To be honest I feel so bad for the king because he is not exactly a villain or even a bad guy. He has a massive inferiority complex and that makes him act like a douche sometimes but otherwise he's a genuinely funny and endearingly awkward character (Kenneth and Brandon obviously respect and admire him, plus their interactions are so informal that you can tell he's not arrogant or pompous or looks down on them, and Arthur clearly loved him as a child.) Even the fact that he's trying so hard with Charlotte while clearly having no clue about how to actually court a woman would be a cute quality under different circumstances. But it all comes back to that inferiority complex and the obsession that stems from it. It devours him and all the good things he has go down the drain. I actually liked him more than I did Arthur originally because while Arthur is the perfect suffered hero, the king has an actual personality and I liked the stupid way in which he approached Charlotte all arrogant only for her to shot him down and proceed to bicker. Mich more interesting than the insta-love of Arthur. But man, he's killing all his chances.
If oppressing someone else bc of your own inferiority complex, or trying to force your crush into marrying you, doesn't qualify you as a bad guy then how about:
1. Deliberately and continously sending someone you dislike off to war, hoping they would be killed or at least suffer.
2. Trying to seize the wealth and title of one of your own subject (who has done nothing to deserve it), by underhanded means.
3. Threatening someone into submission by taking their sister's life hostage.
Ramsay/Theron is clearly a bad guy at this point in the story. He may get a redemption arc later, but until then I am NOT rooting for him.
I'm not saying he's a good person by any means. But not being a good person doesn't make you a villain. I mentioned his inferiority complex makes him act as a complete douche to Arthur but other than that, where are his villainous qualities?
1 - You mentioned how he sends Arthur to dangerous missions hoping he dies. Yes, that's messed up. But he has a henchman and several undercover people, and yet he hasn't had Arthur assassinated or tried to actually kill him (that we know of). Even when he saw Arthur all chummy with Charlotte and he got pretty crazy with jealousy (so much that he started harassing her with all the letters) he still did not try to harm Arthur or punish him in any extra way.
2 - You mentioned he tried to seize the assets of one of his subjects and I won't touch on that, because kings and people in power do it all the time. It's nothing new. Is it an asshole move? Yes. But again, you can be an asshole without being a villain. Also, I feel obliged to mentioned that they were trying to scam Albert originally, not Charlotte. The only reason why it bothers us is because we know Charlotte and like Charlotte. If it had happened to Albert we wouldn't even be sorry. Just something to consider about standards.
3 - Your last point about holding his sister's life hostage is the only thing I would agree it's pretty Villain-like, but I still feel obliged to point out that nobody is morally obligated to save a person they have no connection to. Obviously you should if you could, but it is not an obligation. That's what separates a good person from the average. If you take your cue from the flashbacks, Arthur and Ramsey's family broke long before this sister came into the scene, so she's virtually a stranger to Ramsay. They share blood but in this story that's clearly not very significant when it comes to relationships. He's not obligated to help her, and again, he's not really harming her (he didn't cause her disease or it's aggravating it in any way, that we know of). She is sick and she needs his help and the decent thing to do would be to give it since it doesn't appear to be harming HIM at all. But Ramsay is not a good person. He's an average douchebag with an inferiority complex. He's the person who would charge you for the medical equipment you need and if you didn't have money let you die, except that in this case, the money Arthur is paying is his loyal and willingness to do Ramsey's dirty work. Again he is not a good person, and if you're not rooting for him then more power to you. I never said you should. He's clearly in the wrong in the way he's approaching things, and the more he acts this way the worse it will be. I'm just sad that that's the end he seems to be precipitating towards, because he is, when it comes to possible MLs far more of an interesting choice than Arthur.
I haven't said otherwise. In my opinion, it's actions rather than intentions that define a person, so I agree there is no excuse. I just feel bad because he is a victim of circumstance almost as much as Charlotte or probably even more. He had a shitty father and shitty step-father and their influence ruined his entire life. He is in the brink of being an irredeemable character but he can still turn back. I don't think he will though, because the only one who could save him and help him see the error of his way (Charlotte) is in love with someone else (Not saying she cannot be, she has the right to love or not love whoever she wants, just talking from Ramsay's perspective).
There is no question that Medea was more warped by their upbringing than Dekis, but she is by no means unfeeling. She cared about Psyche and Heli and her nanny too, so I don't think her attitude towards Dekis who also loved her would be much different. I'm thinking she had an ulterior plan against her father all along and Dekis simply misunderstood her attitude, or she purposely got him out of the way by leading him to abandon the household since she wanted to bring the entire thing down and Dekis's kind personality would interfere with that vs Medea who is just plain ruthless.
Mo Ran has 3 stages in this story:
Hateful mongrel
Stupid dog
Dumb Puppy.
I keep checking every few weeks how we doing but I forget the hateful mongrel state is rather long. Oh, well, I'll be back for the groveling stupid dog arc. I do enjoy that one.
Reading the novel is better or reading manhwa then the novel?
I read the novel first. Manhwa is a bit disappointing because they censure a .lot of the spicy scenes. Also, Chu Wanning's descriptions are much more intimidating in the novel so you feel the distance between him and Mo Ran much more keenly than in the manhwa and understand exactly what kind of figure Chu Wanning was in the eyes of young Mo Ran. In the manhwa, Chu Wannings prescience is much more toned down, because they show him with many different expressions and even in chibi version. The last thing, the novel is told from Mo Ran's point of view, much more closely than it happens in the manhwa, and Mo Ran is a supremely unreliable narrator, so his emotional reactions are very childish and visceral most of the time, and there's a point where I really hated him for being so f*cking stupid and cruel. The novel is raw, and even after a couple of years, I don't re read most of the first part (the one we are going through right now), because as I said, novel Mo Ran abuses Chu Wanning horribly and there are many times in which I honestly don't want them to end up together. The only reason I like this novel is because the author was very aware of the fact that Mo Ran was hateful and makes him suffer just as badly for what he did to Chu Wanning, so I enjoyed immensely watching him grovel and beg for forgiveness and pledge his entire life to his shizun, even if he never loved him back.
Sorry sounds like a lot of spoilers but pls tell me WHY CAN'T I SEE THE NOVEL'S TRANSLATION HOW IS IT NOT COMPLETED -----
Honestly not normally one to enjoy stuff with the content you've explain but if you're honest about the fact the author is very aware of the ML's actions and makes him repent, I may actually give it a read.
I'm not good with spoilers so read at your own risk
I love a good groveling I must say, and seeing him regret everything he ever did, not only to Shizun but to his uncle and aunt and to Xue Meng as well is very satisfying. Mo Ran's character journey is very much once of repentance and self-punishment, and what I liked particularly is that a lot of trashy characters who come to regret their actions or how they treated their partner, apologize a lot to said partner and try all sorts of redeeming actions, but its usually with the sole objective of winning that partner back after they f*ckd up. Mo Ran is not like that, when he comes to regret his actions and decides to change he does it from a 100% genuine place, because he realizes he let down the people who believed in him (Chu Wanning and his family) and feels like garbage for it. He spends the entire first half of the novel acting like the biggest victim, and oh woe is me, play me the smallest violin on earth, and feeling justified on every action he took in the past. And then when he realizes he was the actual bad guy all along, the actual victimizer he breaks down and its beautiful to see, because he lets go of every single excuse at once. He realizes, oh shit I created my own hell. And when he decides to fix it he goes all out, on everybody, not just with the objective of regaining his partners affection like in other romance stories. He's a better brother to Xue Meng, to the point they become inseparable. He turns into a better friend, a better nephew, a better everything. He fights to become the person Shizun always wanted him to be, just because he doesn't want to let him down again, not because he's expecting anything. Even while having 0 expectation of ever entering a relationship with Chu Wanning that went beyond Master and Student. Even with his past and all the spicy memories, he was 100% committed to being whatever Shizun wanted him to be and be 100% platonic for the rest of his life. He changed because he knew it was the right thing to do, not because it was the way to get his partner back.
Nah I'm glad they censored it, at least you won’t have to look at abuse and rape but I guess you have no problem with that
Ah sorry I didn’t read through your whole comment before commenting before since I thought you were one of the people who justify what MC did. IMO MC didn’t suffer enough, he should have been put through exactly what he did to ML and the died by being burned alive. My hate for that motherfucker runs so deep.