Y'all realize "not a chance" was a total lie. Literally an undercover cop he can't admit he's in love with an officer wtf xD if u dropped this for that maybe it's for the better
Wow ok that chapter had some feels to it (130) Kinky feels as well... This would be filthy if it was mature smh probably double the chapter numbers too TT
So you're just gonna let every guy who gives u a little bit of kindness your ass? Welp I didn't think it could get worse
That's so fucked up but also kind of clever to put the sunscreen on the bully's desk TT I mean next chapter. Gotta see how someone responds to getting jizzed on TT
I wish the manwha was just the two mc being cute and awkward together and the SA weird but ended TT
Is this just going to be the continuous downfall of uke? He's just gonna get shit on by everyone who gives him an ounce of affection? Man if he starts next season as a raging alcoholic I won't be surprised