This has nothing to do with this chapter but the series so far....(bitchin' on my part will ensue)
I think it is clear that this series will have a third season because this entire 2nd season so far has just been filler building up to some sort of big reveal.
I have no insight or access to spoilers, but it just feels that way.
I complained at the start of this season that the chapters were too short and tacked it to the author having learned from the first season and taking it easy this time around but this tactic, in my opinion, has hurt the story and dragged it on and on.
The reason the story doesn't feel like it has advanced very much is because of this reduction. Previous season's chapters were filled with multiple things happening instead of being focused entirely in one event, like Seungho's interminable torture of Nakyum after getting him back. Do I think that is in character with Seungho: Absolutely! Did it move the story along: Hell no!
This story is now missing the intrigue and atmosphere that the first season kept oozing and building to.
It is too focused on single events and instead of building to a possible solution that was earned and worked for, it now relies in Deux Ex Machina drops, like Nakyum's sister showing up out of nowhere, the doctor having seen something and exposing it 3 chapters into Nakyum's misery.
I really believe (or hope at this point) that the author is dropping a bomb in a cliffhanger for the next season and that this season is just a hold over and interminable chapter that is just trying to set up the next season but I think that like any author that has an out of nowhere, incredibly well-received surprised hit, they were a little unprepared to build a longer storyline but were unable to commit to their original idea and opted to capitalize on the story's popularity (Not a criticism - just a deduction).
Overall, I think this story will be picking up towards the end and that the following season will be more in lined to what we saw the first season. I will be following til the end but I am more that a little disappointed with how this season has turned out so far.
What do you guys think? Would be very interested in reading of other readers' takes.
As always thank you for your time.

I one hundred per cent agree with your analysis, I think your deduction is definitely on point!
Many other Lezhin stories after hitting a big mark of success sadly end up dragging along and turning into some sort of telenovela with endless petty drama and dragged plot points that leads to nothing.
Its clear those are some of the tactics done to have more chapters to sell, and that sometimes the stories are not planned to be that long in the beginning and the authors have to make do with less time to plan and doubled pressure. Of course the author deserves all the money she can possibly get, but like you, I’m also holding on the hope that this second season is just a bunch of fillers building up to something greater and more solid for the next season.
I really miss the essence of POTN’s first season, because that’s what really made me fall in love with it, and second season until now just seems like an interminable filler like chapter.

Agree completely.
The author has a story, a really good one. All that political intrigue and people coming after Seungho are still coming and I expect this story to get back on track once it resumes it's story line again.
I get it too. The author should get as much money as possible but doing this is also risky cause you can make people lose interest and at the end of the day they'll probably not end up making as much as if they had kept the story tightly written.
People keep coming for it though so I am sure they'll do well in the end. Just hope this is the last of it because that will be a death knell.

She should be really aware that most of the fans are dropping this bc of the 'unchanged sh' tho the special chaps draws in more readers. I really do hope that the story goes back to its intended plot (like with inhun scheming something or more about sh's family) and it should not be out-of-nowhere a loveydovey chance story for the two for the sake of fan service. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

He is definitely coming back for Seungho since he was humiliated by him and also Inhun is in the vicinity of Seungho's younger brother. I expect that will also create some intrigue.
InHun only looks at Na-Kyum as an object to use for his schemes and he was the first to realize just how invested Seungho was in Na-Kyum.
The author also started making strides towards what was done to Seungho. I always felt he was greatly betrayed but I never imagined conversion therapy was what he was put through and it sounds like it was, leaving Seungho traumatized and mentally unstable.
You imagine having it all and being brilliantly gifted on top of it and when everyone says how lucky you are, you are living in a private hell of your father's making and YOU look and are made to feel like the bad guy.

I think the way this medium work, she will be. She gets a lot of feedback and I am sure that this season isn't as successful as the first one was. My only basis for this is that I am no longer waiting on bated breath for every chapter like I was before and at the beginning of this second season.
I can't imagined that this isn't happening to others as well or that people frustrated with the one step forward and 12 steps back "development" of Seungho's character won't have a backlash.
Reading the first season, you can see that things are layered there with intention and that there is a story there (at least that's how I read it) that was thought out and laid out.
This season is a cashgrab that can really damage the quality of the work if she keeps this up for too long.
As enjoyable as the special stories are, they are just filler in a story that hasn't moved forward.

You definitely do know what you are saying and added great points. We have antagonists and other story lines that have been set aside and that's OK because Inhun needs to gain power and things need to come without warning. That works.
But it is an eyesore and you start focusing on those stories when the story you are being served isn't satisfying.
I will follow this to the end because I do think the author has a great story coming our way. I am just a bit p/o because most of this season its endless filler

I somewhat agree but it's not that the plot was so compelling during season 1. Byeonduck spent too many chapters for pointless sex scenes like the rape marathon. Tbh I feel that if it wasn't for the art, no one would care about this work: there are so many predictable clichés (the noble falling for the poor, the unrequited love, mistaking your loved one while drunk etc.), also several scenes copied from Killing Stalking.
Seungho works as a character because he is a Sangwoo's wannabe (replace the mommy issues with daddy issues). But KS was a great work: in 67 chapters (the same amount of chapters PotN has now) we had a compelling story with well-written characters, tragic backstories and a subversion of the usual rape to love BL cliché.
Also I think some people are mistaking a slowburn story with a dragged-on plot: Take as an example the kidnapping and the misunderstanding: we really needed two chapters in a row whose only content was Nakyum being raped in all the sexual positions and details of ass and dicks? A good writer could create a tragic scene without showing anything.
Also some characters don't make sense: the assassin was depicted as a person despising nobles, and yet he ended up doing the morality pet for a noble who thinks people like him are sub-humans.
I think fans overrate Byeonduck as a writer

I respect your opinion and you do make some interesting points, but I disagree xD
I think POTN and KS are completely different types of work, KS is by principle a psychological horror, a genre that does not apply to POTN at all. POTN is a lot more couple oriented, and although it does have some traces of the psychological genre, it’s not horror and gore like KS at all.
POTN is indeed more focused on sex, but much of the story’s appeal, asides from the great art (that is undeniably one of the factors that creates hype about the story) comes from the way the characters relate with sex and homosexuality by their past experiences and their principles. The suspense from how Nakyum would survive in the mansion and how his relationship with Seungho would turn out to be, with such underlying sexual tension but completely different values, was something very compelling in the first season.
Sangwoo and Seungho comparisons have been made for a while, but asides from somewhat similar names, crazy looks and manipulative behavior I also see them as completely different characters that stand on their own. Sangwoo is a psychopath and draws intense pleasure from killing. Seungho, even with all the shitty things he’s done, has shown not pleasure from killing or to actively seek it. Also, he’s been shown to have suicidal tendencies and a negative view of himself in more than one occasion, something I don’t remember Sangwoo, a narcissist, from having. Anyways, both of their characters are great for the stories they’re in. I was an absolute fan of KS and now I’m really into POTN haha.
About the dragged plot points for POTN and way too long sex scenes, this is indeed true especially for second season. But about Byendeuck being a good writer or not, that depends on your taste. Personally, I really think she’s great, but I’ll agree that people overate her in the sense some readers think absolutely every panel she does has a deep meaning somehow, from the color to the weather, objects or whatever. I don’t think the author consideres everything so deeply like that.
As we were discussing before, we think what is going wrong with POTN is how the sudden gigantic success of the story may have changed the author’s original plans for a shorter story and how many things are being dragged to make more chapters to sell, like other Lezhin stories — wich doesn’t apply to KS that managed to keep consistent for a long time. We hope that this ceases to be soon, because many readers are leaving or losing interest.
Sorry for this long reply, POTN really gets me in the mood for talking haha

You probably don't remember well some details of Ks and Sangwoo's characters if you think their ony similarity is the name. Sangwoo is not a psychopath. Psychopath are born like that while he became a killer after a life of witnessing and experiencing first-hand abuse by the hand of the person he loved the most, his own mother. Like Seungho, he was a bright and kind child before being abused and manipulated by her mom. Especially during the last part of season 3 he actually shows suicidal tendencies (self-harm, ch 61) and a negative view of himself. Exactly like Seungho, he wants to be in control (all of this due to the abuse he endured) and has trust and abandonment issues. The scene in which he thinks Bum has escaped has been reproduced 1:1 in PotN (even other things I would gladly elaborate, even in DM if you are interested). And these are the first things I can say about it. The similarities are many, that's why I hate Seungho and I love Sangwoo despite being an abusive piece of shit. All about Sangwoo's character made sense according his backstory and experiences and the relationships he had, while for Seungho i have still some doubts.
And the similarities don't end with Seungho and Sangwoo (I could also elaborate this)
Also, KS is a (BL)thriller, but one of the main part of the story is the complex relationship between Sangwoo and Bum, so it's not that different from PotN if you think about it. I recommend you a re-read of this immortal masterpiece!
I feel that this success wasn't unexpected. I feel more that everything was planned by the author and Lezhin editors. Riding the wave of Koogi's success with a story that has the main ingredients that made KS the wordlwide successful masterpiece it is. Add to this an insisting promotion campaign and PotN being pushed donw our throats with merchandising and advertising (Also take into account Koogi has been bohicotted by Lezhin for taking part to some protests for a better treatment of the artists!)
The art is good and obviously porn between two conventionally attractive young men sells but Byeonduck, in my opinion, is not a talented writer like Koogi, and she cares more about fanservice than writing the story she wanted (she said that during an interview, she had to tone down the violence because the fans didn't like it). Maybe she will surprise the readers, but I can only see some other clichés in the future: Nakyum will be revealed the son of a noble, their blossoming relationship, Inhun ending in disgrace, the biggest showdown with Seungho's father, Seungho's brother ending up the head of their family after the father's death. It would be great that I'm completely wrong in my predictions and that Nakyum and Seungo wouldn't end up together for example, but this is clearly a rape to love story and nothing more.

I like how "out there" Miyuki's character is in possessiveness. That s@#$ ain't pretty, so it should be crossing many, many lines.
But I have to agree with some of the comments here. They developed the relationship between Furuya and Sawamura so well that I expected them to end up together in the end.
Sawamura's love for Miyuki was a little hard to believe because the story didn't bother developing their story, or at least leaving hints of how much they grew to care for each other. A few flashbacks of Miyuki's push to be engaged to Sawamura would have done it.
So yeah, I can see why people are rooting for Furuya because everything pointed to him being the right pair.

I could only get raws for this story in one place (had a very hard time finding it anywhere else) so I am not sure if this story is available somewhere else, but the place I got the raws from removed it.
A person in the comments here noted a few months ago that someone brought the site to the author's attention and they had to remove the raws. So the translator may not have a source to use for this story.
What the hell, baby?!?!?