2024-05-14 15:49 marked

like at this point i want a gentleman to show up and win teach over bc im done with this mistreatment
teach has suffered enough, its time for fluff not for "angst but its the love interest thats doing it now", how are we supposed to root for this "romance" when yuri keeps being such an asshole?
i get that the author wanted to make a "mean bad boy who just needs a special someone to change" (thats how i got that at least, in the main story yuri seemed indifferent but not as bad as hes here) but cmon man
i love angst as much as the next guy but theres a reason its often paired with hurt/comfort, after the characters suffered i want to see them get back up, feel better, be happy again! it makes me hope i can do that too, but just throwing the character into a situation where they keep getting knocked back down bY THE LOVE INTEREST?? like bruh, the romance is just going to feel unhealthy and if ur trying to show people learning from mistakes and loving sb again thats not the way to do that man
idk i just wish author didnt waste this chance to show sth interesting to just do another "bad boy abuses love interest, but its ok bc bad boy is misunderstood and he means well" bc we have wayyyyyy too many of those
2021-04-21 10:27 marked
An old guy gets drunk in a "gay" park and a younger blond trucker takes him along to drive somewhere. The old guy gets embarrassed about not wearing "cool" underwear? pls
2021-03-08 16:13 marked
Best combination?