My dilemma is this... I'm a grammar nazi and the scanlation group doing chapters 23, 24, & 25 has made an error REPEATEDLY -- COSTUMER: A person who provides attire for theatrical events. CUSTOMER: A person who patronizes an establishment with the intent of purchasing goods or services.
I want to help this group but, since they have their own host site and disallow uploads to others , if I approach them they may discontinue this series! Now what do I do? Someone help me help them, please.
Stfu. At least they've bothered to translate for us. We get the point. Don't need it to be perfect. Sheesh. No gratitude much?
Since you are "Anonymous" you have no account on here and will likely never read this reply but, here goes...
My gratitude is apparent in my desire to help the group who took their time and effort to translate this work. There was no sarcasm in my comments, only sincerity. I can only assume that those who put this much effort into a project would want it to be perfect or at least do their best. Therefore, I sought the help of my fellow readers to solve my dilemma of contacting them to offer my help. Did you bother to read a word beyond my criticism? Apparently not. I apologize if my comment offended anyone but, I love language ( the spoken / written word ), all of them. Unfortunately, due to technology, my language (English) is dying. If I can preserve it for just one more generation, perhaps it will not become extinct. This was the purpose of my original post.
Costumer instead of customer is a pretty funny error. Aside from that, I think that any fears of English dying out are a little overwrought. No doubt it will change and evolve. Languages do. English is not an academic language (like French) which is regulated by a governing guild. Yet even French has "Le Taxi" and "La Hamburger" in its day-to-day dialogue. Think of language like a gyroscope. You can try to push it a specific way, but it will always go in its own direction. English is global. You might as well assume Chinese or Hindi or Russian will die off, ie., not likely any time soon.
I can say just one thing: "Damn Autocorrect". Have you ever thought about that. I have autocorrect on my computer and on my cellphone and sometimes it changes the words I'm trying to type and that does not mean my English is bad, it can also be a mistake and that does not mean that the scandilators are bad at English either. In good English sometimes "SHIT" happens, so let it go and enjoy the free work others do for us...
You are fundamentally correct, of course... English will never become like Latin. Perhaps what I should have said was, the proper use of English is dying. I have 3 kids 21,20 & 18...they know how to speak, read and write in "proper" English grammar but, the same can not be said for others of their ages. Don't get me wrong, I am the first person in the room to lapse into "southern slang", slang and the occasional f-bomb after a few drinks! However, T.P.O. really should be observed otherwise. Our newest adult generation seem to be a at a linguistic disadvantage due to technological advances in communication. How can anyone communicate anything clearly in 140 characters and spaces or less? People just don't seem to WANT to speak or write correctly because it is easier to not bother and it is overlooked by others who are equally lazy. Maybe I am old and just don't like change... LOL . (Funny, reading over this again, I sound REALLY OLD!!! LOL)
Oh, fellow grammar nazi! Hello! Sometimes the grammar mistakes really bother me too! (I have started loosening my grip on this while being online) Don't get me wrong, I love seeing updates, but when English is misused, I have to grit my teeth and slog through. *laughs*
I, too, find myself wanting to help with the scanlation groups, even if it is just editing! (and my grammar got even more of an update when I took Latin, because a mistranslation there changes the entire meaning of a text) As it is, Japanese is a very slippery language, because many of their words have multiple meanings and shades of meanings that foreigners would never really grasp! Ah well, we can still enjoy their works, yes?
I have auto-correct and spell check... do you not read what you have written before you hit send / post? In this case, SHIT happens because of laziness. My goal in posting my comment has been overshadowed by my correction. This too, is due to the laziness of others. Did you bother to read my request for help in contacting the scanlation group?? No, apparently not. Otherwise, you would have graciously offered me your advice on how to do so. Right?
I never said the scanlators were BAD at English. I said I wanted to help the group -- meaning in general, as a proofer or editor. All cleared up now?
Thank you for your lovely vote of confidence! I feel much better knowing I am not alone. Normally I keep my "nazi-ness" to myself but, in this case I wanted to sincerely reach out to what seemed to be a "young" scanlation group but I am afraid they will pull their work on this manga! I love this story and would be heartbroken if that happened. Maybe I should have kept the correction to myself...
I took Latin myself, in High School, to prepare for pre-med. Like Japanese, one letter off - in the westernized writing of Latin - and EVERYTHING you are saying changes. Reminds me of Okane ga nai when Ayase says "penis sushi" instead of "eaten sushi" !!
You are quite correct regarding enjoying the hard work and tremendous effort put forth by the scanlators. I do VERY MUCH enjoy and appreciate all their work. All of the groups. This is the reason I want so badly to help them out.
Thank you again for your kind words. (●'◡'●)ノ
Did you study a specific period / area in history or was it generalized? History fascinates me. All that we have experienced as a species yet, how little we have truly learned from that experience. LOL I have had a passion for the Tudor and Elizabethan eras in England and for the post civil war era in the American northwest (I live in Montana).
I studied Medieval History, mostly Northern European (800-1300 A.C.E.), although I did take a year of Mexican History as a break relief. For that I needed Latin, but Medieval Latin is fairly different from Classical Latin, so I took both types, plus some Old French and Old English). I did study some later history but preferred the older stuff. It is a shame that we seem to learn little from our past. My family is from North Europe, but I live in Western Canada. History is fun though, isn't it? I still shudder at what I learned when I took a history of Medicine class, boy have we come a long way since then!
It will be interesting to see what new linguistic elements evolve as a result of technology because the fact is people have to communicate clearly, regardless of what they use. Some teenaged boys communicate more through grunts, shrugs, butt-scratching and facial muscle lapses than I've ever imagined possible (not that it improves the quality of what they say, LOL.)
I agree that proper grammar and usage is being eroded by technology right now, and while some of the mistranslations give me a smile, others make me cringe. It's when they are so bad that the meaning is utterly fudged that I feel frustrated.
If you have the name of the group, google them up and drop them an email. You never know ....
Ah, so you studied some of my favorite ethnic groups! The Viking / Norsemen were so influential to the eventual boom in commerce in York, England but, most people think they were nothing but barbarians. It's fascinating to know that they were such skilled craftsmen and merchants. My family nationality is Welsh with some ancient Frank and Norman blood mixed in.
Central and South American history is so sad to me. Much like North American history. So many cultures were lost due to hubris and ignorance. Such beautiful and rich cultures should be treasured...luckily we did learn enough to avoid the total destruction of cultures now.
History of Medicine was part of our pre-med at Tulane! I still get chills when I think about my class... our professor was "hands on" and liked to "demonstrate" his collection of Medieval Medical Instruments on the cadavers the anatomy class was done with! TOTAL CREEPER!! LOL
After that little explanation by Yuuki over on the other manga thread, personally, I would be terrified to step forward with any such offers since it seems to require a level of delicacy which goes at complete odds with my own "Hellyah! LOVES ME SOME PORN, too!" If you can pull it off, all the power to you. If you can't, I will forget this ever happened.
I know very little about the nuances of the Japanese language but, I've noticed a lot of (seemingly) simple mistakes that even well versed translators make regarding English grammar. Such as, "how it's like" being used instead of "how it is" or "what it's like". This is where I hope I can help. That, and colloquialisms, idioms and slang.
But overall, on the other manga thread, you were right -- barring any fore-knowledge of the specific way a romanji is pronounced. The detail in her description was so good that even my husband understood easily when I imitated the sound for him. He said, " So "f" sounds more like an "h"! I almost fell over!
I promise not to involve you in any of my dastardly deeds... porn love included!! LOL
Yes, I did study the Viking/Norsemen - they were fascinating! And very influential. My family is actually Danish on both sides so it was a lot of fun to study what my ancestors did.
History of Medicine - for me it was not hands on, but we did have to write a paper where we were assigned a patient with an illness and we had to 'play physician' and diagnose/heal the patient - hehe - I picked a patient with bubonic plague, and got to cast his horoscope to find the 'cure' Sadly, my assistant was incompetent in picking the correct medicated plants at the proscribed hour and my patent died. That was probably the most amusing and eye-opening paper I wrote for that class.
I'm sorry to hear about your "patient"... perhaps a few self-flagellating priests or maybe some blood letting would have helped...LOL!! Hard to imagine that a little bacteria like y. pestis -- so easily overcome today -- wiped out just over half of the global population in Medieval times. Without it though, we would have never had the Renaissance. A little give and take is good.
Hmmm...seems I forgot to bring in the priests! LOL. But don't forget that a little tiny bacteria killed more people in WWI than were killed in action, those little buggers are insidious!
Ah, hopefully we can learn from the past - look at the new research that uses a remedy from a medieval manuscript against drug-resistant MRSA! Hehehe - sometimes they got it right back then, sometimes.
They sure using maggots to clean away gangrene, leeches to remove and reduce blood clots, honey as an antibacterial / bacteria-static agent. Heck, most of our common medicines were once "herbal" remedies! Willow bark = aspirin, Valerian root = valium, Poppy milk = morphine -- to name the obvious ones.
How about the research into people who were genetically immune to Black Plague being used to help find people who are genetically immune to HIV/AIDS?
Maybe I'm too much of a grammar Nazi but, the first chapter was translated so poorly that I gave up. As much as I sincerely appreciate the hard work done by the scanlation groups, when the translations are done this poorly it really bothers me. The story becomes muddled and confusing. However, I refuse to complain about something and not try to fix the problem. So, if someone wanted to fix this chapter / story, I would gladly help in any way I could. Just reply to this comment.
i was going to dislike your comment but when i saw you offered help, i sure as hell will give you a thumb up, when i used to be a part of a cscanlation team we were literally begging for help from anyone to help us clean, typeset and proofread. but no answer and when the chapter is out they all complain, is this really logical.
that's good to see poeple offering help when they find mistakes
Thanks for reading past my complaint. I hate when people complain but do nothing to help. If your former group still needs people let me know how to reach them and I will do my best to help. I am a bit of a "hikikomori" (housebound recluse) due to fibromyalgia and I spend all of my time reading yaoi... sad I know LOL . I would love to do something productive with my time and hobby. I can use things like photoshop and I'm a fast learner, but my forte is English grammar, spelling, idioms and colloquialisms. I also wouldn't mind teaching those things to someone who is learning English.
As described in at least two chapters, Kanou was raised very dysfunctional. He lacks the "tools" necessary to show love the way most of us do. He expresses love the only way he knows -- overbearing, obsessive, distrustful yet protective. (Chpt. 39 shows his Father's idea of love)
Ayase is slowly teaching Kanou how to be forgiving and patient and Kanou is teaching Ayase that not everyone is worthy of trust or kindness, as well as how to stand up on his own as a man. (Accepting himself -- faults and flaws included).
I like Kuba as a character but, I don't think he can give Ayase what he truly needs.
BTW I do NOT condone nor excuse abuse in any form. I simply want to explain that not all abusers do it intentionally. Some (myself for one) can realize their faults and change their behavior for the ones they love.
I regret having not read this sooner. The summary says it is set in America but it is actually set in Japan.
The story is incredible... not too fast but still action packed and FULL of smexyness. The smex is not explicit but, the energy and emotion are conveyed well. (Gave me the "tummy tug" on more than one occasion. lol)
I am looking forward to more of this story.
Since all of the characters are linked in some way it can be hard to keep everyone straight at first but, with more chapters & info. it should get easier.
You shouldn't try to keep them straight! LET THEM BE GAY! WE LIKE IT BETTER THAT WAY! ROFL (Totally just kidding! Just thought it was funny the way you used to term "straight" to refer to a gay bl manga! XD Sorry... my humor is kinda twisted... #DAMNITMOM! lol)
-Shadow (⌒▽⌒)
LMAO... I like your sense of humor. I can't believe I didn't catch that myself! I like them better "that way" too.