Warning!! Beyond this point I'm gonna give 2 spoiler's I've seen so far from the comments of those who read the novel...
Okay so Nina and the saintness are related they are sister's! The last spoiler is that the ML is the king! The saintness doesn't have a relationship with the king at all! All she does is help him sleep! The king is only a few years older then nina! he isn't a pedo don't worry!

I feel that rain guy or whatever is the crown prince's servant. Remember the guy that gave flower's to Aria a few chapters back I bet he's the crown prince. And all those gifts being sent to Miellie was suppose to be for Aria but he probably didn't know it was Aria since she isn't well known yet as Miellie. So he probably thought that he was sending gifts to Aria but since he didn't know her name he thought it was Miellie.
I think my theory is correct because I read some spoilers in the comments about it. Spoiler below...
Almost there!
The guy that gave Aria flowers is the crown prince and he attended Miellie birthday party and found out that Miellie isn't who he meet last time(refering to Aria since he meet her) and that he was angry about his mistake. That all the gifts he sent was to the wrong person.
Ibe went from an Interesting MC to a boring MC. I might drop this the art styles also looks off. I really like it but its starting to look boring I hope it gets better if it doesn't I'm dropping it.
Not gonna lie but same
I'm noticing this too.especially her eyes they always look off too me.and the story is getting dull at this point.
I agree about the pace of the story, but i have no idea what do you mean the art style looks off, it looks fine to me, just ibelina's eyes getting more sparkly