Anyone know that BL with the yanky that falls in love with a scary looking flowershop owner

This ? Im not sure

Alright I'm bored recommendations anyone

check my list:
https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/1031841/ (Different types of genres)
https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/1178133/ (dark/action/gothic/fantasy)

I was ready a manga but lost it. It about a women Jenna I think her name was, and her boyfriend cheated on her with her sister so the last straw being pulled she leaves the house but not without revenge. She was adopted into these people house for she had memory loss, but when she regains her memories she's a badass, she married this cool dude to. She is like a dark prince in the underground world

If you'd like to read thank to help from others I've found it http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/taming_the_possessive_girl/

If you'd like to read it, it has been found

Idk what it so just give me something to read I'll read it, I'll reread it if I have to. I'm so very bored. I'll read it and give you my opinion after reading it if I have to just plz.

Sorry if you read it already but here

Look man I just wanna nerd out on this
I just read where he starts traveling with the granny . I'm crying
Anyone got any good sport genre to read.
I really enjoyed this one's anime. So the manga is likely good as well Hope this is new for you!
Thank you so much ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ I know I'll love it just from the cover
Thank you ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
BRUH CH 4 has me crying like a baby
there is an also an anime for this one
Pooh I love this one, I've reread this and Big wind up so much I know the line lmao ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ
omg yesss