I don't care how much dislikes this comment gets. After reading someone's comment, I simply want to share my thoughts and I do hope you don't read this in a way that may make this sound rude...
I actually went to see if the post was still up last night since it'd be dangerous to both them and this site if it were. I can see that they have been using the platform for quite a while and I just don't think they wouldn't notice that their account was not private. They also could've rechecked their post and deleted it once they notice that the author was tagged. But it's really understandable if they didn't see it. It's very normal to overlook things.

Just NOT post anything from illegal sites! Like KEEP IT TO YOURSELF, SAVE IT IN SOME GALLERY and if you wanna share this with people then do so with your friends or within a private group. For goodness sake, this site is gonna have it rough at this rate. I can't with this carelessness and ignorance anymore...
Shit... I can't even remember how many times I said "No" while reading this..... dude why..?