Translator here. Just in case, I do appreciate the effort the person who uploaded Ch 3 on here did. I don't mind if it's removed or it stays here, nor am I angry. Just that there were some mistranslations that omits a whole lot of the relationship between the two, and their thoughts/opinions/personalities. I'm just creating this post in case some people didn't understand some scenes in CH 3. We've uploaded our version on MD, so feel free to just read there or somewhere else if ever. Here are some of what I believe are the important scenes:
-Gyuwon feels guilty fantasizing about him because he's adding onto infringing on Hwayoung's privacy
-The cute scene where Hwayoung asks if he chose to stay single, Gyuwon says no, and Hwayoung replies with a laugh: Should I try applying for it too? (being his lover)
-Hwayoung acting all friendly and nonchalant when he gets inside the car by saying "All Hail Fridays!"
-Gyuwon saying he'll only follow Hwayoung (which alludes to their future D/s relationship) and probably turned Hwayoung on a whole lot lol

Hey guys, we been sniped and the sniper already finished this, so we're not too bummed about it cause that means we can continue working on the other webtoons and manga we had planned. Sadly, the other group didn't include it, but this is the author's first work so PLEASE SUPPORT HER SO SHE CAN MAKE A LIVING AS A WEBTOON ARTIST AND GIVE US MORE OF BEEFY UKE AND PRETTY SEME (She said on twitter she wanted to do more).
Raws: bomtoon . com /comic/ep_list/MoonL_yum
Author's Twitter: twitter . com/CHADA_01
Tutorial on how to get adult verification so you can buy the raws: https://blislaifu.wordpress.com/2020/08/21/getting-adult-verification-on-bomtoon-and-ridibooks/

I prefer keeping out of the limelight cause I like enjoying my time working on BL, but seeing how you guys are really simping for this and how I’ve found my fellow big tiddy uke lover brethrens:
-Raws: www. bomtoon. com/ comic/ep_list/MoonL_yum
-How to get adult verification on Bomtoon: blislaifu. wordpress. com/ 2020/08/21/getting-adult-verification-on-bomtoon-and-ridibooks/
-Please support artist by buying and also following on Twitter: twitter. com/ CHADA_01?s=21
-For help on Bomtoon, just ask me.
-Updates will be every two weeks.
-And lastly, if you guys love big tiddy ukes, you should all read Double Life of the Demon King. The webtoon is really nice, and I translate the novel version on the Wordpress link I added above.
I mainly do big tiddy ukes and I’ve already got a mounts of novels, manga and webtoons I wanna translate so look out for those in the future.
(My previous comment got deleted so here we go again)
DO NOT HARASS OR BE MEAN TO TRANSLATORS, EVEN IF THEIR QUALITY ISN'T TO YOUR LIKING. Be kind with your words, this isn't a call to harass translators. We have no definite way of knowing who actually puts in effort, and who doesn't. If you don't like the quality that a translator gives, QUIETLY drop it, and live and let go. There are many BLs out there you could be wasting your time on instead of ruining someone's day. And if you want to try giving good critique (worded nicely and kindly, pointing out flaws, strengths and what can be done to improve) to the translator, do it nicely. If you wanna convince others to read what you believe is better quality, do so nicely as well, and don't force them if they say no. There are people behind the profile pictures you see, and we all have feelings. Do so with that in mind, no harrassing!!!
With that said, to add to the rant, I don't mind those that pick up works that haven't been updated in months or that were never picked up. Or those that clearly are trying to improve (which becomes more evident with each passing chapter). Please encourage these people to improve as positively and as best you guys can. If they improve, our community benefits. As long as translators and scanlators try to improve, no need to be mean. We all start off being shit at something, right? Encourage them to improve, always.