I dont know about you but a fair bit of people have been very vocal about POTN lately and Byeonduck has seen the negative feedback she has been getting as proven on her twitter, so yes the author is seeing these type comments when done in large numbers. Also I have a right to comment and share my thoughts on something I have invested time and money on. People review products all the time, therefore I feel I am entitled to share my thoughts on it. New BL stories will stop having the same normalised toxic traits when people stop normalising it. More people these days are speaking out about this and times are changing. By accepting the way things are nothing will change, using toxicity as a plot device is a lazy way of writing and you shouldn't become a writer if you can't produce a story without abuse (if the abuse isn't relevant).

So plot hole or anybody got an explanation? Rin is reincarnated from a past life and remembers those memories. But apparently she doesn't have any memory of her Dad trying to kill her as a baby? This character even said she was TOO young to remember. SO when did she remember her past life... did she not reincarnate with the memories when she was a baby like other isekai manwhas or??

At the start I believe she did know that her dad thought of killing her when she was a baby but it seems like she forgot about it as she grew older. Since she said that she finally remembered. This also goes for her past life memories. It seems like the longer she lives in her new world the more she forgets her past memories

She was born incomplete, Irene her past life reached out to her so that she could live a happier life instead another tragic life. She only explained certain things so that she could live a better life. Think about it if you know you were hated and treated badly in the past then you would work harder and happier in the future or when you have a new life. But if you knew as soon as you were born into your new life your father tried to kill you how would you be happy. As a child that would be the only thing on your mind, “is he gonna try and kill me again? Does he really mean he loves me? What if he gets tired of looking at me and decides I’m not needed anymore?” How would that be any different from any of her other tragic lives?

People are not as vocal about "sleeping around" when the roles are reversed bc ppl have been conditioned to like the trope of:
The player, unattainable guy that only does casual sex, falls in love and finally settles down for the mc girl (or uke). The girl or uke are usually written as virgins or an average character that "aren't like other girls" but influences and sucks in the "popular male player" who is changed for the better. That's why when you see a seme sleeping around you actually like the fact that he stops for someone he loves and the change is proof of his devotion and loyalty to her/him, when before he never did that.
When the girl or uke is sleeping around it disrupts this common trope and makes people uncomfortable. This also stems from our patriarcle society and how men get away with virtually anything. Guys are seen as "player, legend etc" when he "gets the chicks" whereas women in society are seen as "sluts, whores, dirty etc" when they sleep around and "don't respect their bodies". This also disrupts the idea of the virgin character who is inexperienced and naive.
Also sleeping around implicitly tells us that the player is actually popular because he can get with all these ppl which leads us to believe that many throw themselves at him. This creates an image that deems him cool and amazing in bed and that everyone WANTS him or WANTS to date him. By not dating we are led to believe he is untouchable and undateable so we root for the FL or uke to "change" that part of him and be the "first" to tie him down. This gives the FL/uke a chance to stand out from the crowd and actually makes her/him "special".
In this story the virgin/innocent character is actually the top and the player character is the bottom. Just like what I've written above we want the "player" to change for the mc who needs to be the one to tie him down to actually be "special". But we are getting overly worked up and slut shaming the uke more than we would with reversed roles is because we aren't used to it or haven't been conditioned to excuse it. We get mad and angry that he isn't innocent and a virgin. The roles are just too different. I'm guilty of having this mindset too but I'm working on changing this mindset bc ik it's harmful.
In saying that the uke can do whatever he fucking wants and nobody should really complain bc it is his body and his choice. He did not promise our seme/mc anything and ppl shouldn't be getting mad about him wanting to find pleasure in sex.

This might be bad but every single time I re-read this I can never come to genuinely like Taesung’s mother. Like I've tried to like her after she began trying to rekindle her relationship with her son but I just can't after knowing she emotionally neglected him throughout his childhood. I know she regrets it but still (︶︿︶)=凸

At this point do we even need to see the whole sex (or rape) scenes. They're literally so violent and show no signs of love or affection which we've seen so many times. Like instead of filling up chapters with these unnecessary rape scenes that I can't even enjoy, just start jump cutting the scenes and leave it implied that they did the deed to leave room for actual plot development.