Yeonjo’s father is the right state councilor. The new king’s brother (aka the grand prince, which is the title of the past king’s legitimate son that is not in line for the crown) employed Kwon as an officer because of his record as a brutal solidier. An officer oversees and leads other soldiers. The grand prince believed Kwon’s savagery would improve their military. kwon accepted the position and spent Kwon served years as an officer, even reaching commander level. at At time, a group outside the border of Kwon’s territory called the outlanders were preparing to attack. The councilors and ministers of the state did not agree with preparing a campaign against a possible invasion because the grand prince’s brother had just ceded the throne, meaning the state isnt prepared to fight a war. The state also had low food supplies, so the military wouldn’t have provisions. The grand prince believes the territory is in jeopardy because of the councilors’ reluctance. Kwon even singles out the right state councilor as a threat. Kwon advises the grand prince to ignore the ministry and councilors’ authority for the “greater good” of the kingdom. The grand prince decides to take out the right state councilor (who has the most power of the councilors), his elder sons, and the ministers of defense. This is decided with the goal of making an example out of them and scaring the other officials into complying. Kwon is tasked with executing the right state councilor and his two oldest sons. When the RS councilor and the ministers were killed, the other officials withdrew from their original stances and chose to comply. Once all the officials were in agreement with the grand prince, and the new king was left helpless and without support from the council or ministry, the grand prince took over the throne in order to lead the war and defend the kingdom.
The INTERESTING part is that Kwon did not actually have to take the role of killing the RS councilor, he says it was fueled by self interest because taking on the responsibility would grant him a quick promotion, which is why he is now such a high-rank noble.
2024-10-05 06:21 marked

2024-02-02 14:22 marked

2024-01-13 03:43 marked
Shonen ai or Yaoi I don't mind I need model student x deliquent recommendations a lot I need a lot of them tbh lol
2023-11-18 07:14 marked
Why do i feel like a lot of BL just revolve around sex , i want a BL with a good story please if anyone can recommend me any :D
Im seriously running out of things to read
Im seriously running out of things to read
2023-11-03 13:47 marked
2020-09-05 19:15 marked

2020-08-21 13:12 marked
2020-07-05 15:35 marked

I def think Leo is going to have a huge effect on how this story ends. Since he hasn't dropped the bomb that Joowon and Haesoo were lovers yet I feel like there's going to be this big blow out at the exhibit or maybe at the premiere of Joowon's new drama where it's revealed.
I think Joowon's PR team is obvi going to deny,deny,deny but Joowon's not gonna have it and is going to make a public statement (this was already hinted at when he argued with Taekyung and Taekyung told him that he's going to keep having issues with Haesoo because he can't/won't commit to being his lover or brother.)
However, rather than do anything to compromise Haesoo's happiness he's going to take all the blame (like we saw in the flashbacks/foreshadowing) and say that he forced a sexual relationship on Haesoo. However, again lol, rather than let Joowon loose his job/reputation/fame Haesoo's going to say the relationship was his decision. They'll both be forced to finally confront and properly address their feelings for each other. Joowon's reputation will still be ruined and he'll have to take a step back or probably move to a country where no one knows who he is and start over. Their parents will realize they can't keep them apart and will find a way to accept them as they are (cause really they were "brothers" for 2-3yrs, aren't blood related, and have been in a fully consensual relationship for years. it's weird but who are they really hurting?). Haesoo will need to make a decision and will choose Joowon because the main obstacle in their relationship (not defining the relationship) is gone. They'll heal together. Taekyung will move on quickly because he kinda knew all along he was on borrowed time. Though I could see them still being in each other's lives. Personally I feel like Taekyung is more interested in seeing how the story will end then actually being the endgame.
Now for the diamond ring and how it keeps coming up but Haesoo still has no idea it exists. I think the author is foreshadowing it’s significance and secrecy. It’ll play a huge part in the ending of the story and it seems to symbolize Joowon's love for Haesoo and the stages of their relationship.
1. When Joowon initially asks Haesoo if he wants a diamond ring this is symbolizing a possible next step in their relationship and a physical way for them to commit to each other since at this point they haven’t said “I love you”. It’s always significant when you give a ring to someone you’ve been fucking for 10 yrs. it’s also important that Haesoo doesn’t say no to it or tell Joowon not to buy it.
2. When Joowon gets back and we see he actually got the ring and then later we see it fall under the car seat. I think this is symbolizing that whatever next step/progress would’ve come from the gift is forgotten. Joowon's hope that their relationship will have some lasting impact is on pause and hidden under his jealously like the ring is hidden in the car. Now is not the time for it so it’s out of site/out of mind while Haesoo/Joowon work on their problems. But it’s still there, waiting to be found. Again, a lot like their love.
3. When Joowon’s agent finds/gives the ring back to him and tells him to deal with it. This obviously is a call back to why Joowon bought the ring in the first place (“who’s it for? Are you dating someone behind my back?”) and again is a physical reminder that he needs to get his shit together and deal with his issues so he’s in a position to finally give the ring to Haesoo. It's also a reminder of what they could have and seems to give Joowon some hope since he keeps it.
Regardless of who you’re rooting for, you’ve gotta agree that Leo’s side of the story is just starting. We prob have at least 15 more episodes/chapters to see that unfold. Also you can’t deny that Joowon buying a diamond ring is a pretty big deal. I doubt the author would just add that element for no reason, especially since it keeps coming back and he hasn't given it to Haesoo yet.
Thank you for reading my thesis and attending this TED talk on Love or Hate. haha
2020-07-05 15:27 marked

So 43 has shown us Jihwa has gone out to hire a hit man....Aside wtf SH’s staff just allow Jihwa on the property when he was forcefully thrown out before ????!!! Anyway...
THEORY on what’s to come...
SH will find out easily who was at the door when he was in bed with NK. & become very worried for NK’s safety considering Jihwa has acted out violently against NK in the past but now SH is desperately obsessed with NK & won’t want any harm to come to him. Not sure if he’ll find out exactly about the hitman but he’ll surely expect something. I think he’ll secretly send NK away (with the kind old servant) temporarily until he can resolve the threat. Where to? His bro’s household. You know how bro was begging him to come see their father, I think now SH will agree to it on condition that NK is given shelter & protection. SH will assure NK that he will come retrieve him himself. This will be a big deal because we know SH HATES his father but now cares more to protect NK than himself.
...The hitman will arrive at night expecting to just sneak in, slit NK’s throat as he’s sleeping in SH’s arms & back out. BUT what he finds is SH in the shadows with his big sword. Cue epic fight scene, the man may be a trained assassin but we know SH ain’t no bitch. Word gets back to the papa’s house that “blood has been shed” at SH’s House.
...SH will be fine (but his arm will be injured). He turns up at his father’s house & is pleasantly surprised to be greeted by a frantically worried NK. After which he will go to meet his father...Needless to say we will get some insight into SH’s mysterious & troubled past (but don’t expect all your Qs to be answered just yet). Also our MCs may be in more trouble in the future since the head household now knows SH favors a lowborn. On a lighter note, we may see SH with his hair down, as with an injured arm he can’t wash it himself so he'll ask NK to come to the bath with him & do it for him ;) END (ty for your attn)
2020-04-10 19:47 marked

Wolfgang, who is born with gold eyes and gold hair. He grows up with his mother, who keeps him hidden from the King. His mother burns, in a house set alight by the King. He has friends and comrades who trust him. He steals food, but he never touches supplies from the Royal Palace. He hates the King and he kills the King, and in turn becomes the King. In this process, he also grows to have friends and allies, and he grows to love Shin. By the time he meets Randolf, he's happy and for the most part he's content.
Meanwhile, Randolf, born with gold eyes but with dark hair. He also grows up with his mother. However, unlike Wolfgang's mother, his mother desperately wants him to be seen by the King, and longs for the King's providence. Randolf steals food specifically from the Royal Palace. Like Wolfgang, he too, grows to hate the King, wanting to enact revenge on the King. He's angry, bitter and alone in spite of the fact that he has many other siblings with him in the same place.
I just thought how well done the author illustrated how their color of hair has made all the difference in their life paths. If Randolf had been born with golden hair, wouldn't he too be able to be like Wolfgang?
2020-04-10 18:55 marked
this item will be show after approved
2020-04-07 17:54 marked

2020-04-07 17:01 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-04-03 06:29 marked

Nobody's doing okey in this manhwa tbh, haesoo is stuck in a toxic relationship with a narcissist + they are codependent on each other and I feel like Taku is reckless, he gets himself in really dangerous and risky situation.
Haesoo, tho, i feel like he realized the issues he has and doesn't want to take them into his next relationship.
He really needs healing...
I prefer Taku but then I will be team haesoo x haesoo, tbh at first it felt like Taku was just in it for the thrill of it but now feels like he likes Haesoo. But it stilk feels like both him anx joowon are into what Haesoo has to offer n not the actual person.
2020-04-02 12:23 marked
Can you recommend me some good manga with interesting plot? Not bl but almost bl. Like it has strong bonds between male characters but not romnetic.
And good plot, thats important
And good plot, thats important
2020-04-02 12:08 marked

2) Joowon - insecure about Haesoo's love for him. Still to find out what made him so hesitant to make it official with Haesoo (long after their parents divorced), at the least try.
3) Taku - Why? Just why? Why is he so emotionless? How did he fall in love with Haesoo through his story? Why does he need to take Joowon's place? Like he can't make Haesoo love him just as is without having to kick Joowon out. Taku is still a mystery to me. Been trying to analyze him but I can't get anything. The more info is said about him, the mystery just piles up.
Though it's fun to see people in the comments finally waking up that this story is not the typical romance series. None of the characters are to be cheered for. All of them have flaws that make either others or themselves miserable.
2020-03-30 14:47 marked

2020-03-30 14:47 marked
Painful yet beautiful...does anyone has raws? Or spoilers?