DoopDoop February 9, 2020 4:31 am

I can't wait for the other two chapters to be fully translated.

They are so dialogue heavy and a lot of character development/plot progression seems to be hinted at in them.

I, for one, find Nakyum's interaction with Sir in the latest raw to be a relief. Special thanks to that sweet angel that translated the exchange in the comments here

    Mayeeri February 9, 2020 1:23 pm

    IKR !! I'm so excited for the translation and next raw. The plot is finally moving and it getting sooo interesting ^^

DoopDoop February 9, 2020 4:07 am

This is great.

Love how the author created three characters involved in this triangle who are lacking the complementary social skills that would get them what they want.

Jiwoon fears abandonment so much that he is terrified of leaving the very toxic and abusive relationship he has with his boss and his childhood so warped him he thinks pain is all he can get in life.

Yoonshik (boss) mistreats, hurts and belittles Jiwoon most of his life. For a long time, he was a thing the boss could use, Jiwoon was compliant but Yoonshik couldn't bother to not hurt him. He delighted in how devoid of feeling Jiwoon was but expected him to magically understand that the boss had actually developed feelings for him. The most interesting thing for me is that he sees Jiwoon as being the same as him yet he treated him like trash.

Soohan sees things very black and white. He is less damaged than the other two but his mother's betrayal blinds him to Jiwoon's abandonment issues and he can't comprehend Jiwoon's actions.

Great job from this author

    Dev February 9, 2020 4:13 am

    Sorry, i didn't mean to downvote

    DoopDoop February 9, 2020 4:20 am
    Sorry, i didn't mean to downvote Dev

    No problem

DoopDoop February 7, 2020 7:56 am

Has anybody touched on this? But when Sowha gets stabbed, why didn't he get in the car right away and leave? Was it because of pride? Mafioso cockiness? He was worried enough for Miha that he locked the car doors and threw away the keys. But he clearly doesn't know if it is an ambush when he calls out for the person to show themselves.

He didn't think that criminals would break the glass? Force the car door to get to Miha?

Also, how did they know precisely where Sowha would stop the car? The location wasn't pre-determined. They seemed to be discussing it while in the car and then they briefly went to the ocean but that's not where they were found. Sowha stopped for a smoke.

Did the writer mess up?

DoopDoop February 7, 2020 2:17 am

No one touches Kai

DoopDoop February 7, 2020 2:15 am

Chapter 27 is my life!

That is all!

DoopDoop February 7, 2020 2:07 am

Read this in one night. Must re-read.

All I can say is that they are not gonna know what hits them or just how hard when the seme comes back.

It was waiting for the knife to go in when everything was turning up roses for the uke but wasn't expecting a literal knife and then a hostile takeover.

DoopDoop February 6, 2020 9:54 pm

I really want to talk about this story.

I'll try to focus for now on chapter 33 (Spoiler Alert - I failed).


Where do I start? Well, I loved how Seungho blinded himself with Jealousy to the point that he didn't notice Nakyum had a fever. I think he hurt him badly in the Pavillion and when he went medieval on poor Nakyum's behind, he did even more damage.

He kept thinking Nakyum was just fighting him out of love and loyalty to Dbag Sir (Btw - Seungho read this ass like a book when he met him and I have a feeling he has a special dislike for this type of person aside from Nakyum's obvious worship of him. Seungho is an assh*** but he isn't a hypocrite and he seems to live pretty true to himself).

When he took advantage of Nakyum while my sweet angel was drunk, they looked like they had quite a few encounters that night and Nakyum just had back pain the next day. So, imo, Seungho thought their next encounter (cause how could Nakyum resist him?) would go just as well.

Seungho is reading signs from Nakyum that he isn't even aware of giving off. The looks between them while he paints (Nakyum catches them but dismisses himself as too worthless for Seungho to be interested in him), Nakyum's responses to Seungho's flirting or as he invades Nakyum's physical space before Seungho becomes blatantly sexually interested (that poor boy is an open book), Nakyum's excitement at what he is painting (notice that Seungho and his sexy as hell looks are the focus of all Nakyum's paintings).

All of that is very intoxicating for Seungho and it is heightened by the fact that he isn't consummating his desire for Nakyum immediately. For reason (insert eyeroll emoji here), Seungho doesn't give me the impression that he holds back or that Nakyum's lowborn status would even slow him down if he was interested.

In addition, Seungho is fully aware that Nakyum is too guileless to be plotting some seduction, or trying to use Seungho for gain. THAT has to be very refreshing for someone as jaded and depraved as Seungho.

At the Pavillion, Seungho was very eager to relive what to him was an out of the typical experience sexually. Nakyum's total surrender and affection while he believed he was with Sir was something he wanted to have again but this time Nakyum would know Seungho was the one he took his pleasure from.

This is all about pleasure to Seungho but then he starts to chase that moment they had. During that first night (chap. 21, pg. 7) as they were resting Seungho brings up to Nakyum that he used to fight him and flay so much when he touched him in the front (when Seungho couldn't keep his hands to himself after being with Jihwa for hours and stayed up to make sure Nakyum painted) and Nakyum, who had been delusional thinking he was Sir, responded that he did not dislike it.

Now, Sir seems too prudish to have had a go at Nakyum and as a matter of fact, who ever has seen the raws for 34 can get an idea that the reason for Nakyum's repression of his sexuality and desires are due to Sir's zealotry and bigotry towards homosexuality.

So in this conversation, did Nakyum, very briefly, talked to Seungho and not Sir?

I don't know if Seungho was operating under this memory but I do see that he was trying to push NK to recall that night, and more importantly, he went all alpha and tried to "erase" Sir from Nakyum's mind.

When my sweet baby not only rejects him, but he proceeds to let him know how devastated he is that it was SH and not Sir who slept with him when he does remember from my POV, Seungho set out to f Nakyum's brains out because he feels Nakyum's attraction to him and he thought passion would override Nakyum's feelings for Sir. Instead, he brutalized him.

So, while he prepares Nakyum for the sexathon he had in mind, Nakyum still got hurt. Blinded not by lust but jealousy of NK's devotion to Sir, so he took Nakyum's protests as more flaying from him and kept on going.

But something interesting happens to Seungho when he hurts Nakyum. He feels remorse.

He tries to "fix" what he did (when he thought Nakyum ruined that 2nd painting and slapped him so hard he cut his lip, when he sent the kindly servant to care for Nakyum after the Pavillion - he was so shaken after what he did that he seemed numb) and he pulls away (I interpreted this as giving himself and Nakyum time).

Seungho is introduced to us as a character when he very nonchalantly kills a servant for the offense of lying to him. Now it is made clear that SH is pretty sure this man didn't lie to him but that Nakyum has.

He doesn't blink, doesn't express remorse, he uses his murder of the servant as a way to get what he wants from Nakyum.

Nakyum, on the other hand, isn't his servant or slave.

He was picked off the street and incarcerated at a nobleman's pleasure for no crime, no debt. Just taken because he likes his paintings.

NK is viewed as ungrateful by the household servants around him for not wanting the roof or food provided for him that have been forced upon him. But Seungho doesn't feel distress over THAT because he is that entitled.

Yet he gives Nakyum a broken lip in anger over what to him and everyone around him would be justified as a serious offense but he tasks a servant to treat him and ensure no mark is left.

He spares him from a horrifying beating and though all of this is unjustified and gross by our standards, it is completely within his right merely due to his social standing with the reason being as petty as him simply being displeased.

When he hurts Nakyum physically, Seungho ensures he is taken care of, removes himself from Nakyum's presence as if he is overwhelmed by the situation, then he goes back to what he knows trying to distract himself as he appears to be mired in depression.

I think that distraction may also be in service of removing himself from Nakyum's presence either due to guilt, an inability to deal with his emotions/guilt or to prevent himself from forcing more of his sexual desires on NK while he is unwell.

In chapter 33, we hear from his lovers that he has been frequenting his daily haunts less and less.

So it is made clear to me that Nakyum affects him deeply.

In a way, I understand people wanting a quick resolution whether that's a happy ending or Seungho's castration and violent death.

I think that cheapens the story.

This author has been building something very carefully from the very start and I haven't been this excited about where a story would take me in a very long time.

I see a lot of comparisons to Killing Stalking. I see none. Killing Stalking is a horror story about two deeply disturbed and damaged individuals that build a codependency for one another that gets others killed by both of their hands.

Seungho is like the Count of Valmont from Dangerous Liaisons: Arrogant, decadent, cruel, entitled and ultimately seduced by goodness and decency wrapped in ethereal beauty.

    puffybear February 6, 2020 10:39 pm

    Thank you so much for taking your time out to write this(▰˘◡˘▰)

    melee February 6, 2020 10:50 pm

    exactly! also when he was going to give NK the straw mat bearing he stopped it. which is unlike him bc he easily kills people without blinking an eye.

    DoopDoop February 6, 2020 11:02 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! YoonSeo

    Thank you so much! I adore this story. It has so much depth and the author levels up in every chapter. She is truly masterful

    DoopDoop February 6, 2020 11:04 pm
    Thank you so much for taking your time out to write this(▰˘◡˘▰) puffybear

    Really appreciate you taking the time to read it. I wanted to discuss this story for some time.

    Fullmoontoni February 6, 2020 11:30 pm

    I enjoyed reading your review. Thank you! I also enjoy reading this story even though there are many who complain that they can't accept the way SH treats NK (but keep reading it). It's sad they don't get that there wouldn't have been a story of not for these particular characters that have been put together (with opposites like status, love interest, personalities, histories that clash together). Wouldn't it be a boring lecture if all of the stories had heroes in them with no weaknessess and full of values and good feelings?

    DoopDoop February 6, 2020 11:35 pm
    exactly! also when he was going to give NK the straw mat bearing he stopped it. which is unlike him bc he easily kills people without blinking an eye. melee

    Yes! Even before that punishment was issued, while SH was really upset with NK for "destroying" the painting on chap.11, what really sets him off was the mention of Sir and NK's hesitation in defending himself because of what the Sir-the-Jerk told NK (therefore to SH this was confirmation that NK had indeed ruined the painting). He was rational until that point.

    But even after hitting NK, and issuing his threats about having Sir and Nakyum killed, he tells Nakyum: "Do you understand that you must be punished?"

    He seemed not only upset but implies in that statement that he had no choice but to punish him since was insubordinate, and by not defending himself, NK confirmed he destroyed SH's property maliciously in FRONT of the servants.

    On Chap.33, the doctor was at risk of dying for questioning and chastising whoever mistreated NK if that kindly servant doesn't stop him. I have a feeling that since he is Seungho's doctor (he mentions how SH has all his invigorating medicine and doesn't need refills - might explain stamina), he felt he could be that candid with SH present.

    Somehow, I don't think SH's reputation extends to having dead bodies rolling out of his mansion on the regular since the doctor felt he could say that in the first place.

    pennyinheaven February 7, 2020 3:18 am

    I don't want to like the post to keep it at 69 lol. Great review! I love Seungho! An ass but definitely not a hypocrite. And we are seeing so much character development on SH yet most of our perspective is NK. I have so much respect for this author.

    Lucy In The Sky February 7, 2020 3:53 am

    Lovely review. It got me thinking about the kind of ending I want to see. I know some people want to see Seungho dead and some want to see Seungho and Nakyum in a happy relationship. I don't want either of the two. I don't want a cliche, happy-go-lucky ending. Like you said, it would be such a cheap thing for such a rich story. These characters have too many layers to end so simply.

    However, I do want to see Nakyum live his life how he so pleases. I want him to be free to enjoy things he held back from. I want him to accept himself for who he is rather than hiding away and feeling bad about his own desires. I think that's the direction the story is headed in. That's the whole point and so.....Seungho, completely whipped for the first time in his life, will bow at Nakyum's feet after slicing Inhun's head clean off his shoulders with one blow ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    DoopDoop February 7, 2020 5:51 am
    I don't want to like the post to keep it at 69 lol. Great review! I love Seungho! An ass but definitely not a hypocrite. And we are seeing so much character development on SH yet most of our perspective is NK. ... pennyinheaven

    Here's to a 69 being the next treat we get in the story...but I digress.

    Thank you for reading my review and taking the time to comment.

    I might be wrong but I read Seungho's promiscuity and how direct he is as complete defiance to hypocritical attitudes of his class (...or maybe even his father/family). Not saying he isn't a beast sexually but he doesn't care to hide it, he out rights flaunts it.

    I agree that character development for SH has been intensifying but this author is so good she has been dropping hints and smaller doses of his development from very early on (the scene where he caresses a sleeping Nakyum before he even notices the large painting Nakyum ripped was very eye opening for me).

    I love this author, I want everything they made and will make. I found another story with very similar art style, same period with a ghostly feel in either or toonkor that looks like hers but can't confirm because of the language barrier.

    Thanks again for reading

    DoopDoop February 7, 2020 6:39 am
    Lovely review. It got me thinking about the kind of ending I want to see. I know some people want to see Seungho dead and some want to see Seungho and Nakyum in a happy relationship. I don't want either of the ... Lucy In The Sky

    I wouldn't be disappointed with a bitter sweet ending. But to me, this author is so gifted that a happy ending in her hands wouldn't be cliche either.

    Especially if my suspicions that Sir the Jerk has a lot of damage to do in the future do come true. Check out his introduction and how in a later chapter he starts preparing to attack Seungho in the future after Sh threaten him during the hunt.

    Seungho is very smart but he is too distracted by his passion for Nakyum and too wrapped up in jealousy to see Sir as anything but an unworthy rival for NK's affection to see it coming.

    Sir is a man that holds on to his grudges.

    This story might be long (fingers crossed) but SH could also cut Sir's head off and prove me wrong.

    As for NK living life as he pleases, I only see that happening through SH. I see his violations of NK as horrible lessons to remove NK's naivete (I love yet cringe at how guileless and earnest he is - it is charming but also an eventual death sentence in the story's setting where you live at others' whims as long as they hold titles). SH's status and wealth can also afford NK a reprieve and if SH manages to develop into anything slightly less assholy, the sky is the limit for our boy. Even his liberation, sexual or otherwise, might come from SH.

    SH accepts NK as he is. No hang ups about NK's class except for his casual insults. He doesn't overthink it or holds back, he realizes he wants him and he jumps in with both feet.

    He even tempts NK into breaking his promise to Sir when he paints that first painting (and NK looked so excited - sexually).

    This does not erase what Nakyum has endured or the wrongs SH has done him but NK will grow from this pain.

    I made this too long again...sorry but just think that NK was protected at the Brothel he was raised in but NK became a drunkard thanks that Sir the Jerk and left his sanctuary. A beautiful, unpracticed and impaired boy outside of his safe haven in a city where nobles roam... not good

    pennyinheaven February 7, 2020 11:52 am
    Here's to a 69 being the next treat we get in the story...but I digress.Thank you for reading my review and taking the time to comment.I might be wrong but I read Seungho's promiscuity and how direct he is as c... DoopDoop

    Regarding Seungho's promiscuity and his entire personality being a defiance from his family, I can definitely see that. It's pretty typical that nobles are very hypocrite, it's how their social circle work. And I'll love Seungho more. Hahaha. It does not mean he is excused for for all the cruelty he has done but he has integrity, and I respect when characters are proud for being different.

    And I have mentioned this in one of my posts for the series, that Nakyum naivety is such a breath of fresh air for him. Sure it's irritating that he is Inhun's fool, but Nakyum never had ideas of taking advantage of Seungho. And this is the exact same reason why he is disgusted by Inhun, Inhun is pretending to be innocent and nice, even uses other people, compared to Seungho's sex partners who are explicitly conveying how they are just using Seungho for their benefit.

    To Seungho: Have pride with what you do, whether it's wrong or right. Assume responsibility for every action you do.

    DoopDoop February 7, 2020 4:22 pm
    Regarding Seungho's promiscuity and his entire personality being a defiance from his family, I can definitely see that. It's pretty typical that nobles are very hypocrite, it's how their social circle work. And... pennyinheaven

    Nothing can excuse Seungho's other behaviors. He may be forgiven. As an audience, some of us might.

    Though I am sure not every noble did similar behaviors, they had the power to do as they please with anyone that wasn't a noble and some would surpass SH's callousness.

    Jihwa had very casually set out to enrage SH against NK. That straw mat beating would have killed NK and for what? Because he was jealous that SH would sleep/did sleep with NK. If NK had been under Jihwa's power and SH had shown interest, Jihwa would have had a list of tortures prepared for NK and taken part in them.

    SH may also grow and become less unstable. I see Nakyum's presence as a soothing balm to SH. As if the emptiness in his life (which he appears to fill with sex 24/7) is slowly getting filled by other things. His sex drive is slowing down based on chap.33.

    SH's defiance is more a hint to character, not a saving grace

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