oof that was really good, if anyone has smth similar pls recommend !

https://findtreatment.gov/locator there u go <3

why do so many of you fail to grasp the meaning of the story? its literally about couples who, even though they experience a seemingly similar situation, their story develops differently because of their characters, their environment, the way they grew up, learned and lived so far. they will not show their love in the same way. they won't react to everything the same, they won't communicate the same, they won't do anything the same. and of course not everyone will like all people and their behaviors. as well as in the same way the same ones can be liked by others. I understand if you are not attracted to a fictional concept but again irl or not, just because something is not ideal to you it doesn't mean it applies to everyone.

idk it feels like the only reason why hyesung is with dojin is because of their bond, be fr, he went to see him just because he wanted to have sex. like i get that he grew up in a bad environment but something feels off about them. imo if it wasn’t for their bond and for their child they wouldn’t be together.

yeah what i said was towards ppl that say the exact same thing that u said so re-read my comment or the whole manhwa ig? like i had bad view over heesung at the beginning (i was very wrong i admit) but at this point?? nah, authors intentions r very clear and they do a very good job showing human emotions and interactions even inside a completely different world setting.
also heesung literally hugged him and bro got an erection and fucked him like let’s not pretend it’s not mutual or that dojin ain’t the one doing the most when it comes to sex.

Gurl imagine being raped, forced to have a child and you have to accept every shit that happens to you, bonded without consent, the guy's bestfriend is doing everything to remove you, that's being hyesung, and now you have to love the person who brought those shits to you, that's dojin. How is just supposed to love him out of nowhere? Ofcourse this chapter's sec was because they had bonded and everyone's way of loving is different. Ffs, if Dojin doesn't have a problem with, you shouldn't either

You do remember that dojin was hella conscious and he knew hyesung's heat might come, so why didn't he lock the door? Or why did he just accept hyesung's unconscious saying of wanting a baby? Or why didn't he use a condom from the start. And if you also remember he fucked him forcefully after he couldn't do it with that omega. Stop hating on hyesung not loving him. It will take him time

i cried so so many times while reading this, its so incredible and im so glad that all the comments are praising it, as they should. i really wish they will release the manga in english so i can own this masterpiece, so well-written and realistic plus all the characters are getting their fair share of development ! ian is straight up the biggest comfort character i ever had.

Same I bought the hole story on tappytoon so I own it digital but I want to have it physical copy too. Want to have all the volumes in book form it’s such an amazing story, and I have read it twice in one week and will reread this in the future
How old do u think Raymond and Ian is, since they don’t say the exact age through the story?

same, i really hope we can own it physically soon!!
i was quite curious about their ages as well and i sadly couldnt find any sources or assumptions over that anywhere,, my guess is that ian is around his twenties while raymond probably around his thirties ??im kinda trying to guess raymonds age from the infos we have when he was younger, we know that he was 8 in the flashbacks so im trying to compare the martha then and now // u have any ideas??

That’s a good guess, I read some comments and they said the same thing as you! That Ian is around 19 or early in the 20ies, and Raymond around thirty. He can’t be too young either since everything he has accomplished and worked for to be such an reach and successful man in they society can’t just be done in some few years. So I believe it took quite many years before he achieved it. So guess it’s correct. It’s kind of nice to not know their age too since age it’s just a number anyway
Also I thought they didn’t have mirrors in that life time they lived in,idk why I thought it wasn’t invented jet since they used car carriage. But I was wrong. I must say Raymond is a very smart and clever man, he can predict and plan out his plans well. Also with Ian by his side it got easier to get closer to his cold cause his art became so famous by the nobles but without Ian, I think he would find another way to achieve it but it would maybe take more time. I like to analyze and talk about this amazing story ┗( T﹏T )┛
But yeah he used people to the fullest, and he was very good at what he did. I was shocked. Also Ian was Raymond first man ever, to sleep with, I guess he is BI since he had always been with women his entire life, but people can find their true self like in any ages, but since Ray was never attracted to the opposite sex before. For me it’s difficult to 100% understand how that works

idk if its just me but i think ji-ah looks are getting more and more feminine in every chapter, dont get me wrong i have absolutely no prob with that but it seems weird considering u couldnt even tell she was a woman at the first chapters.. my trans a33 was really wishing that she was a trans man ngl

it’s a yuri which means they’re both women of non binary people who are attracted to each other. she looked more masculine because of the butch/fen dynamic in lesbian relationships and if she’s looking more feminine the artist is probably improving/trying out other styles. she’s not a trans man and yuris don’t include men i’m sure you can find comics with trans men in it but this isn’t

pointing out some random thoughts about how you wished a lesbian in a … yuri comic was a trans man … ain’t it. lesbians aren’t men don’t be wishing that here that’s why i said there are comics about trans men and maybe you should read that and not this if you want trans men to be represented in your readings

stop taking everything out of context while trying to find a problem in every single thing like damn i said one word and u jumped at 600 conclusions and for what? first of all because its a girls love manhwa that doesnt mean they are lesbians neither cisgender. and nope i wasnt even aware that it was yuri in the beginning, i just saw a nice art style and start reading it hec my whole progress of thoughts if u read the whole thing i said. maybe i didnt phrase it correctly since english aint my first lang but i obviously did not WISH she was actually a man in a gl but that this could seem to be the case, maybe not exactly a trans man but non-binary or gender fluid. it doesnt sound half bad and the umbrella of trans needs more recognition.. nonetheless yall say go read these if u want but if u find me more than one that takes the matter seriously i will bow to u

living without mio content is gonna be the end of me, he is my biggest comfort character and these are really some depressing news, ive already start buying the physicals bc of him but it will def take long to reach this point ;^; thank u very much for releasing so far here tho, whoever that did it!! if this will help even a bit this awesome author, im beyond happy<3

heesoo's right.. the fact that hyesung has problematic parents doesnt mean that he has to be the same;; thats a more reason to treat his child better! believe me ik that from real life experience// plus he has already burden dojin so many times ..i get that we all need some personal space but he aint the only one (lets not forget that hyesung abandoned byul for idk how long at the beginning )
def gotta pay this author, their brain is marvellous, need ten more books with these two. hopefully there’s a physical book out there