Are the chapters being put in order after Vol.1 Ch 442 it skipped to her in a radio station li um what happened I feel there are some chapters missing so are they being added or does it just skip like that?(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Originally, Season 1 and Season 2 were being translated and uploaded by different people. S1 got an official translation, and that group stopped uploading, so for a long time there was a huge gap between where S1 stopped and the radio station bit which is the start of S2.
Now another uploader is in the process of filling in the gap. They're actually getting pretty close, but there's still a bit to go. That's why all of the chapters marked "New" are in the middle of the series right now.

Well, they're almost done filling the current gap. I don't remember exactly how many chapters are in S1, but it was 400-something, and I've read the whole first season and vaguely remember the story beats, so I know that where they are in the story right now isn't far from the end of the season. Once that gap is full, it's basically complete up to S2E250 or so, I think.

This is for all the haters. In real life non of us condone rape but news flash this is a MANGA. Real ppl are not being harmed. Maybe if some of you guys pulled your heads out your ass and stop disrespecting the author and there good work you could enjoy the manga as do the rest of us. Until then be quite and keep your opinions to yourself.
( ̄へ ̄)
Please tell me im, not the only one who wants toBEAT THE LIVING SHIT out of the disrespectful mistress. Not even gonna mention what wanna do to the dusty ass husband who needs to be stomped out⚰