It was poorly executed. I suppose the mangaka had to do something to make a 10 year old "experienced", so the mother was chosen as the foil. I just think this would have been more believable for me if the characters were older. Not only would it have been believable, it might have actually been hot. As it is, it just struck me as a twist on the mother/son hentai I have come across in my adventures into that genre. Which also, by the way, does nothing for me. Mostly because I have 3 sons and I know what a prepubescent boy's penis looks like. Let's just say that it isn't anything to write home about. It is not going to make anything, except a small animal, yell out in pain or ecstasy. I say that based on seeing my own sons who, as adults and according to their girlfriends, are considered well endowed. So, assuming the boy in this story is Japanese, he is likely to be even smaller than my sons. Thus, my suspension of disbelief snapped like a rubber band.
I'm not even going to touch the moral implications since this is nothing more than "soft hentai" and meant to be questionable from the start. However, I will say that I was more disturbed by the mother raping the child than I was by the child raping the father. Maybe it has to do with me being a mother myself. The father's "quick switch" from being the responsible teacher to being the masochist dog begging to be owned was also hard to get a grip on.
Hell, who am I kidding, the only believable thing about this manga was that I was glad that it ended.
This sucked. The art is busy and sketch-like and, since it is more of a vignette than a full story, the lack of information about the seme is disconcerting. Perhaps that is intended, but it makes the seme a very unlikable character. It feels like an attempt at being Harada with a major aspect missing... they are NOT Harada. With Harada's works we get, at least, a glimpse of why the twisted characters do what they do. Be it obsession, trauma, pride, arrogance or instability, we get that glimpse. It doesn't make what the twisted character does any more right, but it, at the very least, sheds light on their reasoning - however fucked up that reasoning is. Here, we get nothing. Yes, the boy is neglected by his mother, but we never see abuse that would twist a soul to this extent. Not by his absent mother, anyway. We then see the young seme given kindness, both by the uke as a child and then we are told of the kindness the aunt offered from the seme's own mouth. We are only left with speculation as to why he is so incredibly sadistic and cruel. Speculation is not enough to make him likable and it doesn't make the story likable either. In the end, we are left with little more than the account of a victim and his rapist.
Was an interesting turn of events. Silly, lighthearted and funny read. If you're looking for depth, look elsewhere. This is smut for smut's sake. Still, it was fun and funny and the art was well done.
I guess I read enough hentai to recognize it within the first few pages! LOL This is typical of hentai oneshots. No real plot except what is necessary to put as much sex as possible into as few pages as possible. Not to mention relationships as deep as a teaspoon. If this were a video, it would last all of three or four minutes and be considered a quick suck and fuck. All that said, the art is really well done for the hentai genre. Even the demon mayor had the added detail of a sharply pointed, spike-like penis. Gotta give the mangaka credit for the attention to detail! LMAO
So, I figured I'd be safe with 6. Yeah, I wasn't. After 6 chapters we have.... nothing. Lots of character and situation introductions, but that is it. I'm not even looking for a sex scene, just something besides another damn character. I get it, plans for a big series, but this isn't how you do it. You have to keep the readers interest and there isn't enough here to make me want to read about these characters. The lack of updates for many years also doesn't bode well for this series even making it past 6 installments. This was a waste of time to read and a waste of data uploaded to the site.
Mangaka can be this poetic and have it come off as beautifully. This is the second or third manga I have read by this mangaka and I can't help but to be impressed. The metaphorical language and ideas are so rare in this genre and even more rare when they are done this well. I was enraptured by the idea of feelings being like a fungus, spreading hyphea to all the areas of our consciousness. Touching every thought and action. The idea of secrets being like fishes slipping in and out of their owners when they are most vulnerable was, at first, confusing, but became clear when the secret/fish was shared without them noting it to each other. We share our secrets without even realizing it, with a glance or a posture, and to the right person, our secrets that slip out on their own are accepted. The story of the Kitsune was also beautifully poetic. Kou's fate was not to meet the grandfather, but to meet the grandson. Such a beautiful story of admiration and respect guiding the heart to find love.
This mangaka is an, all around, word and idea master. The depth of their stories is never overshadowed by the simplicity of the plots and the typical BL characters are transformed into deep, multi-faceted individuals that compel a reader to want to know more. I genuinely hope to see so much more of this mangaka's works in the future. She is a rare gem that will only become more breathtaking as she polishes her skills.
Have more chicks in yaoi like this little sister? I hate chicks in yaoi and I hate hating them. Sadly, I know plenty of the spiteful, conniving, prejudiced, entitled type in real life. But that doesn't mean there aren't plenty of the supportive, accepting, understanding and all around best friend type too. Sure, the shitty psychos make for good plot conflict, but they should be counter-balanced with the stable, supportive type. I'd love to see a yaoi manga where the best friend (female) put the psycho stalker or entitled bitch in her place for her gay best friend! I wanna see a chick throw some shade, so cold the crazy one suffers hypothermia, for her gay best friend. LOL