What honestly pisses me off is everyone fighting about sexualizing and not sexualizing these highschool boys. For all we know they could be 17 already or sum not just fifteen. Everyone's titled to their own opinions so fighting about it isn't going to do anything. I get that they are minors but there are different ages of legal sex consent. It's not the same everywhere. Plus teenagers are hornee fudgers that can control themselves sometimes. When I was in highschool, people were already having sex like wild animals so it's honestly a normal thing. Yet, being a dick about your opinions isn't going to change others' so just learn when to stfu and when to keep to yourself so y'all don't create shit on one of the best Manhwa walls, okay? Thank you for listening


Nope that is just Minjae and Hyeongjo from "If you hate me so" another of Fargo's webcomics which came before this one. Actually Hyesung and Dojin are based off of Hyesung and Dojin from that comic. There is a crossover side story in a future chapter (don't think it's cannon just the author having fun with her two comics)

OKAY GUYSS!!!! PLEASE READ!! Unfortunately I believe Pluto (the english translator) Might have stopped updating 'Dear Door' on Mangago. I do know that they have been updating the official english chapters on a legal sight in order to earn some money. If you would like to find the now updating official english 'Dear Door' You can find it on Tappytoon. The first few chapters are free and the rest are 3 tokens each, which you can buy a handful of them for $4-5 :) Hopefully I am wrong and Pluto does continue updating on here once he catches up 'Dear Door' on Tappytoon ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Okay I get everyone is hating on Seungho but as soon as he finds out what happened and gets even the slightest development to where he is all loving and clingy on Nakyum, y'all will be back rooting for him. I'm so sick of the people in the comments who are indecisive as hell. Like I get that Seungho shouldn't have raped Nakyum, and that its not right, but it's FICTION and Seungho practically had gotten his heart broken thinking Nakyum ran away after him confessing to him. He DOESN'T know that Nakyum was kidnapped and Nakyum can't tell him at the time being, because his life was threatened, so please. I know everyone is entitled to their opinions, but just wait for the ending and THEN decide if it was good or not.

I understand what your saying but the ML at the moment is really toxic to the MC and even if he becomes nice in the future, I'm most likely still going to think that because a relationship built on rape is toxic. Like you said, the ML is heartbroken because he thinks the MC tried to run away but that doesn't excuse how out of pocket he is being. Imagine you reject someone and they rape you because they're heartbroken. Even if this is fiction, its just not very fun to read, you know? I think the story is goot but the ML himself is bad.

"Like I get that Seungho shouldn't have raped Nakyum, and that its not right, but it's FICTION and Seungho practically had gotten his heart broken thinking Nakyum ran away after him confessing to him." This is you excusing it because it's fiction and the ML got his heartbroken. If you didn't want to make it seem like an excuse, it should have been written better. It reads like an excuse for his behavior when you say "but" and try to make the ML look pitiful and try to gain sympathy for him.
"but just wait for the ending and THEN decide if it was good or not." This is what I was talking about when I said "I think the story is good but the ML himself is bad." I never said that you said that the ML was good, I was giving my opinion based on what you said. I think the story itself is good and the ML himself is bad.
I never put words in your mouth, I only commented based on what you've said yourself. Maybe you need to reread what you've said. :)
Everyone’s confused on how they’re swords and they’re ages. You know how people draw items as anime men on tik tok? It’s kind of like that. Their names are the names of swords and they represent certain swords with certain masters they protect. Some of the swords can be hundreds of years old, and others can be just a few years old. This is just a fan based Dojinshi from an anime called Token Ranbu. You can watch both of them on crunchyroll for free.