But I’d like to talk about the uke’s “retired gay” friend... His case is so bittersweet and realistic I nearly choked. As someone who is more or less the same, I can only hope that if I’m ever backed into a corner about marriage, my husband will be like that friend’s wife. Seriously, she is a 100% authentic ally and we stan her for it. An absolute royalty.

I am fully aware of the fact that dicks come in all shapes and sizes but do you ever just look at a yaoi dick and think no??? like micro penis- totally cool, sword penis- cool as well but dick the size of a six feet tall man’s forearm? ugh dick the size of an icecream stick? ugghhhhh what is happening..no shade to anyone involved but if there are artists reading this do enlighten me- is it that hard to portray two different sizes of dicks in the same scene without one of them looking wrong???

Good Sir Shinta, you are supposed to TALK IT OUT with your current partner before agreeing to go on five whole dates with someone obsessed with you..
And Aoki Ma’am, grow tf up? Ik this is yaoi and women characters in mangas, specially in the BL genre are horrendous but good lord this left a terrible after taste..such a cute thing got ruined by that last chapter :( but its just my opinion ofc (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
I can’t say the extras are inherently bad...it’s just that it feels unnecessary? specifically given the fact that this is supposed to be fluffy romantic shonen ai, so even if the extras are smuts, it should’ve starred the two main couples instead of this three way mess. I quite like polys and don’t mind mindless 3p but...it’s just unexpected from this story ig. Anyway I’ll just pretend this wasn’t canon lol