mooche created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

picture it with me, minchoel goes to his old place in that classic 'finding out your trash is someone else's treasure' type scene but on the way he steps on dog poop, bumps into an intimidating thug looking dude while trying to scrape it off, and like, the thug guy tries to pick a fight and they do that thing where guys push eachother and rub chests to look tough, but the thug guy pushes minchoel too hard and he trips, falls onto a rock head first and bleeds out on the sidewalk

mooche like topic of One room TA

i bet that gremlin smile talks to him like the green goblin mask

mooche created a topic of One room TA
mooche created a topic of One room TA

i bet that gremlin smile talks to him like the green goblin mask

mooche asked a question

i feel like my morals are a little skewed rn, on one hand, this entire platform has a bunch of stolen works on here for people to read, on the other hand, im seeing a lot of straight up post?? not even manhwa, manhua, or manga, just art from whats probably on the authors social media—and im like "hey they shouldn't repost that..." (←is on the reposting site).

some of them have the consistency to be comics, and definitely tell a story, but most of them are stand-alone, peoples ocs being hot and all that stuff. ofc, they're mostly signed with the artist's credits, more credits and where to find them in the description, but if you're just posting all of it on here, then a lot of people aren't gonna bother right? and then i reminded myself "you do the same thing with that you read on here" then pull my hair out.

the answer to this is definitely a yes, i am being hypocritical, but should i just ignore it like i always have? i try to make an effort to seek out the more legal ways where i can find my favorite works, but if we're just posting their instagram doodles in separate bulks and calling them chapters, what's the point?

i've never wanted more from something in my life........... wish this dragged out so bad

mooche created a topic of Now I'm the Boss

he's so bleh why cant the guys in these look good, is it to give the feeling that anyone, no matter how mid, can score a 10/10?? they never offer anything to the girls other than dick and an ass personality, like at least style your hair or smth ......

forever changed by that one timeskip fic that paired up mc with his brother's bf to take hatano's advances seriously

so hung up and over what? a blonde man.

mooche shared experience about question
i swear they werent there before. anyways heres me filling them in. (from Choose Your Heroes Carefully) {{edit: upon further inspections, i am very, very blind to the buttons in front of me}}
mooche created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

guys don't kiss people while they're asleep, it'll hurt your ego if they were actually secretly awake and run away when you're not there. also consent.

mooche created a topic of Fototaxia

it fills me with a strong sense of sadness, kinda bordering on dread, read the first, then skipped to the last two chapters, no breathing room no hope no nothing. the person below me is saying smth about 'loving fiction' to why they fw with this but just because its fiction doesn't make it any less depressing to read, go watch a serbian film and brag about fucking with that or wtv. i need a cigarette.

mooche answered question about question
if you have to see him irl make sure youre always with a friend, if he knows where you live make sure your parents know who not to answer the door for or to tell him you're not home, and if he's fr about pantsing, bro idk where extra long boys boxers and be prepared to roundhouse kick.
mooche created a topic of Tada de wa Dakaremasen


honest to god i don't even care about the mc i just need new kaede pics and the only way to get that is through him getting together with that thing

mooche created a topic of Pond with flowers


mooche created a topic of Pond with flowers

im still on the earlier chapters but this art really lacks one minute its a one for one upper body with a stiff anime boy head, the next they look like they're melting into one another

mooche created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

novel readers are being vague as hell but tell me this — is what's about to happen reciprocated?? bc we know yeowoon is straight (until proven other wise) so is there gonna be a dramatic shift in thought or a heavy double down??

mooche created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

the main reason the ex doesn't feel anything towards her is bc they couldn't have kids, but did they specify who? like were they clear on it or was it purposely vague so the author could spring a 'actually he was the infertile one all along, and now her and her new man have beautiful babies' on us, he just came inside her and if there's the possibility of a baby id wanna know for sure

mooche created a topic of High School Boy

"why did you make that face..." its almost like his crush rejected him, like do what you want but don't ask dumb questions (•´ ࡇ•`)