I legit can’t!! The AUDACITY of the policeman to try and catch Uruma in the act. Just a question but where the hell were you guys when his parents were murdered? Did nothing about the accident seem even remotely suspicious? Where was your “real justice” then? But now that it’s years later and the boy is finally getting revenge, you decide to show up?!?!??

It’s only one chapter but not gonna lie, she’s already kind of annoying. Why are you already crying and running away because a stranger told you that you couldn’t go in? He didn’t even say anything wrong and they aren’t even a couple either yet? Kind of stupid, I’m a comedic way though. But I am interested in seeing how the romance develops.

Omg don't say it like that ..i act strong but if someone scolds me my tear glands just automatically start secreting loads of tears ...and my eyes go red
Its like some kind of psychological reaction maybe
Either this or i get angry
But i CANT just go angry and yell at people who have authority to scold me
So i cry instead
Anyway i felt this scene like a blow so m saying all kinda people exist
:') ah i should get treatment

Awe I’m sorry to hear that. There are people like that I know but it just irks me that they met like a second ago and he tells her not to go in in a warning way rather than being mad but she didn’t even stay to hear him out.
Just watch it be him trying to protect her from getting hurt (● ̄(エ) ̄●)
I agree with that last bit, can’t go an scold those older than you and have authority either. I don’t cry but I definitely think about it for the rest of my life and then beat myself over it...
Not that I don’t like that there’s multiple dudes to choose from but is she not married to the crown prince? Idk how I feel about the whole hugging other guys and being close with them. In her position as a crown princess, I feel like she should maybe be a bit more reserve? Maybe I’m reading to much into it cause I also understand this is mainly a comedy.
Also, I just skimmed everything so apologies if I missed any kind of context that explains it but I think ultimately, it’s just author giving us more options for the ML.