sad. Because she was crying over the death of Emilio. He loved her in the life too but not to the point of wanting her to suffer if she didn’t love him, the way Oscar behave.
Then yet again, Inès killed herself. After killing her child. Escaping yet again Oscar’s scheme. Which I bet would have been to make her a mistress in this life by becoming the only man that want to look at her after her disgrace and remarriage to a nobody noble. But no. Death one more time and another plan ruined. So he yet again returned to whom ever do his deed and turned back time a third time, this time back to her childhood to start from square one, but Inès beat him once again, by choosing (yet again) Carcel, at such a young age, that Oscar couldn’t do anything about it.
And after, he evidently failed to win her back. After putting Carcel down, insulting Inès and bullying Carcel, he is resorting to the only solution he can think of: turning Carcel into a womanizer. I don’t feel like he was like that in their second life (life married to Oscar) nor in their third life (married to Emilio) since she barely saw him then. Yet, she still believed he would follow a life of debauchery, just because he was pretty or at least could push him to adultery once they were married. As if it runs in the family. But I believe that Oscar at a hand at play here Carcel history. Of the two after all, he is the one who had for sure this reputation in the other timelines.
And he knew from his marriages to her how Inès hated adultery, seeing he put her through it. So he used that argument to make her reject Carcel, as if he knows she would hate it. But forgetting that they are children then, so it is an extremely weird thing to think of as a child. And unfortunately for him it backfired and reinforced Inès’s desire to marry Carcel, if indeed he was to become an adulterer. Made her life easy. And Oscar didn’t know that was her plan. He only saw her “returning to him”. So I bet that when Carcel grew wary of Inès’s indifference and Oscar being pleased by it as it being a sign he had still a chance, the Crown Prince slightly but surely pushed another woman on his cousin to have him fall of his righteousness chivalry . Since if he can’t change Inès, he certainly could ruin Carcel’s reputation and change him from a devoted man to a philanderer. Hoping that it would tattered Inès away,and made her call of the engagement, especially seeing how she havens so conservative, but it didn’t.
On the contrary.
So Oscar saw it as another opportunity: being sure now Carcel would not be interested in staying with only one woman (I mean he himself couldn’t despite all he did to get Inès), especially if Inès has become so cold, no man wants her, so when Carcel would eventually be bore, he could have free path to “console” Inès and have her for himself then. Yet again a scheme to hurt her so he could be her “savior”. But that as well didn’t work. So his last resort now is to kill Carcel and create a rumour that Inès is to his concubine.
Now onto who did that time turn. That priest seems to have a hand in the matter. But I think he is more the one to make Inès remember than the one responsible for the time reversal.
But I believe the Empress is the main responsible for it (also because it is a trope in those stories). Her reaction to Inès pointing to Carcel when they were children, seemed more amused than surprised. She reacted the way you play chess with someone and they do an unexpected bold move.
It is said she loves Carcel but hate Inès. Maybe she disliked her for marrying Carcel, which resulted to his death due to Oscar’s jealousy. So when Oscar came to her after Inès died, they plotted to have everything turn back in time (each having different agenda) and have Inès away from Carcel and forced into Oscar’s arms instead. But she saw what Oscar turned into and her treatment became worst. Like instead of making her son stop, she made Inès eat more to be at least physically strong enough to not loose her child during yet another assault.
On the third life, maybe she noticed Emilio had a crush on Inès before and played a hand in their encounter. Planning to disgrace Inès enough to not be the ideal partner everyone expected for Oscar, seeing her birth status reducing Inès’s house power in society in the process and allowing her family the power she seek. Reason why she showed “mercy” toward Inès by marrying her off to another man. As long as she isn’t Oscar wife. And in her state, Inès was low enough to not be claimed by Oscar as a wife but be accepted without second though as his mistress in the future. And be treated like a prostitute by all, without complaint, from the public or even Inès’s family.
But this time around, Inès played first the move and choose her king before anyone could say anything. A interesting move that the empress noticed and probably realized at that month that the child maybe more aware of what is going on. Thus began another game: The one to find a spouse spineless enough to accept Oscar adultery and madness while he pursue yet again Inès. I believe she accepted Inès’s departure to have her out of Oscar’s hair. And was disappointed when she returned. I think the empress is only suspecting Inès remembers her past life too and if true, by inviting her to that lunch, she was attempting to remind her to stay away from Oscar by showing her how she treats Alicia as if she was silently telling her: “This used to be you. Watch out!"
But at the same time, she is resenting Alicia for not being Inès.
The empress wants Inès title attached to her family but she probably hate what it does to Oscar. Which is why this time around she said nothing in stopping her from marrying Carcel (again): she has what she wants without having Inès crown princess.
As for the priest, he is the one trying to fix the timeline that got messed up after Inès's death. Either he is an angel or someone attached to Inès's devotion. My guess is that he is an angel. Keeping tabs on Inès.
And in all of that there is a final theory. What if the empress reverse time before all of it, to get her and Oscar on the thrown, instead of Inès and Carcel. What if those two were supposed to rule and the timeline got messed up from there. Reason why the priest was also there on Inès's death bed, to give a god's hand to return her fate to her rightful place instead of dying on this bed alone. Which means there is not four but five timeline.
Maybe seeing Oscar loose his mind over Inès's passing, the empress told him there was a way and let him on the ability. And while keeping her power and nephew alive, she threw Inès as a sacrifice to get what she wants: keep power, make Oscar happy and keep Carcel alive.
At this point, it is hard to guess what role the empress has in it, but I am fairly certain she remembers too and is no stranger to the situation. her behaviour is too odd to not know something is going own. And the recurrent hints that a secret war is going silently between her and Inès is so obvious.
But even without that, there is no doubt, that Oscars remembers his past life. He wouldn't behave like that if he didn't.
Don't wanna ruin this beautiful moment for anybody but i have a feeling that horus will die, which results in horus' history and achievements the god of war being forgotten, and he disappears.
Do y'all think the author will make Seth forgive Orisis like he has forgiven the grapist foreign god? The grapist foreign god is now Seth...friend. Maybe not friend but companion so it's kind of like...... Huh? By having the Seth become friends with the grapist foreign god defeats the purpose of why he was mad at grapist Orsis in the first place.
Normally, I'm really good at following stories and remembering details of practically ALL but what happened there? How did we get to this? Uffff, SUBTLE.
Guys, if you want an example of good communication in relationship... this wasn't one.
That's all for today <3
If I recall correctly, in early chapter Bianca tells us that Jacob used on the Aragon princess the same shit that was used on her (Bianca) to throw her out of the estate. Meaning: implantation of a man that seduced her and tricked her into having an affairs to have her accused of adulterous conduct.
This result in the princess’ death and Jacob taking over Aragon entirely.
Sooooooooo yeah. Bianca avoided this princess a fate way worst than a broken heart and no title of royalty.
I take pride in being a Lookism theorist and a Cedric Enthusiast
<Used to be TAEMIN'S Mic>
I manga/manhwa/manhua! If you're
reading this - HELLO! It's very nice to
meet you
Damn, the author is really doin a good job of keeping me guessing on this foreign god. Zeus/Jesus/Thor/Neptune/Apollo?
I had to stop the reading just to comment that. I am dying of laugher from the size of that Eifel Tower.
Why all those Manhwa and Manga draw it like it is the mount Fuji? It is just a tower and it is is only four times the heights of the buildings around it.... Not 8 times XD
If you are looking for something similar in term of setting, with a ukr that is into things and don’t say no, seme that isn’t a psychopath (and actually probably healthier and honest than this one), go read « Love tractor »
It has satisfying plot with enough chapters to keep you immersed for the entire afternoon, and really wholesome characters, but the smut isn’t the focus. (More R15 than R18). It is also complete. So instant serotonin.
Let’s get some ass ass whooping
Ass-ass-ass whooping
Some ass-ass whooping!
He get some ass-ass whooping
And more ass whoo-whooping!
I am really happy they are doing this story. I know how it ends, but still being able to enjoy properly the story sure will be great.
The guy is calling himself a scientist… not a botanist which is what he technically is, just a scientist.
« What’s your job? »
« Oh! I am a scientist. »
« Mmmm’kay… but what do you do? »
« Scienc…y stuff? With plants. »
« so you’re a bo… »
« Sciencist, yes. »
So the guy who is supposedly a « scientist », which study science, has NEVER heard EVER! of a case of intersex people among humans…. NEVER! Like really?
He knows the word but no human has ever been recorded to be intersex before he ra… found one?
I don’t know where he studied but I am sure as hell it didn’t provide him any diploma cause the lad is a fraud. You literally can open any encyclopedia and have exemple of historical figures that were intersex.
Gah…. You can even track birth of intersex people all the way back to Ancient Greek (who by the way, they were throwing the intersex new born into the sea because in there binary patriarchal society, intersex people were seen as bad omen of society fall down, so they would let them live. Though they couldn’t kill the baby on land out of fear they turn them into vengeful spirits… so they were drowning them. Which some record of said execution have survived to our days….)
That guy who is a « scientist », sucks at science, sucks at even opening a book!
And sucks in general because of course he is a rapist… it ‘s a yaoi.. he found something new and he gotta put his duck in it.
Because science.