Some of y'all don't have reading comprehension or a decent amount of empathy and it shows. Every update I come to read the replies on here and it's such a mess and the takes are so bad i wonder if we're all reading the same story... I should really refrain from checking it only helps in ruining the experience of this manhwa for me.

Zhenzhu created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

I can't believe Heejae's delulu really led to Seyeong being on the path of liking him back.

Zhenzhu created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

I've never felt this lonely before this chapter.

Zhenzhu created a topic of Full volume

The best thing the author did was going from early chapters shy and timid Beom who barely knew how to express what he likes to dom Beom slapping Dowon and telling him he's a filthy cockwhore begging to pound. I-

I'm seriously loving it

Zhenzhu created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door


Zhenzhu created a topic of Full volume

The first slap reverberated in my soul I had to look away for a second to comprehend he actually did that the extras do be having the best sex scenes damn

Zhenzhu created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Where's the /j Heejae?

Zhenzhu created a topic of Thirst

This had no right making me feel like I'm an alpha in a rut smelling omega pheromones at the distance of 10 km and going insane

Zhenzhu created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

Can't wait for the whole arc of mc being sad and depressed only for second ml to console him and make him feel loved so ml realized "oh shit fucking balls I love the mc" when he gets jealous and reclaims mc so we can all then cry over second ml and how unfair it is until suddenly author-nim gives us a love interest for second ml that makes us all go ooooooooooo i like second couple better and then the story concludes.

I'm manifesting.

Zhenzhu created a topic of Jinx

Well I hope you lose the next match then, rude ass motherfucker

Zhenzhu created a topic of Jinx

Well I hope you lose the next match then, rude ass motherfucker

Zhenzhu created a topic of ENNEAD

Wait who's Khnum again?

Zhenzhu created a topic of Reunion

I'm clawing at the bars of my enclosure for real I'm going feral over the tenderness

Zhenzhu created a topic of Define The Relationship

I think I felt that tip slide in more than Lyle at this point with how much we were edged

Zhenzhu created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon



*meme of the young boy scratching his head with a helpless expression*

Uhhhhh what just happened

Zhenzhu created a topic of Payback

I can see everyone hating or being angry at willhelm but I'm coming out.

I'm coming out as a Willhelm lover I'm sorry. I understand everyone's reasoning but I am genuinely in love with dark characters that are complex and morally gray. It's not like Reinhardt was the epitome of innocence and virtue either she had no idea about Willhelm's plans and memories yet still decided to take him in and manipulate him so he can be loyal to her and help her with her revenge. She chose to omit facts from him, and him knowing things anyway doesn't erase the fact that she intended to use him, so idk why everyone forgets that and focuses on every twisted thing Willhelm does so thay he too can achieve his goals (by goals I mean Reinhardt's love and revenge).

I am not actually angry at the Dulencia side plot, I'm thriving in what Willhelm is doing because I understand he really has zero interest in her beyond being a tool to exact the revenge he aims for. Also he didn't kiss her feet, for people who are mad about that. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT, MAKING HER SO CLOSE TO GETTING WHAT SHE WANTS BUT DENYING IT FOR HER. it's a form of manipulation. Get her so drunk of the high of being closer to what she wants so she'd do anything to have it, even if it means to kill (Michael, to be clear). In fact, his is also his own revenge on her because she had abused him and humiliated him so much in the past and he really had zero lust for life to even fight it back. He had no one to treat him nicely or show him affection so he didn't know what it's like, she's the only one to have had expressed even wanting to be with him so he accepted the abuse. He came to know better after meeting Reinhardt. Why are you all cheering for Rein's revenge but angry at Willhelm for wanting to give Dulencia back a taste of what she caused him? It's his revenge too, and it just happens to help Reinhardt, that's all.

I also miss Dietrich but I don't hate that he's not the ML cause I also appreciate Reinhardt's and his platonic relationship. He doesn't need to be her lover foe it to be meaningful and he can exist in the plot again without having to take someone's place. Reinhardt really loves Willhelm to the point she ditches her promise to herself to never love again for him, and to ignore that and say oh she should be with Dietrich is a disservice really

Is Willhelm a bit twisted? Yes
Can I blame him? No
Do I hate him for it? No
Do I condone it? Not exactly but I will also cheer for him and Reinhardt exacting their revenge on the people who hurt them.

Zhenzhu created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

Idk why people are so pressed about the card thing Neungso doesn't even know anything about cards except it has this thing called money and we do the swish swish at stores to get what we want. I bet he has no idea money can run out in it, that it might have a limit, let alone that it's tied to a phone number.

About the whole "he should've gotten one with his own earnings" thing;;;;;; i want u to imagine a child who just understood the world runs on money for everything, and that you don't have that money but you really want to get this expensive toy gift to your friend, and then someone said here this is a card that has money. It's not yours, but you have it now so