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softpills July 1, 2021 10:20 am

i honestly have no idea what’s going on anymore LMFAOOO.. also. WHEN THE HELL DID HE MEET UP W THE GRANDPA? i completely forgot abt that.. someone pls refresh my memory, what did he want from him o_o or lmk what chapter it was pls thank u

    purrrcy July 1, 2021 10:27 am

    It's when Yahwi chased Jooin just in time to see he got in a limo. Then he came to wait Jooin at the entrance of his apartment...

    lipstickjule July 1, 2021 12:21 pm

    Ch 42 they met. The grandpa is lowkey pushy AF. Like around the first 10 CH or so the grandpa had Yahwi being spied on by one of his assistants because Yahwi wouldn't talk to him about his personal life, lmfao.

    I think around the time the rumors got out online the grandpa reached out the Jooin and took him out somewhere.

    Yahwi was pissed because he thought either he was going to be trashed talked about or Jooin was going to be threatened but he never clearly expressed those fears so Jooin just told him to ask his grandpa what he said and I doubt he did.
    Based on this flashback looks like the grandpa was just trying to clear the air and convince Jooin not to judge Yahwi too harshly and maybe give him another chance.
    Also when the grandpa was first introduced he said he wanted Yahwi to meet someone nice so maybe he really was playing matchmaker.

softpills June 12, 2021 1:03 pm

ima be honest w u. i have no clue what’s going on. ever. LITERALLY WHAT IS GOING ON? n what did whoever it was tht said tht mean by “we r more alike than u think” SOMEONE EXPLAIN

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