kuzugomi March 17, 2016 7:49 am

it's difficult to attribute words to something this perfect. it touched base with every facet of common social structure while still being brief and entertaining. the way that american catastrophes and tragedies were used as references to themes of a particular narrative without becoming the focal point was nothing short of brilliant imo. if this author were the only author on this platform, the industry would still thrive.

kuzugomi March 12, 2016 10:38 pm

the premise itself is founded upon his first sexual experience having been with a well endowed, older woman who was also his neighbor, which is a stereotypical fantasy of young males apparently. the fact that he can't climax directly from his gf is most likely rooted in the "correctness" of sex in an exclusive relationship. something that he wasn't initially conditioned to enjoy or identify as proper intercourse. it's actually a very soundly written and scientifically legit concept, I just wish youichi weren't as spineless when it comes to actually addressing his gf about his preferences.

kuzugomi March 4, 2016 7:03 pm

another highly-entertaining 4-panel comic with good, contextual humour, plus some very well represented characters.

fake tsundere aru is best girl tbh

echoes embodied February 25, 2016 8:11 am

in a few weeks the anime will begin airing, and this comments section will be plagued by leagues of weaboo parasites who won't understand why this is so great

echoes embodied February 19, 2016 11:52 pm

rather than this being a story which deals with gender identity or sexuality, this is almost exclusively a fetish manga and not at all an insight on the modern gender roulette. the 3 primary character's (I don't consider sho a primary) sexual deviances stem from impressions that were made on them at young age. Deviances which grew darker and more neurotic as character's grew, and continue to grow, in experience. originally I would've liked to see some reconciliation and romance between yuki and sho, but honestly I hate both of them now to the point where even if it does happen further down the road, it'll feel cheap, considering how they're both masochists with no substance. the artwork is average at best, decent character designs, very little background detail or detail in general. the best selling point for this manga might be the love triangle, which, as generic as it may be in concept, is actually well thought out and even unpredictable at times. it's definitely something everyone should read, just don't expect much substance of personality from the characters beyond their fetishes

echoes embodied February 9, 2016 6:00 am

hallucinogenics, dissociative personality disorders, revealing cross-references between the underlying truths of ancient superstition/religious doctrine and mid-century/modern scientific canon, oh and a secular priest. if that isn't enough to warrant your investment then the revolutionary commentary from this well-adapted novel would be wasted on you anyway.

echoes embodied January 27, 2016 3:42 am

baseball mangas tend to be axiomatically entertaining and well written, and this isn't an exception. the first thing that stood out for me is yugami, which is surprising considering how male main characters are generally flat and uninteresting compared to everyone around them, or female leads. another, more admirable, aspect that catches your attention is the fact that yugami has actually maintained a complex and original personality despite numerous acquaintances and confrontations (which almost never happens in manga). normally main characters completely fold and bury their logical, stoic, or isolationist personalities almost immediately due to some overused themes like chivalry and virginal weakness. what I thought was most unique however was the fact that they shaped yugami's personality around the fact that baseball players worldwide tend to be extremely adherent to their routines both on and off the field, sometimes even to the point of obsession. so far the themes and characters have complemented each other well, and assuming this doesn't devolve into a generic romcom, if the author chooses to cultivate yugami's current personality instead of using his departure from it as some cheesy climactic element, he might just become one of my all-time favorite characters

echoes embodied January 25, 2016 9:58 am

the translation itself isn't that bad tbh, the problem lies in there being too many words but not enough dialogue, which, if it were happening in real time as it would be in an anime, would be more comprehensible, but in this format, it's become waves of information that only serve to neutralize one another. I can understand that the author chose to do this to highlight the setting, subtexts, and culture, and he actually did it well, there were just too many instances of discontinuity between panels, scenes and characters. the artwork was pretty good however, as is the case in most one-shots, and I wouldn't be surprised if this found its way to a serialization in the near future

echoes embodied January 22, 2016 7:20 am

the art is really good, not only because of its detail and depth, but also its originality. most of the scenery and secondary objects/structures are things you can't really find references for in the real world. as far as my first impressions for the writing go, the second chapter was pretty disappointing compared to the first in terms of content in direction, so we can only hope that it doesn't develop into a complete bust because that's basically what chapter 2 set a foundation for. it's still far too early for any concrete opinions about the plot though, so I'll stay tuned and enjoy the artwork for now.

echoes embodied January 20, 2016 7:40 pm

this is pretty nice conceptually. the writing isn't that great, although I'm not sure if that can be attributed to the author or the translator. I think this would make a great animation for the aesthetic interests alone though.

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