Such a nice friends he have, well his childhood friends is also nice but too obsessive and crazy, im just glad our mc have his own normal precious friends.
What's wrong with chapter 5? The order is totally messed up
Hmm, it's always the parents' ego that pushes their kids to their limits
The blonde kids maybe know that their mothers bring ml in cause she needs a replacement for one of the twins that is already dead, plus he has similarities to be one. That explains why he vomited when he first saw him.
That's also why he constantly bullied ml cause he only saw him as a fake and eyesore out of jealously.
And ml out of betrayal from the one he could think as a mother wants to outshine their real son to take revenge on the family? Something like that maybe?
God someone who already read the raw please explain..
What kind oh hot and adorable ml is this? Looks green, and is that tattoo? The black things in his body? Thats dope man!
Oh so the rotten lady with white hair that looking for a baby to be eaten is actually ml mothers? Oh thats makes sense now..
At this rate i only want that mf to save him, i dont need any 2nd ml, hell nah bro.. and please dont let anything bad happen to my mc.
Oh fuck, not when mc hurt... damn.
Im waiting for it (smut) but not like this, no.. it'll make the wound get worse
Hmm thats not 184 &185 its the same as 182&183 wth?
Its not april yet duh, come on~
Now... this is what im waiting for...
Rude mugo can get lost for all i care but this adorable one? Love this cutie monster!
Are u kidding me? When finally i see interaction of ian and vercike? This damn cliffhanger
Team Gil here (▰˘◡˘▰)
I hope he is the end game.
Where can i find a man that have this green flag personality? The mc are so lucky
Now that's it! I love it when mc can beat the shit out of this psycho ml...
Lmao so satisfying!
Haha the comments divided into 2, one is for the king to drop death or just let the mc go, the other one is for the king and the main character to be happy together.
The percentage is like 90% & 10%
Nah i want the psycho not this green fella.. he is good but sorry the mc are taken, u need to find someone else greeny boy
Know what? I really want mc to teach ml a lesson when he do some shit like this.
Yeah yeah some physical pain can heal but emotional pain is hard to recover yes.. idc if ml hurt by what mc says.. but they should understand that everything they done to hurt mc is not just end up in physical but will also effect their emotional state! Thats even worse! Can they understand that?! This psychopath ml! Make them cry!!!